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[韩语词汇] 韩语词汇辅导:韩中法律词典

发表于 2012-8-17 00:58:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
각하(却下) rejection; 驳回,拒绝受理,不受理;否决 " z& C" t1 m! [+ W1 t
개정(開廷) hold a court开庭 ; W, V$ ]& ^- ?/ q( n0 ]
검거(檢擧) arrest 拘捕,拘留,捕拿,逮捕,缉捕,缉拿,捉拿,拘捕,拘留 1 f* {+ h5 E6 Z2 S+ v
검거(檢擧)자 person in custody 被拘留人 : K. V, S  R0 W9 D( A8 \
검찰(檢察) procuratorial work 检察 . P. a( r! l8 _0 I4 N& r- y
검찰관a prosecuting attorney 检察官 ; P) _1 Q! E& X! j
검찰청procuratorate 检察院 / P5 Q& N$ k/ h8 Q* j5 F+ x
고발complaint; denunciation告发;检举;举报;申诉;控告 6 G9 m! Q2 y. v4 l* o3 q* a
고발인 a relator 告发人,检举人,原告
$ g1 K- O$ J: t! b, f# q고발장 letter of accusation; written accusation 检举信
/ c9 o) ^  Q! h9 s고소 accuse 起诉;控诉;指控   U$ V0 k# @/ ~: u1 [; K# ]
고소인 an accuser; a complainant 原告,控诉人 ; X, u& H) P, S+ }0 F
고소장 a letter [bill] of complaint 起诉书,起诉状,控告状,控诉书;检举信,投诉信
% d. N! |9 J7 R2 J고소 취하 nol-pros 撤诉
3 z! O4 r7 }# U. O1 ~, W9 c공소(公訴) arraignment 公诉 , U% @. p; E3 y, v- s
공소보류 retained arraignment 保留公诉 ; Z" M3 c- K! L4 r' e5 d, w
공소장 bill of indictment; bill of prosecution; public indictment. 公诉书
6 s5 }1 t2 _+ K공안당국 public security organ 公安机关 & R+ v3 |$ [' @+ [0 ~7 I
공판(公判) a public trial; hold a hearing公开审判 ,公审;开庭审理 8 o# \; j, k2 s* v
구속 arrest 拘留
& H0 b! a& q/ P6 H구치소 detention center; lockup 拘留所 ( k9 Y8 S! L8 R+ k
기각 dismissal 驳回, 拒绝受理
& a) z/ p0 W% f" ]0 s/ d! D  h, ?: V) L3 u
기소(起訴) prosecution; indict-ment 起诉

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 00:58:46 | 显示全部楼层


</p>&#44592;&#49548;&#44592;&#44033; dismissal of indictment 驳回起诉 : q3 w6 n: t& W- e$ K
&#44592;&#49548;&#50976;&#50696; suspended prosecution 缓期起诉 & X/ ?. B* P; ^% j; f5 {; r5 g
&#44592;&#49548;&#51088; an indictor; a pro-secutor起诉者,原告 ( u" p0 _$ B( i2 u# u) e6 \5 {
&#44592;&#49548;&#51109; a bill of indictment; an [a written] indictment起诉书,诉状
3 f$ Z$ Q* m6 l5 c  ]% Z% P1 F9 `( C&#48169;&#49548;&#54637;&#48320; demurer, plea in abatement, mostion to dismiss 妨诉抗辩 3 l2 f4 [/ s) M0 i5 _! c$ ~- O
&#48276;&#51396;&#49688;&#49324; criminal investigation 刑事调查,刑事侦查 6 C5 X8 w4 H$ m" y5 B) ^" ^
&#48277;&#51221; court 法庭 % l. y7 T, S  d; E
&#48520;&#44396;&#49549; &#44592;&#49548; 非拘留起诉,不拘留起诉
/ K% J) ?( M5 R' T: ~$ b&#48520;&#44592;&#49548; &#52376;&#48516; a disposition not to institute a public action 不起诉处理
. `5 Q& b! w2 o5 i&#49548;&#45813;(訴答) pleading 诉辩状, 诉辩, 答辩状, 答辩
: |( W, R* A  s* X' S, V&#49548;&#54872;(召喚) summons 传唤
6 n- G; `3 f4 k5 n9 s2 x&#49548;&#54872;(召喚)&#51109; a (writ of ) summons传票 2 b" G& r( q9 {  k0 D7 o
&#49688;&#49324;(搜査) investigate 调查,追查
# y5 b4 L: `/ h7 a2 ]8 x7 O&#49688;&#49324;&#44288; investigator 调查人 ,调查员,审查人,审查员,预审员 ' H7 t- f5 K4 N' m% |
&#49900;&#47928; arraignment 传讯,提审 # m" R+ [. q% E5 ]9 e  Y% I1 i
&#50696;&#49900; prejudication 预审 % X! j. B+ I" d6 P, V* Z4 Z3 H
&#50948;&#48277;&#49457; &#51200;&#44033;&#49324;&#50976; justification bar 违法阻却事由
+ h& ?1 K, l' q: @# F* Y' v, l% r&#50976;&#50696; suspended,suspension 缓期 + y4 W1 X' Y. R
&#51200;&#44033;&#49324;&#50976;(阻却事由) bar 阻却事由,豁免事由
& N: M/ Y0 R5 d/ s& G$ B, y" ]&#51208;&#52264; procedure 程序,步骤 1 T- a1 ?* C: N5 V
&#51312;&#49436;(調書) a record; a written evidence书面证据 3 \# |5 s; v: T% f
&#51652;&#51221;&#49436; petition 陈情书,请愿书, 诉状
6 D' x  g1 `  h3 S) M7 z&#51665;&#54665;&#50976;&#50696; reprieve; respite; suspend the execution ; respite; reprieve 缓期执行 & {, z2 h, T4 a  ~- k7 Y
&#52636;&#49548;&#44592;&#44036; limitation of actions 诉讼时效
; v+ U) p( M; j' h2 W&#52712;&#54616;[取下] withdraw 撤回 4 F- Y0 K8 W. q, y' `
&#54633;&#46041;&#49688;&#49324;&#48152; joint investigationt 联合调查组
  P5 f2 U0 ^2 B$ e&#54924;&#48512;(回附) devolve on 移交,交给
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