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[口译中级] 口译中级辅导:考试常用句型及词汇整理(6)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  121.(汉语)对(中华民族的文化和思维)所产生的影响。3 g2 X5 y9 ^6 f" a- k
  note:还要注意一下"思维"的翻译Reference:the influence of the Chinese language on the cultural and intellectual development of the Chinese nation
* B# U- O! X- g6 T+ i' c! U  122.对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多,文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出现了。
0 J$ c3 X  l0 s1 B% x: q  note:"对于……来说","早该出现了",当指语言的使用人数时候怎么表达Reference:Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue.' `: C3 r$ t5 `
  123.受到/接受完整的中等教育note:完整的在这里怎么表达?受到接受在这里和教育搭配应该用什么词?! z- p3 o2 P/ N6 W+ G8 s( w  K
  Reference:receive a full secondary education/ j" w$ r+ q# ?. F* G
  124.显然这一现象已经影响了全民科学和文化水平的提高,与现代社会格格不入。; k- {9 S! [- d8 R' g9 i% Q8 s
  note:"现象"不一定就是phenomenon,"全民","格格不入" Reference:This fact has obviously affected the improvement of general scientific an cultural levels and is fully incompatible with a modernized society.. c) c/ `4 E$ G" X) x+ P
; r) ]# N! N+ I2 B: q0 o  note:三星句型。"在……的同时",动——>名转换。
1 }* V. S% h, a  Reference:Therefore,China's efforts to develop the economy must be accompanied by equally vigorous efforts to control the population and improve its quality.+ V& H. ^2 H1 e  {$ b' ^
2 j' \, j! i1 h1 M" c4 C& \  note:原因不一定就是reason,"重要"也不一定就是important,注意这里的特殊句型。% S+ q! ^$ h* x7 G$ k/ x
  Reference:Population increase is also a major factor behind China's relative slowness in establishing universal secondary school education.& t3 E5 Z0 H3 |' l8 a* A& o
6 z6 a. }* C+ f$ w: p5 ^  Reference:Some people hold the view that……
, N0 h; f3 ^& d$ n  F8 M9 J0 _  128.然而,更多人认为……
+ p' F; f- z% {4 n  note:"认为"的翻译种种,全扫描Reference:However,more people are of the opinion that……# f1 [, Q; ~; I1 `7 o, y: n
: {3 w: H( {+ W- j, r. ]  note:太常用的句型了,不会是失败。
! c2 }( G. T- p+ q; k/ Z  Reference:Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a bridge linking Hong Kong and mainland.
7 C6 R7 P0 S' \6 F  130.借助……的优势Reference:make use of the advantages of……
. y: [1 l3 {# ]  131……发展成为……
+ D: A* I2 P. d$ z( X, w  Reference:develop into……9 a  \3 @1 b& S' Z( j/ S
  132.国际商wu Reference:international commercial port
+ }' Y# @2 r4 ]6 C/ Y% C  f0 L  133.今天,我们聚会在一起,……0 v! ~; A% _+ t9 B- T5 Q; D
  Reference:Today,we meet here to ……; C* {! f; t1 W& K/ R+ V! Y4 ?
  134.广泛领域Reference:a wide range of areas
& l; H' N1 D8 h3 q9 @) V  135……反映了……
2 S. Q; d& q1 `  Reference:……reflects……1 X- R( u9 m, `' L
  136.共同愿望Reference:shared desire7 n! {3 z+ A% E9 G5 E
  137.对……产生积极影响Reference:have a positive impact on……* b4 B7 c& \4 Z# z1 H" e; O
  138.我深信……2 _5 e/ u  T/ ]/ c1 u
  Reference:I am deeply convinced that……' b6 a, u# s! P% Z
  139.携手合作Reference:work together for……6 K4 H  r. M4 }3 ?9 U/ o
  140.本着……原则Reference:in the principal of ……5 Y. R+ |5 i+ u
  141.会议的圆满结束Reference:a successful conclusion of this meeting
( f, L7 a" ]# k% Q  142.牢记以下几点Reference:keep certain points in mind7 X& j! S! [" u, b& p: L5 h8 H
  J, M4 Y, a8 o' l  l  Reference:set up……7 l0 s2 L) G4 C6 \' H( q
  144.Now,let me go on to the legal aspect of a joint venture. note:注意"aspect"翻成什么好Reference:下面我接着谈谈合资企业的法律问题
, r7 ]4 f$ _$ q) a  145……,……,都要记住这一点。  ?+ ]; ]: b* E, ?
  Reference:……with this in mind.1 R6 b* G9 d* J  L# |7 L0 M
  146.You have to understand the extent of your liability for actions of the joint venture. Reference:你必须考虑自己对该合资企业的行为承担多少责任。
$ G& L6 d6 w% K( j. _  147.关注Reference:be concerned about' X& [+ \" n. M) A5 u4 g$ f, r9 q
  148.现有市场Reference:existing market
  n2 H7 Q) ]8 O$ e  149.sales area Reference:销售区域
# h2 }! A: S" h+ @1 A% v6 c* h. L  150.We are not finished with you. Reference:我们跟你还没完呢!

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