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[笔译高级] 笔译高级辅导:《呼啸山庄》翻译(13)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:20:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Oh, how weary I grow. How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived! How I pinched and pricked myself, and rubbed my eyes, and stood up, and sat down again, and nudged Joseph to inform me if he would EVER have done. I was condemned to hear all out: finally, he reached the 'FIRST OF THE SEVENTY-FIRST.' At that crisis, a sudden inspiration descended on me; I was moved to rise and denounce Jabez Branderham as the sinner of the sin that no Christian need pardon.: ]% n1 m7 }9 @5 ]8 i2 |. e

* \& H' }  H7 }' p$ _噢,我越来越不厌烦。我转来转去,打呵欠,打瞌睡,然后醒了!我掐自己,戳自己,拽自己的耳朵,站起来,坐下,并用肘碰碰约瑟夫,让他告诉我,如果这些结束的话。我被迫听完所有的。终于,他说岛了“第七十一次的第一次.”就在这个时候,一个念头突然闪现我的脑海,我站起来,公然指责杰贝兹·布拉德汗姆是个罪人,罪名是所有基督教徒都不用忏悔的罪。" G. G) S6 \" f8 V# q2 T
  E  x) M% u! h' ]
'Sir,' I exclaimed, 'sitting here within these four walls, at one stretch, I have endured and forgiven the four hundred and ninety heads of your discourse. Seventy times seven times have I plucked up my hat and been about to depart - Seventy times seven times have you preposterously forced me to resume my seat. The four hundred and ninety-first is too much. Fellow-martyrs, have at him! Drag him down, and crush him to atoms, that the place which knows him may know him no more!'
6 j- W8 t2 @* N( O' l
. |# o, @! v! m9 I6 R" X( A“先生,”我说,“坐在这里,对着这四面墙,我一口气忍受了并原谅了您的四百九十次言论。七十个七次,我拿起我的帽子准备离开;七十个七次,你荒谬的迫使我回到座位上。兄弟姐妹们,抓住他!把他拖下来,把他揉成粉末,这样也许让他永远从这个知晓他的地方消失!”
3 ?, l+ d5 E$ _- M
9 A, |; y+ `! |% S; Z% S: i4 b'THOU ART THE MAN!' cried Jabez, after a solemn pause, leaning over his cushion. 'Seventy times seven times didst thou gapingly contort thy visage - seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul - Lo, this is human weakness: this also may be absolved! The First of the Seventy-First is come. Brethren, execute upon him the judgment written. Such honour have all His saints!'! Q. u) [, ~1 t# C; d
( b+ [$ V5 r! i/ N! z/ i
“你就是那个人!” 杰贝兹惊呼,瞬间的肃静之后,他靠在他的椅背上,“七十个七次,你夸张的扭曲你的面部,而我则是七十个七次,用我的灵魂劝告你。主啊,这就是人类的缺憾,而这也是可以解决的!第七十一个七次的第一次来了。兄弟们,给他执行写下的判决。作为主的圣徒是多么荣幸的事啊!”
" r$ Q4 O9 ^6 B6 u! \ " Z# C' T8 _) j6 E- j. K: R. B2 U& C
With that concluding word, the whole assembly,  exalting their pilgrim's staves, rushed round me in a body; and I, having no weapon to raise in self-defence, commenced grappling with Joseph, my nearest and most ferocious assailant, for his. In the confluence of the multitude, several clubs crossed; blows, aimed at me, fell on other sconces. Presently the whole chapel resounded with rappings and counter rappings: every man's hand was against his neighbour; and Branderham, unwilling to remain idle, poured forth his zeal in a shower of loud taps on the boards of the pulpit, which responded so smartly that, at last, to my unspeakable relief, they woke me. And what was it that had suggested the tremendous tumult? What had played Jabez's part in the row? Merely the branch of a fir-tree that touched my lattice as the blast wailed by, and rattled its dry cones against the panes! I listened doubtingly an instant; detected the disturber, then turned and dozed, and dreamt again: if possible, still more disagreeably than before.5 C3 Q7 X/ T+ u0 C9 R; G

) c- ^8 |) ^  F0 I: I随着他的话音落下,所有的与会者举起了他们朝圣的手杖,冲向我,把我围了起来。而我,没有防身的武器可以举起,一把抓住约瑟夫,这个离我最近,也是攻击我最猛烈的家伙,扭打在一起。在人群中,有几跟手杖架成十字,向我砸了过来,却打在了别人的头上。立即,整个小礼拜堂充满了打斗的声音。每个人的手都对准了他旁边的人,而布拉德汗姆也不愿意闲着,他在布道台上大声的放磁带,继续倾注他的热情,而这却很好的缓解了我无法演说的痛苦,最后让我醒了过来。这样的巨大的骚乱意味着什么呢?是谁扮演了杰贝兹的角色?只有当风刮过的时候,冷杉的树枝打在窗格子上,干了的松果摩擦过窗格嘎嘎直响。我警觉的听着,想要辨别出是什么弄出的声音,然后翻了个身,迷糊过去,又开始做梦了。如果可能的话,这个比上一个更难以置信。

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