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[笔译高级] 考试辅导:汉译英-西方国家不应对中国稀土政策“选择性失明”

发表于 2012-8-16 09:20:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! Q. f1 W4 l& o% |) z  China’s reorganization of its domestic rare earth industry is recently being constantly reproached by some political figures of Western countries, who criticize China’s rare earth policy is “a political bargaining chip” and “a violation of the WTO rules”. Such actions are their attempts to confuse public opinion, and coerce China, at the expense of continually damaging its environment, to provide them with substantial and inexpensive rare earth.; Y% w) u1 r. c3 ^* Z) @, P4 a
  仔细分析一下这些论调,人们可以发现一个令人惊讶的共同之处:一方面,它们都强调中国“垄断”了全球97%的稀土产量,另一方面,它们却不约而同略去了中国的稀土储量仅占全球30%、环境遭受严重破坏的现实。4 q. o- K" t0 J
  After a careful analysis of these arguments, a surprising commonalty will turn up: On one hand, they all stress China “monopolizes” 97% of global rare earth production; on the other hand, they all ignore the fact that China, whose environment is severely damaged, only occupies 30% of global rare earth reserve.
9 h  |1 S9 v* P2 b  西方政治人物这种“选择性失明”的做法,不仅曲解了中国在稀土开采、生产和贸易等领域实行有序管理的初衷,也漠视了目前全球稀土生产和消费方面存在的极端不平衡状况。
0 v9 n% F- g  c- b1 C8 c  The “alternative blindness” of Western political figures is not only a misinterpretation of China’s original intention to implement an orderly management in exploitation, production and trade of rare earth, but also a disregard of the current extreme imbalance in global production and consumption of rare earth.9 D4 ^( J3 \# u
  多方数据都表明,中国稀土资源储量与产量之间的严重失衡,已成为中国越来越难以承受之重。% b4 u9 M% p1 ]; W1 `9 Z* V0 y$ g- b
  Figures from several different sources indicates China’s grave imbalance in the reserve and production of rare earth is becoming an increasingly unbearable burden.
* E+ d/ i5 I) \3 p2 j& a  据中国商务部和中国稀土学会等官方和民间机构的统计,中国目前拥有全球30%的稀土资源,如果按人均资源量计算,已属稀土资源相对稀缺的国家,但稀土产量但却占全球的90%以上。% K% x- \: P; D( \) v; \
  According to the statistics of Ministry of Commerce, China Rare Earth Society and some nongovernmental institutions, China, though possessing 30% of global reserve, is relatively scarce per capita in rare earth, but it makes up over 90% of global production.: g; f, k$ Q, H( J
5 M9 T/ s/ V0 v  As is shown in a U.S. report named Rare Earth Elements—Global Supply Chains, in 2009, China accounts 36% of global rare earth reserve but with 97% of global production. The figures of U.S. are respectively 13% vs 0, Russia 19% vs 0 and Australia 5.4 million tons vs 0.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:20:53 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  最近,一些西方国家的政治人物对中国整顿国内稀土行业非议不断,指责中国的稀土政策是政治上“讨价还价的工具”,“违反世贸组织规定”,企图混淆视听,逼迫中国继续牺牲自己的环境,为其提供大量廉价的稀土原材料。# c( ^) k: g- k9 E9 A
  China’s reorganization of its domestic rare earth industry is recently being constantly reproached by some political figures of Western countries, who criticize China’s rare earth policy is “a political bargaining chip” and “a violation of the WTO rules”. Such actions are their attempts to confuse public opinion, and coerce China, at the expense of continually damaging its environment, to provide them with substantial and inexpensive rare earth.
, t6 Z  ^% V: j, D  仔细分析一下这些论调,人们可以发现一个令人惊讶的共同之处:一方面,它们都强调中国“垄断”了全球97%的稀土产量,另一方面,它们却不约而同略去了中国的稀土储量仅占全球30%、环境遭受严重破坏的现实。! h" Z; ^5 \2 T' N( ~  W
  After a careful analysis of these arguments, a surprising commonalty will turn up: On one hand, they all stress China “monopolizes” 97% of global rare earth production; on the other hand, they all ignore the fact that China, whose environment is severely damaged, only occupies 30% of global rare earth reserve.# i8 a6 Z, W& F  r: i; M7 P! A
  西方政治人物这种“选择性失明”的做法,不仅曲解了中国在稀土开采、生产和贸易等领域实行有序管理的初衷,也漠视了目前全球稀土生产和消费方面存在的极端不平衡状况。* F% l4 d3 d0 c% \1 R( @
  The “alternative blindness” of Western political figures is not only a misinterpretation of China’s original intention to implement an orderly management in exploitation, production and trade of rare earth, but also a disregard of the current extreme imbalance in global production and consumption of rare earth.6 O+ V* V5 q6 R0 ]( I2 b2 i
5 X9 F! F4 K5 n+ ?) b3 s& g; ~  Figures from several different sources indicates China’s grave imbalance in the reserve and production of rare earth is becoming an increasingly unbearable burden.
: _& ~9 w  Y' G& {; z% W; F. k  据中国商务部和中国稀土学会等官方和民间机构的统计,中国目前拥有全球30%的稀土资源,如果按人均资源量计算,已属稀土资源相对稀缺的国家,但稀土产量但却占全球的90%以上。1 ]5 O' r0 `  x( F
  According to the statistics of Ministry of Commerce, China Rare Earth Society and some nongovernmental institutions, China, though possessing 30% of global reserve, is relatively scarce per capita in rare earth, but it makes up over 90% of global production.1 c6 V4 i- W7 z: A  Y4 N& B
  美国一份名为《稀土元素——全球供应链条》的报告则显示,2009年,中国稀土储量占全球的36%,产量占世界的97%;美国稀土储量占世界13%,而产量为零;俄罗斯储量占世界19%,产量为零;澳大利亚储量为540万吨,产量为零。4 V1 E' H$ f) L, i+ y6 Y, Y. k4 O* e; r
  As is shown in a U.S. report named Rare Earth Elements—Global Supply Chains, in 2009, China accounts 36% of global rare earth reserve but with 97% of global production. The figures of U.S. are respectively 13% vs 0, Russia 19% vs 0 and Australia 5.4 million tons vs 0.
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