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[笔译中级] 2011翻译资格备考:汉译英难点解析500例(10)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第十篇 其他(Miscellaneous)
; p5 a- I0 o1 _3 S  1. 不妙 something is to pay
9 |% }  ~/ ?6 ]8 a2 _" k: i) x* |  经理感到事情有点不妙。
; I. D2 m1 u0 ]5 S  The manager had a hunch that something was to pay.
5 {4 k# w; v  @! s* _1 l8 w  1. 眼中钉 a thorn in someone’s flesh.+ v9 J9 S1 W) h7 v2 T$ O
: P) y* Y  h  l5 P  K. _& S  I wonder why I become a thorn in their flesh. I’ve never harmed them.
  ]- }4 k) _8 [, Q, l  }) k  3.馋得流口水 make someone’s mouth water
& w$ e0 e' Y) M3 X  P  X0 o8 Q  桌上的美味佳肴馋得他直流口水。
. V1 S* R- ~$ ~  The delicacies on the table make him mouth water." F! S& }7 X" t, `9 h8 _, `
  4.胡说八道 shooting from the hip
. {3 Q1 x: w3 n; a  他说我迷恋上了莉莉?这简直是胡说八道。; s6 Z3 z8 }& u6 W7 U5 O& }
  He thinks I’ve got the hots for lily? It’s shooting from the hip!
0 g' ], {8 B) E1 t  5.各奔东西 drift apart
. W# t4 [0 {) u3 E" T  毕业后我们班的同学就各奔东西了。
1 ?# ]  b+ @. Q3 d% h4 [/ R' v/ ^  After graduation my classmates drifted apart.
- D9 I5 H/ u1 I/ s  6.呕吐shoot the cat. r% ]8 k3 f3 P  W" w$ F  y6 E. _' m
  他刚吃完饭就吐了. He shoot the cat right after the meal.$ I& v9 N6 @5 B( I" O5 k# e4 @
  7.打嗝 make a belch  d. H! F/ }) d  Q0 w' d
( I& {# X3 u! p6 c; D1 ?* ]  The kid is making a belch. Give him a drink.
0 n1 Q0 d1 J# ~) }/ D  @  8.久等 cool one’s heels4 `/ A3 ~1 t+ \4 n
$ X8 G* Q3 m7 c) N( f0 r, `  I was left cooling my heels outside your home for two hours.3 T! t' k* u; q- b
  9.各有利弊 cut both ways* K3 F, E# a. B' ^
  在国营企业或合资企业工作各有利弊:在国营企业工作比较安定,但工资较少。在合资企业工作挣钱多一些,可是又不稳定。% ?7 C0 C: `$ k% V& U* |' g1 h* Z
  It cuts both ways to work in a state-run enterprise or a joint venture: the pay from a state-run enterprise is relatively lower but you feel more stable while in a joint venture you feel unassured, through the pay is relatively higher.
. w9 Q, U. O% W! Q9 |# D& i  10.吃闭门羹 to a locked door
7 F: ~6 N$ v: o; \  我昨天去他家看他,不想吃了闭门羹。. \* D' Z9 h0 q7 v9 {$ Y% Q
  I went to see him yesterday, but unfortunately I was to a locked door.. ~; B- Q7 Q" U9 I# E7 l, J3 l
  11.哪儿都找了 look high and low来自www.Examw.com
& X( s& A1 ^* ?6 G$ D: ~( }: T  我哪都找了,可还是没有找到那把钥匙。
& k# J- q- Y1 ^' A; b  \  m: Q. ]  I looked high and low for the key, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
) @  }1 g. v% K, V  12.抽筋 have a charley horse# E; R( D/ E! x$ [' _3 Y  N% N
8 a# H( |3 X0 d7 i1 P  Don’t touch me; I’ve got a charley horse on the leg.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  13.烫伤 to scald
0 B/ [+ \* ]! \1 H! u! I& S3 {, a% U  炸丸子时他把手给烫伤了,现在手上全是泡。
# v$ h  D  Z3 f  He had his hand scalded when frying meatballs and now the scalds come up in blisters all over his hand.2 }: }$ ^# e; B. D8 R
  14.被叮get stung by3 K" R7 u4 x3 W3 I* q
2 M5 |3 h$ ^2 ]; B" }  He got stung by a wasp while cutting grass and his face is swollen now.
& e6 h3 F0 d6 {* k# b9 ?6 @  15.不一会儿 in a jiffy- n% ]! D* D# t$ e9 h8 c! ?
  别离开,他们不一会就到了。5 ]8 l( A) m& W- T9 m. i
  Don’t go away. They’ll arrive in jiffy.9 z( h% Z( `6 X0 h: w
  16.碰某人一指头 lay a finger on…
/ _2 w0 v) K9 J3 N9 }  如果你再敢碰我妹妹一指头,我就杀了你。8 a6 K6 j& b% C% Z. y0 R: O
  I’ll kill you if you so much as lay a finger on my sister again.0 ~8 E. M0 z: B; x+ d4 M1 `
  17.让我 …… lemme…# G  B- T0 n5 B# d
  让我试试吧。Lemme have a try.
5 ^9 S( A# N: `% r' b- Z! g' N  (lemme 是let me音变形式。)
: ^7 R( |7 @. |. R9 {9 M  18.我不骗你 I kid you not
% t  d5 B' t; f# e8 t+ C  真的, 我不骗你。 他确实是那样说的。
/ p. V5 E, p4 q8 M5 z  Really. I kid you. He indeed said so.
5 I& e. X( @5 @  C7 _  |  19.千篇一律 be in a rut
( n6 k+ S; V3 T; e; [- u4 m) v" s  他们的生活只是老一套,不是上班,就是回家做饭或看电视。4 ~( H4 J- ~0 L0 C! c
  Their life is always in a rut. They would either go to work or do cooking and watch TV after work.
9 t2 E& M/ x+ f* e# _6 n6 n  20.经常出没于某地 haunt about a place( L# }: d# ^5 i9 k0 \
  有人向警方报告说那个嫌疑犯经常和一个戴眼镜的女孩出没于西山角下的大饭店。7 t* H2 F6 \8 ^7 s
  Some reported to the police that the suspect often haunted about the grand hotel at the foot of the western hill with a four-eyed girl.4 B8 ~& y& ?3 N  n# [# `
  21.拿手 be right up someone’s alley3 E# {5 g$ G: Y2 m0 m$ ], N
/ |  m& t+ Z: o  You may ask Lao Zhang to cook the fish, it is right up his alley.
; m9 Q: B: b+ D& N  v  22.拜倒某人脚下 worship the ground sb. treads on
! ^- B) v9 `3 @& o$ r  他的才华使得很多学者都拜倒在他脚下了
* E8 q0 J1 L/ _0 h6 V" W' _$ T  His talents have made many scholars worship the ground that he treads on.
; F2 d) k6 P! k  23.例假 that time of the month* T/ \6 S7 y9 `0 S+ @
( K) b" e$ z& ^- J8 g1 L2 j  The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work.& [  l3 n4 r! V; r' \* d
  24.坐月子 be in confinement
! ^/ C- C1 L6 h  中国有这样一个说法,女人坐月子时是不能被看望的。' z/ K' U7 D1 v! a- f5 P
  There’s a Chinese saying that goes “a woman in confinement should not be visited。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:22 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  25.闲聊 chew the rag7 T1 H6 K! W8 F( R' z
  我特别讨厌和他们那帮人在那里山南海北的闲聊。- x0 V  c0 W% d
  I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs.  X- l" @" o7 e5 a! M5 Z3 D" m7 @6 K
  26.从小看大 the child is father of the man2 {* w+ B9 p; m) B( ]. u
  从小看大,他现在不好好学习,将来也不会有什么出息。( R4 O$ t# d1 u
  The child is father of the man. From the way he loathes studied you know that he’s not the one among those that will make the mark.' G. b) H" S3 A9 G2 `4 R( `
  27.坐牢 be caged
/ P: n7 `9 M9 X: \  他因犯************罪而做了三年的牢
. R" j' r% a4 R+ K  He had been caged for three years for committing rape.
( B6 B  q! B' N2 f  28.满城风雨 be the talk of the town
8 I/ z4 F& m. ?* O7 ?  那个电影明星和市长订婚弄得满城风雨的。9 N, `3 J* t0 D# w; A
  The film star’s engagement with the mayor became the talk of the town.5 ~% ]' e) A, ^& s" n2 s
  29.零零碎碎的东西 odds and ends
2 F6 Y  V2 A7 ^- f  请你把桌上那些零零碎碎的东西都收拾起来吧。
& Z3 }1 x! C! T4 d2 s! J  Will you please tidy up all the odds and ends on the table.0 L! U- K2 O1 B8 m/ n6 p
  30.生米做成了熟饭 the die is cast
' \; ?' f2 N- p& g( R  如今生米做成了熟饭,你再反对又有什么用?
& k* P+ D& T; k% c0 r8 U! p5 R; M- P  What’s the point of standing against it? The die is already cast.
4 N7 m; E* t7 @9 g; g  r# n( n3 {+ P5 `  31.听到风声get wind of something
# s2 ]/ G* W6 D  如果他们听到风声,知道我们在搞什么,我们就很被动了。9 O& o' }8 b( \( C5 }# T2 y6 F
  If they get wind of what we are doing, we’ll then be in a very passive position.
; M# Z) J9 U5 a# F  32.苗头 a straw in the wind8 C. q+ g3 ~0 G3 `' R
  他有被晋升的苗头。- K) e8 F4 v2 q( W3 b7 R
  There’s a straw in the wind: he’ll be promoted.  C2 \# a7 ^  G  X* n! y4 ^
  33.卡壳儿get stuck# N4 E4 f# l5 `: X. v4 y
  前面的5道题他都作对了,最后一道题却卡了壳。* O- @) {' C7 K, I' l
  He got all the five questions right, but got stuck in the last one.
7 V- G7 l+ E& \  34.哪里哪里 shucks
2 l$ e0 O1 W2 ]$ N0 ~  你真是太勇敢了。 You were so brave.! F) G% Y( L( X7 E, Z* q7 y# Z
  哪里哪里,这算不了什么。 Shucks, it wasn’t anything.中华考试网
, m0 {  ]. m% ^  35.乱七八糟be at sixes and sevens& c- j. @+ u$ c, H$ D9 N/ X( }2 J
! m, w+ I0 `0 Y  Her room is always at sixes and sevens, even without room to swing a cat in.
4 c9 `6 h0 D& E* I0 T, n1 p  36.受……支配 be at the mercy of$ t6 O& H3 h# R
  如果你不想受人家支配,你就必须单干,经营你自己的一摊儿。2 k6 [. S1 H, f6 [
  If you don’t want to be at the mercy of others m you’ll have to start a business of your own.
7 P- r! }+ w) K) h# M  37.扭转局势tip the scales
% R7 H: e. c" f  起初,A队配合得不是很好并且连丢6分,,只是教练换上了6号球员以后才扭转了局势。
/ @0 O+ z% t* S+ }: Z  At the beginning, Team A did not have very good teamwork and they lost 6 scores in a run, But the coach tipped the scales by replacing someone with the Number Six player.
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