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[其他] 高级口译听译中的雷人答案

发表于 2012-8-16 09:14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ D* ]7 Z+ Y' m1 h7 a$ g+ J7 m
! Z- r$ g' B1 _According to a recently published medical report, pop singers have got voice problems and they really need to be more selective about where they work. They shouldn't work in smoky atmospheres and they shouldn't smoke themselves.
0 L& o* n  f  W; c% `最近发布的一份医疗报告称,流行歌手需要更多关注自己的嗓音,选择好的工作环境,不要在有烟尘的地方工作,自己更不能抽烟。
7 w# }; J5 O6 r/ h4 s! i' I& u( H8 E1 C8 w. A
有一位同学译为:流行歌手收集香烟,收集不到的话就拿烟熏自己。& n5 b8 n8 P. l4 T, o9 l2 a
7 p1 X1 K! B: S- P& c
The modern trend in dressing behavior is usually referred to as one of increased informality, but this is misleading. In reality, there is no law of formality, merely the exchange of old formalities for new.
. {; P% |4 V: }; w3 F  ?$ J时尚穿衣法则常被理解成非正式化穿着,但这个说法是错的。事实上,没有不变的关于“正式”的定义,只有新旧定义之间的更换。
  h0 U5 L- f" ]( A0 {5 ~! N0 A8 f0 z0 D4 T( T# }1 R- t
少数同学译成:火车以旧换新.....估计是把trend听成了train- I% K, [+ Y0 t* M

. M$ U0 f; c% }, X- Z9 }! S" _# DThey have donated 75 thousand dollars to a charity devoted to improving the lives of street children in the area. The money will be use to educate five thousand slum children over the next five years.
# j1 A) Y& T6 Z6 [+ d% z4 b4 D他们捐了七万五千美元给致力于改善此地区流浪儿童生活的慈善机构。这笔钱将解决五千个贫民窟孩子五年内的教育问题。
1 m6 u# j6 n. N
" n; u; P! z& y7 x) C9 K  c4 }$ l一位同学将 street children翻译为“性取向正常的孩子”,这应该是将street听成了straight

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