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[口译中级] 口译中级辅导:达人必“背”中国成语英译(12)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  平分秋色- K3 h) D8 f6 D7 w, L$ S3 h8 v
  He did quite well, but I still think his is one equal terms with her.
+ j; |' K- O7 H2 o  平步青云
2 x6 }. K+ x* T9 w, c  What an amazing thing! He should make a smashing hit in a short time. (beat the top of the ladder; come to the top over night; hit the jackpot)
! c& b- b/ w/ f* Y" W& D' Z  平易近人2 V0 J* R( j8 R0 y
  He is a person easy to get along with. (be well disposed; have a taking way with one have the common touch)
% z* k3 Y0 s6 o0 b, M  未雨绸缪
" r* a# R/ p" H  Don't take everyting for granted. It's better for you to lay up against a rainy day. (prepare for a rainy day)
  K4 E- Z$ q7 B  功败垂成
$ n. v/ A. X) e) u  a slip betwixt cup and the lip:I hate to tell you that your plan is a slip betwixt cup and the lip.
1 @5 W3 A7 g7 S" }, b! W0 |- b8 _  可歌可泣
8 @6 n) |" {" \. b6 O( b$ m/ `  His sacrifice for the country set us in a melting mood.
# [( D2 o( k" j7 X, Z+ m# i  本末倒置; s+ x+ @  _- p9 _: j, O: |* B
  Don't put the cart before the horse.' P" N" q3 ]6 E7 X+ D* F& Q  g
+ l; h3 C+ k) t- f; R/ p3 D  Would you like to play with me again? No, I'd rather play second fiddle.
0 K$ l/ P* h+ B% r* M# [! S# A  甘之如饴
/ p. T1 U; Y, W, S: F6 D  gladly endure hardship# l) z- ]* u8 U
  世外桃源/ b% {0 h9 C, c1 i: b
  Switzerland is like Utopia, which I always dream of visiting. & ~* h) S3 I6 r" H7 {- O
# p$ c5 S) ]1 v- _8 i$ M: [* s  hit the jackpot:赢得大笔钱(获得最大成功); i! \6 @* U& `& e# `
  get along with:与...和睦相处,仍继续使用,应付...,在...方面进展
  a8 U+ j+ |! P  lay up:储备,暂停使用,使卧床不起
4 g4 W2 B& r( C3 S" X/ M! {  a melting mood:感伤的心情4 L- h' K- v/ A/ p- c2 w
  play second fiddle:居次要职位,做第二把手,充当副手,甘拜下风

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