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[口译中级] 英语词汇记录新中国60年成长之路(6):50年代

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Great Leap Forward
& F, z5 X" }/ X7 d3 u1 s6 }+ _  
! o, V2 o2 o; Y+ JThe Great Leap Forward was the name given to the Second Five Year Plan, though the name is now generally limited to the first three years of this period.7 y& O5 I: M7 ?, B3 W) p
# e6 P, Y% e7 D9 K4 kMao advocated that a further round of collectivisation was necessary in the Chinese countryside where the existing collectives would be merged into huge People's communes.
4 q. f9 b9 `, K" g: X: D8 W  
6 M- E8 Z: i$ rMao saw grain and steel production as the key pillars of economic development. He forecast that within 15 years of the start of the Great Leap, China's steel production would surpass that of the UK.
* d2 R4 j) E) X2 S) |  % V7 \: y- Y. G
It is now widely seen, both within China and outside, as a major economic disaster, effectively being a "Great Leap Backward" that would affect China in the years to come.
( X9 ^8 Z0 _- }+ t- a+ G1. 开国大典 founding ceremony (of a state); inauguration of a state# P8 G- Z5 {, \! z8 I3 J
2.贪官 corrupt official ,greedy officia,, [' E" L' ?" G4 H& j- w" F# d& v
【例】:A corrupt official who makes off with public money 卷款潜逃的贪官* N4 |: {6 H( Y
3.三反运动 (1951-1952) movement against three evils (corruption, waste and bureaucracy)
1 b( \+ g' V  S) u# [: t  C【例】 For example, the movement against the three evils, the movement against the five evils, the suppression of the counter-revolutionaries and the agrarian reform are shock movements. For another example, now it is our shock work to check floods.6 M0 A) s: x1 a
& J8 y& X! Y/ A: s' ^" c【例】Their misdeeds are more serious than the crimes exposed in the days of the movements against the "three evils" and the "five evils".# e. p! `4 i& U3 Y( W( p
犯罪的严重情况,不是过去“三反”、“五反”那个时候能比的。6 w& l3 o" S; c  ?7 Q) X- v2 [* y
4.户口本 Household Register, permanent residence booklet, justification6 B% M  {, r! G1 `5 d- p/ `: H
【例】Adult is incognito now (registered permanent residence this getting on) possible, the program is more complex. Specific seek advice to police station of seat of registered permanent residence.
9 W; L$ o0 r. y: ]4 p" y
1 r8 X* X! p" w( |+ i0 ?( J6 S0 w现在成年人改名(户口本上的)可以的,程序比较复杂。具体到户口所在地派出所咨询一下。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:20 | 显示全部楼层


</p>5.五年计划 five-year plan: C/ ]: d, e% |/ l, Y( r( D# A
【例】We are working out our Sixth Five-Year Plan [1981-85] and have some tentative ideas regarding the Seventh [1986-90].
1 J! ~+ t6 ~* D2 s  t我国正在制订第六个五年计划,第七个五年计划也有了个设想。- D  n. J4 v, q9 V) y% Y
6.人民公社 people's commune8 Q% v7 b5 W% o5 h9 H6 y7 O
【例】The people's communes came into being in 1958.
8 A1 O- D; K5 [0 R人民公社诞生于一九五八年。, N$ r0 z: W% L1 Q# K
7.汉语拼音 (拼音音译)pin yin, (中文标音字母)Chinese phonetic alphabet6 g' v- s7 G$ P9 T' ]* }3 T
【例】Pinyin is efficient in teaching the Chinese language and those who are familiar with it will be able to use pinyinised dictionaries to pick up new Chinese characters and terms.3 W+ E5 Q  u. L! M& Z
汉语拼音是学习华文的有效工具,学会汉语拼音,人们便能够从附有汉语拼音的字典中学习更多的生字和词汇。5 N$ a" `, M! q
8.求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences; put aside minor differences so as to seek common ground; seek common ground among us, while keeping our differences; seek common ground on (major questions) while reserving differences on (minor points); seek common ground on major issues while leaving aside minor differences.
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