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[导游试题] 辽宁:全国导游人员资格考试(外语)试题

发表于 2012-3-18 15:37:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2009年辽宁省全国导游人员资格考试(外语)试题2 l# _% i$ S+ W( Q
    1. In ____the central committee of the Communist Party of China held a historic meeting in Beijing and decided to open the door of China to the outside world and the other. A.1979 B.1980 C.1978 D.1977 2. With only 7% of the world‘s farmland,China successfully feeds___of the world’s population A.15% B.22% C.20% D.18% 3. Mr. Green : I just want to offer you some of my personal ideas about how to manager you hotel. Hotel Manager :That‘s very kind of you.Your ideas will___us a great deal. A. healthy B. good C.benefit D.harm 4. Jack: We are leaving Chinese for home tomorrow,Do you happen to know anything about the——___at the customes?# p- Y* a1 H. m* B4 ?( }8 e
    A. regulation B. places C. benefit D.harm 5.Thank you very much for your information and advice.It will___me a lot of trouble that I might otherwise be involved in. A. offer B. reduce C.give D.save 6.This T_shirt___in three sizes and four colors. A. comes B. has C.forms D.takes 7.I hope you‘ll___an enjoyable time en route. A. make B. do C. have D. give 8.The Great Wall is divided into two sections,the east and west,with___Province as the dividing line. A. Gansu B. Liaoning C. Ningxia D.Shanxi 9.Show me your arm and let me___your blood pressure. A. look B. take C.see D.measure 10.Family life and homes are very important to the Chinese,which explain partly why ___ is a serious issue in China. A. caring B.transportation C.houseing D.cloth 11.Which does not belong to Chinese traditional festivals?
, Y: `: Q' Y8 X, i    A. Spring Festival B. labour‘s Day C.Lantern Festival D.Dragon boat 12.To commemorate ___,August 1st is celebrated as PLA Day. A. Jingangshan Uprising B. Nanjing Uprising C. Zunyi Conference D.Harvest Uprising 13.Garden Buliding is considered a chief component of Chinese culture.The Chinese garden has a long history. It first appeared in the form of a hunting preserve for emperors and nobels during the ___Dynasty. A. Xia B. Shang C.Zhou D.Qin 14.Garden of Harmonious Unity is also called___ A Summer Palace B Palace Museum C.Dingling Mausoleum D.Forbidden City 15.Buddhism is said to be founed in __in the 6th century B.C. A. India B. China C. Pakistan D.Vietnam 16.Clerk:___________?
# R" ^7 q, P0 I    Tourist: I‘m just looking right now. Thank you. A.What do you want?/ }( r0 N  q6 s3 ~# i
    B. What time is it ?
% t) F' d! \" T; e6 }    C.How time flies!9 U+ P, ^" |7 Y* f8 h. C6 v* J
    D.Have you been helped/ 17. T: Can you give me a discount?
$ i/ g  m" k; R    C:____________?* P/ Z9 M0 c5 l3 j4 z" q+ l
    A. Perhaps. B.Just a moment. C.I‘ll have to consult my boss. D.Let me have a look. 18.C:What__of Kodak films would you like to buy?3 D: d$ Z5 Y" p2 K+ t7 B
    T:I‘m not quite sure. A. kind B. name C.color D. place 19.T:Is bargaining a common practice in China?/ ~" ^4 b; V: R
    C: Not in our store._________________. A. We don‘t have any cheaper one . B. We give full value to the money we receive. C.We have bargaining. D.But I can send them to your room. 20.T:I hope I’m not being ripped off. C:Ripped off ? That‘s__in our city. A. a dream B. strange C.out of the question D.out of question
$ t' P0 J8 E, I4 ]/ P    多项选择4 ]3 {$ l5 ~4 t( s" ]3 Y
    1.Which following scenic spots belong to Guilin?+ E5 ~! X5 }8 A8 g. l: j4 u/ O2 H
    A.Solitary Beauty Leak B. Folded Brocade Hill C.Seven-star Cave D.Reed Flut Cave 2.Which statement are right about our minority nationlities?
( k' u) o. ^$ D' @1 H0 ]! B    A.Apart from the Han nationality,the other 55 ethnic groups constitute roughly 8.41 precent of the total population. B.Although small in size,people of various nationalities inhabit over half of the land area of the country. C. D.Befor Open of china,the social are economic development of the various nationalities was most uneven. 3.Tea categories_____ 4.There are two men-made causeway that divide west lake into three parks in Hangzhou.They are___ A.Broken Bridge B.Bai Causeway C.Su Causeway D.Lan Causeway 5.About Beijing Opera A. Beijing Opera,a major Chinese theatrical from enjoys great popularity both at home and abroa D. B. Beijing Opera is an ingenious combination of elements from many sources:未完C.Acting in Beijing Opera is not subjected to the limitatioms of time and space. D.In Beijing Opera,facial painting,which is applied to jing role only,shows the character‘s,age,profession and personality by using different colors. 6.Which ones describe the beginning of celadon in right way?
4 t+ t2 u- S# s6 k0 g- J) S% G    A.Celadon first appeared in eastern China. B. Celadon first appeared during the Western Han Dynasty. C.The name “Celadon”originated from a 17th century drama playde on the stage of Paris. D.Crackleware is a kind of celadon. 7.What is Xiao Kang?
6 A' \( N+ w3 G; x    A. Xiao Kangis Confucian in origin and an ideal society in the mind of the great sage,B. Xiao Kang isappeared first time in Taoism. C. Xiao Kang means literally moderately well-off. D.The former Party lead Jiangzemin called for building a Xiao Kang society. 8.Which ones are right following?4 O. ^, m: W% y4 Y
    A.The family planning program launchde in the early 1920s. B.The family planning program was very important in the past, but it is not very necessary recently. C.The family planning program is approved by the state Council. D.The targets have been set to keep population bellow 1.3 billion at the end of the 20th century. 9.What does a Hu tong refer in China?
, w& E: X" u& W. E5 G* N    A. Hu tong is a very special term only used in China.It‘s different from “back stree”。- J3 M: d* H% R! Q) U  @
    B. Hu tong took different names.Some were named after well-know shops or craftsman. C.Some Hu tong named after important who lived there. D.In a Hu tong people always don‘t know each other. 10.The land boundary of China exceeds 20000 kilometers in length bordering the DPRK in the east,___in the south. A.India B.Vietnam C.Laos D.Nepal E.Myanmar
, j3 a6 t' u, _; l! n  Q- y) ]% K    英汉互译 4“*53 K  F+ Q7 s1 {- x: X+ D
    1.Lijiang is lirttle touched by modern civilizations and regarded as China‘s Shangri-la as it is an equivalent to the western Paradise on Earth. 2.The Great Wall,like the Pyramids of Egypt,the Taji Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon,is one of the great wonders of the world. 3.Chinese Calligraphy began with the hieroglyphs and ,over the long ages of evolution,has developed various styles and schools. 4.许多游客涌入我们的城市,所以一定很难找到向湖水的房间了。( E9 Q3 U' e! }6 C& v" @5 @1 y+ d
    5.我们生活在一个文化和语言都很多样的世界,因此,文化交流和互助理解是构建和谐友爱的世界基础。2 \! F; |, `) F1 G8 i2 V/ I* ?
    问题 5‘*4 1.How many religion are there in China?
% J2 l0 `9 D! c( e9 p    2.What does our country state about Military Service?
4 E5 J" n/ N5 E' n5 I- k    3.For purposeof administration,How is China divided into many administrative parts?- K. {2 Q0 f* `) {8 r. n
    4.What are basic cooking techniques in China?
, Z8 M% r- }; x% `" V6 S# A    15‘*2英译汉1.How many religions in China?( A: F: P1 o) d3 y
    2.What does our country state about Military Service?
' J1 G  S8 l5 [/ `# e    3.For the purpose of administration,How is China divided into many administrative parts?
( h8 V0 Y8 o' z% ]" r3 \    4.What are basic cooking techniques in China?- ?; o' t; n2 G* T, n
    汉译英1许多游客涌入我们的城市,所以一定很难找到面向湖水的房间了。2 ^9 r( c; }* u7 ?# R, D5 u" Y

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