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[法语词汇] 法词词汇辅导:同形异音词汇总(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 14:41:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  haler - to haul in
2 h# B6 ]; g. n8 D: v  haler - to tan
) ~' r' W$ `. o2 E7 p' H  illustre - illustrious, renowned4 k& C7 M1 V! y- n1 m( M5 p
  illustré - illustrated
  }9 X9 r7 Q1 C2 a$ {8 o. D  infecte - (fem adjective) revolting, filthy, obnoxious
- S: P$ H: K* \+ d; g- G- q2 l  infecté - infected, contaminated4 R  X( {5 J/ O% b! A3 {1 K
  interne (adj) internal, inner; (noun) boarder, intern1 `. H/ M( l% Y5 f5 D5 w7 i
  interné - inmate (of a mental hospital), internee (politics)/ R/ \/ ^$ b: j5 h
  jeune - (adjective) young* k9 p% N  n, l
  je?ne - fasting  K) T* f7 X6 y6 }
  juge - judge( S; F8 o* W+ u# P
  jugé - past participle of juger (to judge)
1 N+ S  i6 E6 @  la - (definite article) the; (direct object pronoun) her, it
  r5 K) ~8 X0 E4 m# K$ P1 w$ K  là - (adverb) there
1 v' e0 ~( c; e: V/ `  levé - survey; past participle of lever (to lift, raise)% A' M- \! Q& b1 d7 K# J
  lève - first and third person singular of lever (applies to many stem-changing verbs)4 F3 \# S( U0 H' `' c) |
  liquide - liquid/ m) Q1 z" ~8 @; a- V
  liquidé - past participle of liquider (to settle, pay; to liquidate, sell off; [inf] to finish off)
* z# C+ T6 }5 @" {7 S6 s& Q* u+ {" j  mais - (conjunction) but' c3 v5 ]& Z1 h1 O9 g+ D5 G
  ma?s - corn% M4 \4 _+ l8 {
  marche - walking, step, stair
) z8 M/ `. ~* h& N7 n6 F7 {  marché - market; past participle of marcher (to walk, march; to work); Y: D% r* O* H" x( E3 z( R
  masse - mass
, h/ O( s5 V4 N0 s0 J( H2 B! w' d  massé - past participle of masser (to assemble, mass, group)3 z4 t# {1 B7 ]# j
  mat - checkmate; (adjective) matte, dull
+ Z1 B+ B4 a( F; o4 F" G  mat - mast, pole
# C) b& X+ m/ p0 t7 |. P  mater - to subdue; (familiar) to ogle; to caulk; (familiar noun) mom, mum+ g: L0 B8 z) c2 S
  mater - to mast
7 m. d$ c. F; e+ a9 q' ?; \  mémé - (baby talk) granny
. b( A4 ^0 y4 W, U8 A! A; d  même - (adverb) same3 v/ N3 W# H. m4 C5 ?! G- A4 P, q* G* A
  meuble - piece of furniture! I; U# ?2 m& T6 j
  meublé - (adjective) furnished
% c  h1 P1 q# w  modelé - contours, relief; past participle of modeler (to model, shape, style, mold)6 R3 M1 r8 B! }0 Y# P" m# A
  modèle - model, design
# M0 E$ B- V& j6 X5 J  mur - wall
. `  x6 L, u# e5 Y  m?r - (adjective) ripe

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