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[考试辅导] 2011年报检员考试辅导:外贸英语实战(33)

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习报检员考试课程,全面的了解报检员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年报检员考试辅导材料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!!- _- \: Q/ l. d
  c/- case 箱  z8 r# ~3 r1 t
  ca. circa 大约* [( Z( N8 e5 ^4 y5 O; L7 K
  C/A cable address 电挂
( c0 K4 o8 V: I; A9 J# a  CAF cost assurance freight 成本保险加运费价: Q; l3 Y! r( p& U
  CAF currency adjustment factor 货币调整附加费9 ?$ T$ Z3 z( C2 y+ Z! s
  CAD cash against delivery 货到付款
, S4 B% c) S6 v& ?  canc. cancelled,cancellation 取消" U8 `3 j+ W" I+ ]. n
  Capt. captain 船长
6 }9 U6 y" |3 P$ u% n  i$ L# X2 i8 D  Cat. catalogue 目录
4 z9 T* J% i+ W" H: d  category 类别+ `7 h, j0 c6 k; o0 V/ @- ?
  C.C. carbon copy 复写本
, X6 z2 k6 T+ l+ A9 v  CCCN Customs Co-operative Council Nomenclature 海关合作理事会税则目录+ U5 }8 e  r$ ?
  CCIB China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商品检验局
+ d; s2 ~! o: W4 ~, E  i6 r2 O  CCIC China Commodity Inspection Corporation 中国商品检验公司
+ H8 o; P9 t9 j& ?. C& v4 k0 M  CCPIT China Council for Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会7 V! R! ^1 C2 G
  C.C.V.O combined certificate of value and origin 价值、产地联合证明书(海关发票)% r# R/ c4 p3 K
  c/f carried forward 续后页
5 \, ~5 X; g1 f) a4 j) o  C&F cost and freight 成本加运费价5 _" E9 _& e9 Q2 ?+ O/ a
  C&I cost and insurance 成本加保险价( K2 Z& Z( h( [
  CFS Container Freight Station 集装箱货物集散战. R, m6 r3 m9 s" t1 |$ p+ {2 b
  cft. cubic feet 立方尺: Z0 }7 [& A% p+ L: P
  ch. cheque 支票
$ e7 i/ I* a5 H  Q4 s  chg charge 费用  G( C# R+ {' h, D# g! ]4 Z% S. ]
  Cia Compania 公司(西班牙)
! P+ g8 _3 k/ A$ ~! J  Cie Compagnie 公司(法国)% n( }  w$ P$ u% C- z' C% p% J
  C/I certificate of inspection 检验证书, b. b8 S) i) b6 _
  certificate of insurance 保险证明书
' Q* v' X3 ~% n, b' @8 d' K2 a  CIC China Insurance Clause 中国保险条款4 t/ q# w/ R& k8 W4 O9 C4 l8 ]
  CIF cost,insurance,freight 成本、保险加运费价6 T) b# ~/ f2 }" [' q. C  f# _( @
  CIFC cost,insurance ,freight,commission 成本保险运费加佣金价1 H0 T5 y9 s4 Z' y0 Y. Z
  C.I.O. cash in order 订货时付款
8 R8 U7 Z. U$ l. T  CIP freight of carriage&insurance paid to 运费保险费付至……价% N; \; i6 D% ]! d! b
  CISS Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme 进口商品全面监督计划
6 m4 s: u6 ~" |" \1 \  ck. check 支票
3 F7 e+ l" {/ p6 s, ?4 X  CL container load 集装箱装载. J+ _" S) q- N; [4 z/ C! [  |
  CLP container load plan 集装箱装箱单
- U+ ?1 }. ?3 X" y. C( A' s  cm centimetre 公分、厘米" N& k7 b1 d) d
  C.M.T cutting,making and trimming 裁剪、缝制、整烫(整理)
! E3 [: n# b# s9 j. J. W) r$ |  C/N credit note 贷项账单
( }- w" O' {  K  W. M& k( E; ]  CNY Chinese Yuan 中国元
9 \4 {( N5 w# U6 U. q, E* i  W9 `! M# m7 _  Co. Company 公司
5 k- y& i  h( e& ~  P7 K$ v  C/O certificate of origin 产地证书" V5 ?; U. L! d% E% N! h
  care of 转交. A9 k9 l* Q: ?+ P! ?3 E3 U
  cash order 本票
+ D% R7 [+ n1 {7 K' L  comm. commission 佣金
. e8 s2 m' v: w) ^  Cont. contract 合同
! J" O9 @/ [* `7 h  contd. continued 继续、未完4 s6 w4 |! H4 H$ E
  Co-op co-operative 合作经营,合作社" }& v& y5 g! R& ]. O) p# S8 S
  Corp Corporation 公司
5 L# ]2 s% B0 w  COSCO China Ocean Shipping Company 中国远洋运输公司
/ p* V) A+ U  ^$ N0 F3 b" T  C/P charter party 租船方& h; z0 G4 v% h) A. I
  c.q.d customary quick despatch 习惯快速装卸2 A, {5 H# `2 ]! C
  Cr. credit 货方& O& Y- f# L0 P6 I9 T1 f7 P( Y" C) P
  C/R cargo receipt 货物承运收据; \( y) v! \8 k% j0 _- @4 }) U. v
  crt. crate 板条箱
9 j' f3 L/ u0 z% `  c/s cases 箱
$ t: a& r" }1 a9 u  CTA communicate to all address 分送电' E1 n3 p8 {8 [* x+ X
  C.T.B/L combined transport bill of lading 联合运输提单
/ u5 ?4 }+ k' p7 d  C.T.D combined transport documents 联合运输单据' }! u# }% @  v( O8 W3 I. e
  C.T.L constructive total loss 推定全损+ q$ s( p1 J) b$ q+ m3 t: o9 @
  ctn. carton 纸箱9 t0 M+ H) W9 o% t9 v
  C.T.O combined transport operator 多式联运经营人* r8 B1 U1 ~$ \, _& k
  cu. cubic 立方& _2 L& C- I8 n; T: o2 J
  cur. currency 币制
: j! I, Y: @. Y! @- P9 [. ^  U  C.V.C. Chief value of cotton 主要成分是棉制
& \) m; k5 W# T; E# g  C.V.S. Chief value of synthetic 主要成分是人造纤维+ `) s3 x: Y: x/ h& H' V+ P
  C.W.O. cash with order 订货时付款
) K1 B3 @% I& s; W3 m) v  CWT hundred weight 亨特威(英制100镑)4 p1 |5 w. D& L. V/ Q+ Y
  CY container yard 集装箱堆场
( k/ w2 v6 ^) L9 R8 I7 o  CY to CY container yard/container yard 集装箱场地至集装箱场地
8 L: S, ?4 N* m, i( [' Z/ K0 F  C.Z. canal zone 运河地带

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