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[国际商务师辅导] 2012年国际商务师考试英语辅导资料(2)

发表于 2012-3-17 14:54:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2012年国际商务师考试英语辅导资料(2)8 \* P2 `" c6 t  I
  g9 \- u9 P; z% C  (1) 请问是哪位?
1 R" }3 Z( C6 ~  Who‘s calling, please?/ k$ h/ b7 O" X& ^
  (2) 请问您哪位?
6 _- i2 y8 h3 b  Who‘s speaking, please?$ `6 Z, l  c  A7 f
  (3) 请教大名好吗?! f' h# `. a0 q; B8 ]& C
  May I have your name?
- ?! U' J$ k! m. L- \: U  May I ask your name?
- u$ `+ W2 Y4 k( M( F. U' o  (5) 请教您的大名。
0 f' E+ e7 C: [$ Y# s' z! F  Your name, please.( r1 t, M- c/ N! X) Y# C3 Z
  (6) 请问您是哪位?
. ]2 g4 B* I1 q; u% D  May I ask who‘s calling, please?
) y% n" U  K" V  x! k1 b6 s  (7) 请问您是谁?
9 O+ c: T$ O0 P+ K+ O: D% x  Who is this, please?( O- U4 x, e3 c) S
  (8) 请问是谁?
  N: O. h- M" Y7 L' N5 ^  Who is that calling?
7 A  x) Z! I7 _  h. U  (9) 请告诉我您是哪位?  [1 r% T5 y# C- x: b
  Who should I say is calling?
. I! B" h3 B# d' {. a  (10) 您是哪一位?
! B( i: Y( e0 S3 p; E  Who(m) am I speaking to?! E* B8 V4 ^( R7 k1 R4 t8 Z
  (11) 要我通报您是哪位吗?2 }7 Q3 f+ [, R9 x
  Could I tell him who‘s calling?3 Q8 X9 K0 s3 y) V
  (12) 请问您是何人?. v, }+ S: L) c6 ?: I) E4 o
  Who‘s that speaking, please?
% ^  j' u/ ~+ A& q2 U  (13) 请问是哪位打来的?
5 ]( y- p$ G/ |* z- X  Who‘s this calling, please?
* q3 k+ y5 D( F/ p0 D; c& ~$ [, u  第五部分、不明了对方所言时:听不懂对方的话却硬撑下去,并非明智之举,不如坦白请对方更简单明确的说明清楚。+ k4 M  {: `  J3 c; K8 R$ M
  (1) 能说得明确一点吗?1 F. ~6 S1 e$ D# r8 f
  Could you put that in more specific terms?
$ {3 I; a7 r7 G1 X  (2) 我无法确定你的意思。
# I- z* D: C9 |, Y2 n6 p  I‘m not sure what you mean.* J) f: @* @$ N. E8 {  q
  (3) 很抱歉。我没听懂你的话。& W, q+ ]4 ?; u5 D0 o
  I‘m sorry. I couldn’t follow you., }. y2 O7 [" y( p) V  r4 Q
  (4) 你讲得太快了。我跟不上。
/ t0 D! ^# T8 ^  You‘re talking too fast. I can’t keep up.
% p" R& @' ~+ Q9 \7 U$ n# F  (5) 请你再多解释一下好吗?1 O( ?% [4 y/ j- \7 y/ ]
  Will you explain a little bit more?5 C9 `* j8 W3 k2 T& |8 [. S
  (6) 你能说得简单一点吗?
# F0 N/ s7 \! L5 }6 ]  Could you put that more simply?
8 N2 N6 h- m2 q+ A. H7 p! S  (7) 恐怕我没听懂。能请你再说一遍吗?
8 f. m& f( @# f% B3 z# M8 u  I‘m afraid I didn’t understand that. Could you say that again, please?
1 w* B; Z, R: P. X  (8) 对不起,我没听到,请你再说一遍好吗?
8 L9 f5 c* ]# u$ i( b0 u1 [2 P; A  Excuse me, but I didn‘t hear that, would you mind repeating it, please?
& w+ r% q6 e+ P( o2 V  (9) 抱歉,我没听懂,请您拼一下好吗?) H! H1 w7 u7 K+ X! A" c; f
  Sorry, but I didn‘t catch that, would you mind spelling it, please

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