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[韩语词汇] 韩语词汇辅导:实用韩语(韩英)2

发表于 2012-8-17 00:58:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
51. 허리를 다쳤어요. I threw out my back.
! L7 y2 i  O( m, S4 d52. 아직 옛날 실력 안 죽었어 I've still got it. (it은 옛날 실력을 의미) : B% U2 P+ Q% a  A7 {+ r% F
53. 넌 이제 죽었어 You are dead meat! 1 I  Q5 t8 J) A1 P/ Q
54. 너 들으라고 한 소리 아냐 Don't take it personally.
8 D- D! K+ q- c* a( v" U55. 까꿍! Peekaboo! (삐까부; "삐"자에 강세: 아기들 얼를 때나 놀라게 할 때)) # ?6 S% U( k, U% T( u% f5 o& F
56. 알랑거리지마 Don't try to butter me up.
3 q7 J4 n1 j/ X2 d% o57. 배째 Sue me! 6 m) X0 g1 J( ^$ {( a# G$ G+ L" J
58. 그게 어딘데? That's better than nothing ( ^- \* H1 |+ u3 _( S
59. 머리뚜껑이 열렸다. My head is about to open , R7 i/ v$ R) V6 s
60. 그녀는 이중 성격을 가졌어 She has a multi-personality (또는 split personality) 5 X) G: n/ ?. {) C  a$ e0 Z2 e
61. 내 일에 간섭하지 않았으면 좋겠어. I hope you mind your own business
7 j  x* k$ I5 G( C62. 어디론가 멀리 훌쩍 떠나고 싶다 I just want to go somewhere far away.
, I( a9 Y7 h7 S2 a1 F+ B* {63. (나에게) 너무 심한 것 아니예요? Don't you think you are too harsh?
& ~2 @0 }$ n9 I/ I( J) g64. 그렇게까지 할 필요는 없어. You don't have to do all that " x9 N: [6 @! f+ Y9 q: }- X5 A
65. 나도 맘이 편하지는 않아. I don't feel well about it, either.
5 y! G4 S" N5 q66. 그다지 썩 내키지는 않는데.I don't feel right doing it (feel like로 바꾸면 단순한 감정) , _7 V4 U  o- B# D4 r; j/ h
67. 생각보다 '별로'인데... It's not as good as I thought (expected)
1 w) d5 H# F' }8 y! P1 ]+ m' _68. 몸살에 걸려 온몸이 쑤신다. My whole body aches. " j3 C' w0 }/ ^0 F
69. 그 사람 똥배가 나왔어. He has a big belly. 2 \2 h: J9 R" w; C. ~
70. 넌 내 밥이야 You are my food! 5 d* D8 O& Q0 C! s6 O
71. 저 사람은 인간이 왜 저래? What's wrong with him?
. _7 G6 b, U) P$ P9 r# Q& F72. 바늘로 꼭꼭 찌르는 것 같다. It feels like a needle poking me - y& _4 k+ o0 q0 g7 J0 G  i
73. 걔 원래 그런 애야 He's usually like that.   }0 _4 o- A- l+ c; ^
74. 너 삐졌니? Are you mad at me? Are you pissed off? % |. g+ X5 T% n( s0 O4 T( U9 }4 D
75. 이 싸가지 없는 녀석아 You have no respect.
4 M7 h9 p  n9 z, E76. 그는 밥만 축낸다 You are not worth feeding. " p% W( A& l& e
77. 그는 성격이 털털하고 시원시원하다. He has an easy-going and cool attitude. $ ]" u: @0 E& f3 N: t' |
78. 있는 척 좀 하지 마. Don't act like you are rich. 4 o( T! V7 v+ |
79. 사람보면 아는척 좀 해봐라. Why don't you act like you know me?
/ L5 e' h* ?9 T( m7 ~80. 쟨 정말 짜다! 어떻게 밥 한번 안사니? He's so cheap. How can he not buy lunch once? : b/ K1 G# {" H" C4 s! a/ v7 N( L
81. 너 공주병이구나.. You think you are all that? (필수 암기 구문) 8 b  e' L7 u5 u3 u
82. 저 애는 내가 찍었어. That boy is mine. He is on my list.
! Q9 H6 Z. _: l83. 쟤는 날나리야... He is a player. . d" b# R0 F" T4 @- ~
84. 그는 앞뒤가 꽉 막혔어. He is so stubborn. ; Z' c# y, ?. V6 V0 d* v) G8 J

( H8 _6 {1 G5 `: d5 p85. 내 입장이 정말 난처해. My position is very uncomfortable.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 00:58:46 | 显示全部楼层


</p>86. &#44536; &#49324;&#46988;&#51008; &#44148;&#48169;&#51648;&#44172; &#44404;&#50612; He acts like he's all that. (all that &#46608; &#45208;&#50772;&#51424;?)
& n/ D; K% m, ~) o# L0 b87. &#51172; &#49552; &#51328; &#48400; &#51480;&#50556;&#44192;&#45796; He needs a lesson.
9 f# \9 {0 s, z, L' g4 @4 f/ X88. &#51060; &#49884;&#44228; &#52280; &#49888;&#44592;&#54616;&#45796; This watch is unique
/ N% W6 ]  \1 ^4 T7 U" O/ G6 l89. &#51096;&#45212;&#52404; &#54616;&#45716; &#44152; &#50500;&#45768;&#44844;&#50752;&#49436; &#47803; &#48372;&#44192;&#44400;! I can't look at him acting like he is all that.
4 Z" k- J) |$ j" L90. &#44536;&#45376;&#45716; &#47560;&#51020;&#51012; &#51096; &#51452;&#51648; &#50506;&#44256; &#53909;&#44200;. She's playing hard to get * [# Y+ J5 i% U
91. &#44536;&#45716; &#46244;&#47196; &#54840;&#48149;&#50472; &#44624;&#45796;. He does something in people's back
3 |! g- z2 W) k, ?- K3 g0 k% @9 C92. &#50556;~~. &#49888;&#45212;&#45796;... Yeah! This is fun! ' O0 g5 }$ n7 T
93. &#45460;&#46188; &#44536;&#45285; &#44536;&#47084;&#45796;&#44032; &#47568;&#44192;&#51648; &#47952; Leave him alone. He'll stop it eventually. , y; W, C2 u% j+ W# h
94. &#51060; &#49689;&#51228; &#51221;&#47568; &#51676;&#51613;&#45212;&#45796; This homework is very tedious
6 j8 d( H$ Y8 \  n$ S0 Z: ?95. &#44536; &#49324;&#51652; &#45320;&#47924; &#50556;&#54616;&#45796;.. That picture is too sexy " j4 {6 S/ y2 O
96. &#45320;&#47924; &#50724;&#48148; &#54616;&#51648;&#47560; Don't go too far.
% W/ F! U3 B7 V: ^$ m97. &#51172;&#46993; &#44116;&#46993; &#44536;&#47111;&#44256; &#44536;&#47088; &#49324;&#51060;&#47000;. They are said to have a relationship " ~- ~7 ^6 Z3 J  X( ~1 W8 W; T
98. &#44120; &#45720; &#50836;&#47532;&#51312;&#47532; &#48736;&#51256;&#45208;&#44036;&#45800; &#47568;&#51060;&#50556;. He always gets away with stuff. , s5 T3 ]' c8 k" D5 ]7 v9 W. Q
99. &#44536;&#45285; &#44536;&#47111;&#45796;&#44256; &#54644;, &#47960; &#51088;&#44984; &#46384;&#51256;? Just say it, don't argue
; \6 t1 m3 R# |2 F! V: w100.&#45324; &#50780; &#47592; &#45216; &#44536; &#47784;&#50577;&#51060;&#45768;? Why are you always like that?
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