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[法语词汇] 2012年商业词汇法英对照5

发表于 2012-8-16 14:41:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  F; F: N7 f+ I) e$ V4 Q. I  les modernisations
# z( |- w( W5 V" Y2 ?  to rebuild
9 v' O3 Z/ g+ h% E: K* I- `  reconstruire
1 o- D, R& f( n5 c( {* `- `# ~2 c  to revamp  l, E' K, ]6 q' S! T
  moderniser,renover3 I2 X4 o% S1 l+ x) K
  to update
! I/ y8 s2 \; _, T+ ~  moderniser
& O' q  F1 k( [3 l  a modernized facility1 z/ k2 b2 X+ z: v' w
  une installation modernisee8 _$ l& }; q6 S3 K! f
  to overtake
2 W! o+ O8 }7 c' w; N6 a  depasser1 f5 |3 B2 ~9 y  l( }
  to rationalize2 \; D" P4 q, b. v6 H5 f
3 w3 o  A6 M+ j# M; N  to streamline one’s operations/ ^8 L9 e9 C8 {# h! n0 M: |" X, H2 H
  rationaliser ses activites- u3 v# B. H! J) ]1 J# M( ]. p
  to rationalize working methods4 M! Q: S9 Y. j
  rationaliser les methodes de travail
& v3 C" f& D" r  R) ~! E* {2 n  to resist change 来源:www..co
$ }  c* V* s+ y  q  ?, a: w  m7 T* u+ W- `4 i2 q
  s’opposer au changement
* b8 J% k& q+ e3 r& s* A) e% e  to face a problem$ l% a+ x' ~7 @1 F' y% L! W
  aborder un problem de fonds+ d0 c( W9 G( D3 W( v2 i" ^
  to adjust to change time( R# w6 k6 \1 G3 E* |9 d) D- `" a
  evoluer avec son temps2 i4 C. q+ T) E6 F; |+ P
  to adjust to tougher competitive conditions1 l2 S) _/ q+ X3 _! U
  s’adapter aux conditions plus rudes de la concurrence

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