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[德语翻译] 把英文翻译成德语 8

发表于 2012-8-16 22:04:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 L9 P+ c+ K( F1 f/ \! X% w7 S7 W  x9 t  1. I have my paper and my pencil. / Is it possible?
2 M  y4 F& y; E  T( T  2. Do you (familiar sing.) have your book? /Naturally. # O" q3 J$ R% I( R+ t$ e3 P7 V
  3. The teacher (f.) needs her ballpoint pen.
* V4 e, W: z; K/ T; k. V4 z7 h  4. Who believes practice makes perfect?
) O; a7 y  k  G: J# _  5. The boy and the girl have their paper. 2 g) n' @+ m6 j
  6. Do you (formal) see the pencil? Where is it? $ \. b1 W) [2 V3 U9 g! x
  7. The blackboard is almost empty. ) s( C3 u1 b9 q  \
  8. Is his name Hans? 0 ]7 M: a; E  i0 U, y& G5 m
  9. They are sick, but they are not staying at home. ( q" H4 r, [+ D: D8 L' B
  10. Do you (fam. pl.) understand the teacher (m.)?
  I% b7 u" P9 ^0 v! `! p6 o, f  11. What do you (fam. s.) mean?

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