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[笔译高级] 考试辅导:汉译英-走向深化务实的中国东盟关系

发表于 2012-8-16 09:20:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  中国与东南亚国家关系源远流长,官方合作与民间交流交织,“和为贵”的文化传统贯穿中国东盟关系始终。如今,尽管东亚地区大国博弈加剧,成员国关系复杂,但中国与东盟的关系依旧深厚、稳固,并逐渐走向深化与务实。& @* Z% [: \  m9 j1 S: R# k& K
  The ties between Southeast Asian countries and China, which date back to ancient times, fall into both official cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Sino-ASEAN relations are perpetually permeated with the cultural tradition of “Harmony is the most precious”. Nowadays, despite the intensified competition between major East Asian countries and the complicated connections among its members, Sino-ASEAN relations not only remain deep and solid, but gain momentum towards profundity and pragmatism.( \/ B2 ^/ }5 ^/ l- O0 M  k& v- r! e( u
  10月 28-30日,第十三次中国与东盟领导人会议、第十三次东盟与中日韩领导人会议,及第五届东亚峰会在越南河内举行。温家宝总理在中国与东盟领导人会议上,建议中国东盟应就落实第二个五年行动计划达成共识,并提出坚持以“ 10+3”合作为主渠道推进东亚合作。% P  y7 L" k5 v6 ^! h/ h6 p
  The 13th ASEAN-China Summit, the 13th ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and South Korea) Summit and the fifth East Asia Summit were held on October 28th to 30th in Hanoi, Vietnam. On the ASEAN-China Summit, Premier Wen Jiabao recommended ASEAN and China reach consensus on the implementation of the Second Five-year Action Plan. He also proposed to push forward the cooperation among East Asian countries with “10+3”mechanism as the main channel.
0 S9 U( l/ ^  {/ w7 o* l! f  回顾十三届中国东盟峰会及中国东盟关系的发展历程,我们发现,前进中的中国东盟关系呈现三大亮点:6 p( e3 h- N. q& p
  On reflection of the 13th ASEAN-China Summit and the development process of their relations, we find three characteristics highlight the progressive Sino-ASEAN ties.& x5 ~* e) g$ f! K
  第一,官方合作走向务实,民间关系进一步深化。 国与国之间的关系至少包括两个层面,即官方间的交流与合作和民间的交流与合作。从某种意义上说,只有当普通民众从双边的官方合作中获得实惠与利益,那么国与国之间的官方合作才算富有成效。纵观中国与东盟的交往历史,我们发现中国与东盟的关系正是沿着官方与民间合作两条路径逐步继续走向深化务实。
( V. ~$ h) i0 E5 Y7 S" \  Firstly, official cooperation is increasingly pragmatic and people-to-people exchanges are further enhanced. The connections between countries consist of at least two aspects, that is, exchanges and cooperation in both official level and people-to-people sphere. To some extent, only when ordinary citizens benefit from the bilateral government-to-government cooperation, can the official ties between countries be regarded as rewarding. With a broad overview of Sino-ASEAN contacts, we find Sino-ASEAN relations witness a gradual progress towards profundity and pragmatism both officially and non-governmentally. 来自www.Examw.com7 ?9 `& ?' t! b8 B0 T
  自 1991年中国成为东盟对话伙伴以来,中国与东盟的官方合作全面务实。“全面”表现为双边关系深入政治、经济、安全各个领域。政治上,中国与东盟签署《东南亚友好合作条约》和《面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言》;经济上,达成全面经济合作框架协议,并于今年 1月1日启动了覆盖1300万平方公里,惠及19亿人口的“中国东盟自贸区”;安全领域,发表《南海各方行为宣言》和《非传统安全领域合作宣言》,与东盟携手维护地区稳定。“务实”表现为官方合作切实为解决东亚地区的困难做出贡献。如 2002至2004年,亚洲国家连遭“非典”肆虐,中国与东盟召开“中国东盟预防SARS峰会”,控制和防范疫情的传播。如今,中国又积极呼吁与东盟加强跨境动植物疫病防控合作,提高防控能力,并推动签署《中国东盟卫生合作谅解备忘录》,推进传染病防控和传统医药应用等领域合作。9 S* d2 g% n& {7 I$ |* O0 M
  Since China turned into a dialogue partner of ASEAN in 1991, official cooperation between them is gradually becoming “all-round” and “pragmatic”.
) x: }7 m' e% X( i  “All-round” is manifested in the deepening bilateral relations in the fields of politics, economy and security. In politics, Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity were signed between China and ASEAN. In economy, China-ASEAN Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation was reached, and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which covers an area of 13 million sq km and benefits a population of 1.9 billion, was launched on January 1st this year. In security, to maintain regional stability, China signed Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and the Joint Declaration on Cooperation in the Field of Non-Traditional Security Issues with ASEAN.
1 m, e- |% f3 v+ l  “Pragmatic” is demonstrated through the tangible contribution of official cooperation to solve the problems in East Asia. For example, ASEAN and China convened “Sino-ASEAN Summit on Prevention of SARS” when Asia was fraught with SARS from 2002 to 2004. Nowadays, China actively calls for the enhanced cooperation with ASEAN to strengthen cross-border cooperation on animal and plant disease prevention and control. China also facilitates the signing of a memorandum of understanding on health cooperation with ASEAN to promote disease prevention and control and the application of traditional medicine.

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