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[口译初级] 口译中需要强记的词组(六)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 industrial structure 产业结构   the unified design between the city and the countryside 城乡一体化/ o# k5 ]$ z8 m+ B/ N2 W
  short-term conduct 短期行为
+ v4 a$ E& D/ n* g, l8 j  real estate development 房地产开发
7 N5 w1 y$ x3 S; L0 N  help and support the poor 扶贫帮困$ h) |5 b) N( N  T7 e
  public lawn 公共绿地) r9 D- ?1 l3 A7 e( F
  public utilities 公用事业
) X0 w; f( u# w, ~  convention center 会展中心) B) m5 c; t! k/ j% p4 Y
  infrastructure scale 基建规模# I& a& @' \% ^* N7 |  J
  consciousness for the best 精品意识8 A* _) O+ j; ]: ^& D
  model human settlements 精品住宅区& F- V4 R4 E# H& l/ R+ n
  enterprise revenue 企业效益
( c) D; D1 r3 W" a( [  x  civil bus ride 文明乘车
& {. B1 G# I& j9 \. I' ]2 g  Hope Project 希望工程 

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