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[笔译中级] 中级笔译:十秒钟翻译训练(28)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 The girl watched delightedly at the bird's enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her / H6 G/ P3 a3 D/ m* K9 S
shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody that she had ever heard. 失去爱的方法,最快莫过于将其牢牢地抓在手心;令爱长驻的方法,最好莫过于赋予它一双翅膀 1 F. ?$ i5 j2 T. y8 s
; c& P. X. h$ S& }  melody n. 悦耳的音乐 : Q4 _6 M, u) J6 J# N' w
  答案: # |) [5 b( {" F5 E5 w. U4 J! q
  The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight, the best way to keep love is to give it wings! 4 M, v* V& I+ i) J
  本句节选自《Best Way to Keep Love》 ; V) @; O5 \; F( Q# \
( P' r1 n1 H* A! w, @: Q- b% F  从大家的答案里我发现大家在表达“抓住”这个意思时,用了不同的词 ; `- w, E5 H9 _/ k, T
6 A- A8 L" M% U9 I' N  1. grasp 抓紧,这个动作比较笼统。
) F* t9 x5 d. @" S  2. grip 紧握,比grasp更强。 8 |. O6 l6 f- ^) P9 J
  3. seize 抓紧,含有“夺过去强占”的含义。
# N3 C6 P' {5 ?4 }  4. snatch 较突然、迅速地“抢夺” % A7 _6 T7 g& c& {  @
  5. grab 匆忙,粗鲁,自认为比较有把握的动作抓某物。
6 w  U; ]1 h8 f3 r- @; D& z  6. hold on sth 握住某物

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