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[笔译中级] 笔译中级指导:精选练笔句子五

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Decide who you‘re going to be when everyone else is deciding what to do next. 大家都在决定下一步的时候,想想你应该和谁一起。   A whole lot of people are looking for instructions, a set of blue prints, for the seven steps to everything.- m% d1 h' S6 C! X: I( z- V. Q
' C5 \# _' _2 e  Have you looked at the self-help section of your local book store? Looks like everybody’s got some secrets and they‘re selling them for 19.95.1 [* E+ P% h; B0 P7 {2 ]
  L+ J4 H0 {7 B% c7 B# c) n  Few, however, take the time to ask, “Who am I?” or “Who do I want to be?” Figure that out, and the doing comes natural. It’s like you have an inner filter. You know what works and what mucks things up. You know what to let in and what to keep out. You know what to do and what not to do.
, J/ j  H0 V+ j! C1 N1 z2 f/ b  然而只有很少人静下来问自己,“我是谁?”或者“我想成为谁?”找到答案后,就会自然而然的去实现它。就像你有一个内置的过滤器。你会给它们分离出来,有效的和杂乱的,精华和糟粕,该做的和不该做的。
2 n# d; o5 L- A+ R. H, e" K/ ~, `  While others are looking for the secrets of success, take the time to define what success actually means to you. Achieving it will be less of a mystery.
$ q+ i& l6 B6 G" i/ R  当大家都在寻求成功的诀窍的时候,花点时间给自己定义成功于吾何意?获得成功就不会虚无缥缈。
0 S% W1 V# t$ t- A/ D/ L) c7 e  6. Seek to build relationships when everyone else is seeking to build a fortune. 大家都在创造财富的时候,建立一些关系。: ~; k5 t3 a  q' p
  If you really want to feel rich, accept all forms of payment. When it comes to happiness, studies show that beyond a certain point, money‘s just added padding.
. T. D: B- n- k) D  r3 D0 M  如果你真的只是想变得富有,只要接受各种付款就可以了。但是研究表明如果你想得到幸福,拥有财富这一点是远远不够的,钞票只是填充物。

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