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[考试试题] 2011年单证员考试复习阶段练习题(12)

发表于 2012-3-14 15:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习单证员考试课程 全面的了解单证员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年单证员考试相关资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!5 }3 `( `' t) V% A: X% G
  3.( )If L/C stipulates that "third party documents are acceptable", then according to International Standard Banking Practice, the acceptable documents presented under the IMC are:  N3 y4 o& C2 b" u$ p: B/ D
  A. transport documents showing shipper as a part), other than the beneficiary1 N) d8 u' S/ x* ]% s+ ?$ n
  B. drafts issued by a party other than the beneficiary
( l' P& t2 O9 p+ s: A6 A5 \+ Q" E  C. invoices issued by party other than the beneficiary
5 l# J6 n- V8 Q1 \9 o  D. weight lists issued by a party other than the beneficiary
+ S6 x4 t3 I% X+ r/ ~1 x. \  4.( )According to UCP500 and International Standard Banking Practice, unless otherwise stipulated in the letter of credit, the documents requiring a signature am:) ~* g% D8 a) }! D
  A. certificate8 P9 n5 A3 [( b& k5 {. E/ L4 x: W, K
  B. draft
* Y0 M, x- M5 B5 Z7 N  C. cargo receipt
0 {8 d% p7 j* l' f  D. bill of lading9 Z, e( R" L: O' R! |: o, G5 A
  5.( )An letter of credit calls for presentation of an insurance certificate. If the C1P value on the invoice is USD10,000.00, the acceptable insurance documents am:0 d7 ?0 |9 E7 ]% N, b' p
  A. Insurance Policy for USD12,000.00- x5 Y; e6 N, {9 E$ \! A0 C
  B. Insurance Certificate for USD 11,000. 00; E6 h* n/ Y0 }! _
  C. Insurance Certificate for USD10,000.00/ b  j7 o: b! V0 p' `+ V
  D. lnsurance Declaration under Open Cover for USD10,000.00
6 x, O/ V+ j" o* Q% p  _& ~, i  6.( )An L/C states that shipment must be made on or about 27 June. Which of the following shipment dates would be acceptable?
& |3 v0 d; [/ o4 V2 X6 a! o, l: |  A. 20 June
- \) ?, E/ ~$ j+ I) a5 [; g) q) f) A  B. 27 June
' a8 B3 ?, j7 w: \8 l0 f) `* ]  C. 02 July1 q# @2 M8 Z: }+ n
  D. 03 July
; g- H5 i7 g4 x( }! \  7.( )According to UCP500, the correct statements are:3 Q# V0 Y  ?5 ]% z  \, x1 X
  A. Draft is not required under sight payment IMC5 X+ ?1 ~2 B- f
  B. Draft is required under acceptance L/C
: U6 p0 F3 c5 ^$ J6 @& i  C. Draft is not required under deferred payment L/C) t# z2 `: z$ a5 Y
  D. Draft may be required under sight payment L/C* h5 R* n9 k6 F# _6 d) o
  8.( )Importer ABC Co. and Exporter XYZ Co. have agreed in their sales contract to use L/C as the payment method for sales of goods shipped from Shanghai port to New York port by sea,
1 e* ]( O9 i# ^1 R- D! F  according to INCOTERMS 2030, the correct trade terms used are:
/ c0 T4 p7 _: X, |& G  Z  A. CIF Shanghai (if price terms is on CIF basis)( X/ y3 h* h) l  B3 g  n
  B. FOB Shanghai (if price terms is on FOB basis)
% [: \6 L; a1 _/ {  C. CIF New York (if price terms is on CIF basis)8 f+ e5 Z2 O0 r; ]) h
  D. FOB New York (if price terms is on FOB basis)' }( M; G2 z7 v# `5 f6 {7 X
  9.( )Which documents presented as described below do you consider complied with L/C terms and conditions?
2 I5 ~; l& `. ?' t  A. L/C calls for ‘Packing List in triplicate’, while L/C states in Additional Conditions ‘Goods to be packed in non wooden cartons’; Packing lists presented indicating ‘goods have been packed in nonwooden cartons ’- v% s/ K8 N; b" ^8 J
  B. L/C does not call for a Shipment Advice, while L/C states in Additional Conditions Beneficiary must advise shipment details to the applicant immediately after shipment‘;documents presented do not include a Shipment Advice: T* n1 Z4 y. j- k/ |, A
  C. L/C calls for ‘ Certificate of origin in duplicate issued by Chamber of Commerce, while L/C states in Additional Conditions ’ Country of origin: purely USA origin‘ ; Certificate of  Origin presented showing: ’ Country of originMexico and USA‘' B- t8 a5 S' @8 v: Z( c
  D. L/C calls for Full set of ocean B/Ls issued to order and notifying applicant marked freight prepaid‘, while L /C states in Additional Conditions ’Shipment in FCL‘; B/L presented showing ’FCL

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