




臥心: 91|指鹸: 0

[忝栽] 晩囂忝栽僥楼:わび・さび晩哂斤孚

窟燕噐 2012-8-16 11:39:11 | 塋照何促蚊 |堋響庁塀
. S! e" @* l& b9 l/ P% T0 `3 K  わびもさびも、晩云の四概弔鞭進、なかでも画祇や拿鞘などが朕峺す梢自の胆議廠仇を吭龍しています。I圭ともある嶽の偲組湖が功久にあり、酒待をよしとし、鯖胆を腕うという泣が慌宥しています。わびは、床かに確んで鯛ち彭いた徨を燕すもので、麼に画祇を寄撹した認旋俚が弖箔した廠仇です。さびは酢れてiみがあることを吭龍し、暗酋の拿鞘の尖覽直概悗箸気譴泙靴拭1砲蕕蓮∪墾やわずらわしい繁寂v狼から徭喇となって、徭隼と匯悶となった胆を弖箔したのです。; m9 W) X7 v& v- y
  Wabi, Sabi(Subtle taste, elegant simplicity)
( @3 {7 ~2 d/ Z3 \! g+ O  Wabi and sabi are the highest aesthetic values aimed at by traditional Japanese arts, particularly the tea ceremony and poems in seventeen syllables. The two values have at bottom common qualities such as a sense of quiet sadness at the bottom, encouragement of simplicity and rejection of gaudiness. Wabi expresses a way of being quietly clear and calm, a state mainly pursued by Sen-no-Rikyu who perfected the art of the tea ceremony. Sabi means having well-seasoned, refined simplicity, an ideal state in Basho's poems in seventeen syllables. Both men sought the beauty that is one with nature, free from worldly concerns and annoying human relations.

聞喘祇醤 訟烏

艇俶勣鞠村朔嘉辛參指愉 鞠村 | 羨軸廣過


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