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[考试辅导] 2011年外销员外贸英语词汇层面资料详解(二)

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 u& e3 m' J! w% `  }  K% v. T8 P  2、词类转换
& U1 Q+ {/ X5 R! `# P  The incessant demand for change characterizes our time.
1 e' \4 h- r( U2 z. t  不断地寻求变化是我们这个时代的特点。(动词转译成名词)
8 O  w8 R) f5 Y2 F  The British may have long been a nation of shopkeepers but they are coming late to the business of tourism.7 I; F# ?( Q) g4 @
  英国人做贸易有悠久的传统,但是涉足旅游业较晚。(名词转换成动词)0 X3 \; g* c( S0 P2 T; u# |) r
  We had difficulty in accepting your terms.
. q: Z# R6 y: u7 D2 @3 m  我们觉得难以接受你们的条件。(名词转换成形容词)
2 j& W1 x+ }# \' d6 `3 U  Day and night he worked hard in his laboratory.
" y8 V6 I- a/ T' R  他夜以继日地在实验室里努力地工作着。(名词转译成副词)
2 b" I) N/ {8 Y3 c+ Z6 C# K  Our great motherland has a vast territory, a varied climate and an abundance of natural resources.+ B8 A4 q$ ?4 y* h/ X! e. B/ [  Y9 V. K
  我们伟大的祖国土地辽阔,气候多样,自然资源丰富。(宾语转换为主语)8 `4 ?  m8 q1 P6 g0 S# O3 p4 P) L
  Water is needed in offices, factories and schools." h' I9 k1 `5 j( p* B
* Y. i+ W8 f; ^! W) `$ y1 _% z  This explanation is against the natural laws.
5 }7 |7 D, G2 \! l  这种解释违反自然规律。(表语转换为谓语)1 [6 N* T% B1 M  s
  Electronic computers have great importance in the production of modern industry.# y# N3 A. x% i5 z  I! g# H/ M
3 B; ~- u$ h. P6 B2 _  z1 q  It is not of much use by itself, but it has proved immensely useful in water-proofing.  d; x/ M2 t3 D( V. M, @* J
( Q; g! Z3 C8 z8 g$ @% r" O  The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man.
4 m8 c/ i4 R: V* F( r  太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响。(谓语转换为宾语); g; S  I9 X. J1 k
  Scientists have been working on this for a long time.
5 X( U5 K$ X/ Y0 s  科学家对此进行了长期的研究。(状语转换为定语)
8 k0 U) |  E2 n  Many other machines are available.
3 z, _& X0 D! L# _7 j5 C  可供使用的机器是很多的。(表语转换为定语)+ L8 G6 ~) c$ H* e4 u) u
  The modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology.8 y. a' v9 P5 p6 J+ \  `9 v8 z, D4 k

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