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[考试辅导] 2011外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(三)

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了方便大家更好的复习,参加2011年外销员考试,育路教育网特收集汇总了外销员考试外贸英语的辅导资料,希望对您有所帮助,顺利通过外销员考试!. l; _# H6 {% V# l
  s7 G5 C, S4 g" G/ V  ①The WTO brings stability and predictability to international trade/ because its rules are legally binding. ②So too are the schedules of market-access commitments in goods and services (that each WTO Member negotiates)。 These set clear ceilings on levels of protection. This encourages trade because it allows exporters to develop and grow their businesses. They have full knowledge of the terms of access and can act and invest with confidence knowing that markets (which are opened will remain open)。
9 E: y5 h+ Z: R* C) K7 l  The vast majority of international trade goes on smoothly and without dispute. ③There are, however, rare occasions when a Member may consider that one or more Members are not in compliance with their WTO commitments / and that this has negatively affected its national consumer or producers. It is then that the affected Members have the option of using the WTO‘s dispute settlement system.  O/ G% ^0 x4 L: g4 o( Q
% l, C$ C: Q1 B  世界贸易组织对国际贸易(的发展)起到了稳定作用,同时也使(人们对国际贸易发展的)预测成为可能,这是因为世贸组织规则在法律上具有约束力。同样,世贸组织成员经谈判在货物及服务贸易方面所承诺的市场准入时间表,也在法律上具有约束力。所有这些清楚地对不同层次的贸易保护起到了限制作用。由此,贸易活动得到鼓励,出口商可以开发及拓展自身的业务,因为他们对市场准入条件下如指掌,能够满怀信心地采取行动和开展投资;因为他们心中有数,知道业已开放的市场将会继续开放。
" p6 G  g- V3 n  大部分国际贸易活动进展顺利,无任何纠绘。然而在极少数情况下,某一成员国会认为其他某个或某些成员国未能履行其人世承诺,侵害了本国消费者或生产商的利益。此时,受侵害成员国可选择使用世界贸易组织的解决争端机制。
7 H" y. J/ Q5 C% B  说明:9 {6 M2 ~4 Q% k7 m; @
  (1)market-access commitments 市场准入承诺
& z; U# k3 m2 B& o7 t* h; q  (2)ceiling:此处为“最大限度,最高限额”之意。例如:price ceiling (最高价),tariff ceiling (关税最高额)。 To set (fix, put) a ceiling on sth: 对……。规定最高限度& C9 p& Z* j" a* u0 f+ f) J# @
  (3)the WTO‘s dispute settlement system 指“世界贸易组织解决争端机制”,另一英语表述是dispute settlement mechanism, 经常大写首字母。汉语译文也有“争端解决机制”的说法。

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