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[葡萄牙语] 葡萄牙语阅读 :葡萄牙谚语

发表于 2012-8-18 10:43:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Quem n?o tem c?o ca?a com gato
: i* r( o5 g/ C$ D) v: C! A! d1 ???? It's used when someone doesn't have the right tool to do something
4 m% D4 W+ R& {# S, Qand he or she does it some another way. For example, if some people & W9 h. L, m" F+ ^0 ~
want to play soccer and there's no soccer ball, they try to find
6 R, @9 M5 G5 S: v2 Panother kind of ball. Probably it'll be not as good as a real ball but / C( }6 o: \- X5 ^. }
it'll work.
' q6 N* v" T9 R; Z' T/ s3>2. Quem com o ferro fere com ferro será ferido
1 y* G, H3 j4 q& @! K, ~??? If someone does bad things to another person, this situation will
- ^& y) F$ d2 J6 jbe reversed and the "bad person" will suffer the same suffering he has caused.
" L. K- y: ^3 X9 ^For example a person who forgot a friend will be for forgotten by
8 k; y) J" q* L) Uan another friend.
5 J- J! T8 ]( z3. O que os olhos n?o vêem o cora??o n?o sente.
3 a4 W4 D5 I0 v0 _, u2 [& {"What eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel."; Y0 w6 ]8 b; O* z) o- K
??? If we don't see bad things we won't suffer.7 _$ H9 s# Q; `8 }% C5 i+ |
4. Aqui se faz aqui se paga4 w7 N. g2 T/ P& Z2 A
??? A person who does good things will receive good things.
+ P# M4 ]5 q$ @8 I4 n4 NA person who does bad things will receive bad things.. G6 w$ D: T1 b" g
5. Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga./ j/ Z1 ^4 w, E5 m( a  B3 Y
"God will help you if you wake up early".
2 ?; P3 L8 T7 j5 }3 ^It means God helps who works hard.
( M* K) ]" ~; D  B& D& Y6. Casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau., t0 I/ o9 P, X) m0 {/ K
"In the house of a blacksmith, the fork is made of wood."; W: Q( A& ]' C: Q8 V
??????? It means that people who were most supposed to use the right tools
* H% N* C" D2 o, b% ioften use poor substitutes.! I3 L" B7 Z+ U! ~  \
7. Quem vê cara n?o vê cora??o; w6 |, ?8 r% I9 g
"Who sees the face doesn't see the heart."9 j8 n* R/ {  m/ d) G3 ~
Sometimes we can be misguided by the exterior appearence of someone.
3 Q) ^) O/ v& a, R8. Mais vale um pássaro na m?o que dois voando.
4 v% ~# D7 O$ Z5 A% T"One bird held in our hands values more than two birds flying."
3 q. l- W9 P* k% F3 kWe had better be on the safe side and ensure something than risk* M) C. i% N& L* w9 B+ D
everything and end up with nothing.% }$ H" N7 W+ D" {  L9 ?9 {
9. Quem semeia ventos colhe tempestades.3 o  R) T/ z( b( l& M' z
"He who seeds winds will reap storms."+ g8 }, T  H1 \+ e
The results of our actions return to us multiplied.) N% f7 ]1 Z7 H4 l& ?
10. Quem tudo quer, tudo perde." Z  n9 V' n' q
"He who wants everything, loses everything."# U0 D8 v  p# Z2 _& W- Q0 |" O+ ?
11. A mentira tem pernas curtas.
4 \8 {# Z' d/ ~: d. }# |"The lie has short legs."
8 C$ w' f% G( _1 a$ uLies are difficult to maintain because we often discover facts that reveal the lie.
% p9 p9 {2 E3 E12. água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura.
# `4 U. K& ]2 V/ J- \# @0 O"Soft water hits a hard stone so much that a hole is made in the stone.". j8 H* S& m, Z# X' D$ \
??????? It means that even the toughest people/things are overcome
3 @: t9 p& C$ b8 Hthrough hard enough insistence.
( H4 x# l0 O2 f13. Quem nunca comeu melado, quando come se lambuza.
+ [2 c; l2 C7 B, V"Someone who has never eaten syrup, will get completely & C& t7 i: r/ ?: n( q
messed up with it when he eats it.") P- i8 I. I! q3 [) G+ y
It means, when someone gets access to a good thing to which he 5 Q8 A1 @* ]7 f: n, @
never had access before, he will go for it with everything, wanting to
" y+ H. d+ U/ y9 K+ Dhave as much of it as possible - and will get all messed up.
$ j; f9 Q) f/ `, _14. Gato escaldado tem medo de água fria.9 j9 y9 l: J" \' o$ T2 p6 o
"A scalded cat is afraid of cold water."
2 Q  b, C5 n2 e: YWhen someone has had a bad experience, he'll be much 9 x, E: h' G# s1 X4 f/ J- V$ R9 u
more cautious in similar situations that may not even present risk.

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