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[考试辅导] 2012同等学力英语语法之名词主谓一致关系

发表于 2012-7-3 12:10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在职研究生同等学力申硕英语考试是必不可少的,今天启文在职研究生招生信息网来为大家整理分享同等学力英语语法之名词主谓一致关系4 }. ^2 W. d0 J7 f  U" u2 u9 }7 z. C
主谓一致关系. c* ~& H) G$ a
英语中,主语和谓语在数、性和格上应该保持一致,但在实际应用中很容易被忽视,尤其是主语和谓语之间出现插入语,故考试中经常考到主谓一致。除了以上特殊名词谓语有特殊要求外,现将主谓一致的考点归纳如下:. J6 W  j: s5 H; V) X  X4 ?9 Y
(1) 复数原则:两个或者两个以上的名词由and连接做主语时;主语由both ...
" _% m1 T4 r9 ]8 S* L+ n" F2 Tand ... 连接时,谓语动词用复数。
. v  _/ a& p4 `# L; cBaseball and swimming are usually summer sports. 棒球和游泳通常都是夏季的运动项目。& K1 z; g2 G7 I: @: {
Both bread and butter are sold in that grocery. 那个杂货店既卖面包,也卖黄油。6 f3 x: U; r) [$ I; s
(2) 就近原则: 由 either ... or ...;neither ... nor ...;not only...but also...;...or ...;there be ...等引导的主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于最靠近动词的名词的单复数。. _' q, o' T* \" ]! b5 ]
Not only the students but also their teacher is invited to attend the party. 受邀参加晚会的不仅有学生而且有教师。; C$ T6 H: `* a' _! N/ |3 w$ {
(3) 就远原则:主语,+ as well as + 另一个主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于第一个主语的名词的单复数。6 `$ F  m! [8 e* L
My mother,as well as my two brothers,has a key to the office.
8 Z, s/ w- W/ l+ C( z' E我母亲,还有我的两个哥哥都有一把办公室的钥匙。
8 t$ ?9 p- z* `# G$ H适用于同样规定的其他结构:
: }/ N; t% A) G0 k8 A$ }" _# iwith...;together with...;along with...;including...;in addition to...;besides...;except...;as much as...;accompanied by ...;rather than...等。
5 V2 i9 f, F$ }. C1 _' ](4) 表示时间、距离、价值、量度的复数名词做主语时谓语动词用单数。
8 D) @+ L3 l5 v8 N3 ^! UOne hundred dollars is a large sum for the poor. 对于穷人来说,100美元是个不小的数目。
! @# o) V: H& jTwenty days has passed since I met her last time. 自从我上次见到她到现在已经过去二十天。( twenty days 这里不做整体看待,故谓语动词用复数)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 12:10:57 | 显示全部楼层


(5) and连接两个名词表示一个概念做主语时,谓语用单数;若表示的是多个不同的概念时,谓语动词用复数。1 Z+ c/ N7 _6 Y5 f4 a9 k1 F0 f
War and peace is a constant theme in literature. 战争与和平是文学中永恒的主题。(War and peace是一对概念,看做一个主题)) w+ O" @$ j# g/ j. A  c/ {& i- i
同例:ham and eggs火腿蛋 steam and bread馒头; r  h- ]4 A" E
law and order法制 bread and butter面包黄油
0 m% e6 E7 {2 `/ M# z) g+ N( vapple pie and ice cream苹果派冰激凌 folk and knife刀叉
* u: G$ r& g  U4 r" V; cwheel and axle 轮轴 needle and thread针线
9 |. N! G! s5 E' z0 slove and hate爱与恨 egg and rice 蛋炒饭
/ y% v9 a& ?1 l( FThe writer and translator is delivering a speech in our university tonight.(指同一个人)
% F9 P, k8 U7 r- ~* v1 T8 h0 KThe writer and the translator are delivering a speech in our university tonight.(指两个人)% K* `& N$ \" R% ]/ o
A black and a white dog are playing in the yard.(指两只狗): }' {$ I' a, s! m( G
A black and white dog is playing in the yard.( 指一只狗)& t# n4 ?3 l+ g. s( t. ^
(6) 动词不定式、动名词、名词性从句做主语时,谓语动词用单数。
' a9 H6 h4 F! k$ t! @9 ?Early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy,wealthy and wise.(指“早睡早起”一件事)% I4 L# O+ j! G- b& m. ?
To work hard is necessary 努力工作是很必要的。
- u0 c) s0 [% M4 B$ DWhat I said and did is of no concern to you. 我所说的和所做的与你无关。8 N- G/ n  P6 r% a4 x  [
Reading three classical novels and making some social investigations are assignments for the students during the holiday. 学生假期的任务是读3本古典小说和做社会调查。(注意:指不同性质的两件事,谓语用复数 )
5 M1 s: c% S: s. c* c(7) many a,more than one + 单数可数名词,尽管表示复数意义,谓语仍用单数。
5 {4 o* Q1 p1 t* wMany a student has made such a mistake. 很多学生都犯了这样的错误。
1 o1 Z  o1 N0 e. H8 qMore than one stranger agrees with me. 不止一个陌生人同意我的看法。5 H. f/ ^0 {9 K3 ]/ A, ?4 G5 m
! k" M8 y3 [8 h8 [在“more + 复数名词 + than one”结构做主语时,谓语动词用复数。2 L0 [+ ~3 j) \, b8 z3 ~, L; j
More persons than one have been involved. 卷入其中的远不止一人。6 t, `; r$ Z% X8 q4 x
(8) 由every ...and every ...;each ... and each...;no ... and no...;many a ...and many a ... 等连接的并列主语,谓语动词用单数。
  s1 f; {9 Q) r2 n+ Z% kEvery man and every woman working here is getting along well with me. 在这工作的所有人和我相处得都很好。" \  H" O* p- e2 D# C5 e
No difficulty and no hardship has discouraged him. 没有什么困难或挫折可以打败他。
- l" c/ y: |# n# }, K. e9 Q6 l(9) 由 all of,most of,half of, a lot of,part of 等加名词构成的主语,谓语动词的数取决于该名词的单复数。
$ O- T: M' z) z% U' v  K2 S6 TAll of us are going to see the game. 我们所有人都去看电影。
$ g* s, ]8 n% g2 u. o: X( UAll of his time was spent on gambling.他把所有时间都花在赌博上了。& x& q+ k3 X1 \
Three-fourths of the people are illiterate.3/4的人都是文盲。
6 N. A9 o- S. p( H/ x. e同例: plenty of...,one fourth of...,none of...,some of ...,majority of ...,... percent of ...,the rest of ...,reminder of ....5 e' z8 E; g1 X! Q3 P. K. R% K! w
(10) a number of(a total of ,an average of )+ 复数名词,谓语动词用复数。
' j% ]; e1 _- }% Cthe number of(the total of,the average of)+ 复数名词,谓语动词用单数。' X5 E7 r& {+ d
The total of dollars donated last month was 10,000 dollars. 上个月总共捐赠了1万美金。
# ~. w% N0 t1 h6 M' n同例:a / the variety of;a / the group of
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 12:10:58 | 显示全部楼层


(11) 定语从句的谓语动词注意与先行词保持一致,但注意the only one of... 的用法。
% i+ A8 }. U8 N, c7 F6 OOne of those men likes to drive fast. 这些人中有一个人喜欢开快车。
7 S; j7 E8 a! r* D1 K! |; DOne of those men who like to drive fast is her son. 这些人中喜欢开快车的那个是她的儿子。! t# f; ^& d' H3 Z9 u8 s1 {5 H
He is the only one of those men who likes to drive fast. 他是这些人中唯一喜欢开快车的。
' n+ }, H  y/ ^(12) 由some,any,no,every 构成的复合词如somebody,nothing,nobody,anything,everybody等代词做主语时,谓语动词用单数;由each,every one,no one,either,neither,another,the other做主语时,谓语动词用单数;由either,neither,each,every修饰名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:
) j1 o2 V5 ~2 b: l& d7 l* [8 @# GMore than one example is necessary to make the students understand this rule clearly. 要想使学生清楚地理解这个问题,不只需要一个事例。
& C" f" a1 Z. G# [" @# j$ n$ |Neither is satisfactory. 两个都不令人满意。: c3 |4 z1 |0 h" U/ U# E  k, N/ c
Is either of the singers reading now?两个歌手中,哪个现在正在看书?
( q" X6 V; x6 S' a2 j7 q" ~(13) the + adj / v-ed 表示一类人时,用复数谓语动词;表示抽象概念时,谓语动词用单数。
; v& ?4 I1 o  k: m, [) tThe sick have been cured and the lost have been found.
. W  y& X% x# C" u  I0 p" B' L病人得到了医治,失踪的也找回来了。
, b. l5 y8 Y0 ^; a. y6 E% V0 v同例:the poor / dumb / innocent / guilty / unemployed / aged / oppressed / exploited...
" k& P* d1 y# r- fWe can do the difficult first. The impossible takes a little longer.% B9 \( F' k6 n  ?
) M/ w) N% X: g' r! j$ L: iThe best is yet to come. 好戏还在后头。, R2 Q) }, B& K  ^; [; j
(14) a pair of + 由两部分物体构成的名词(如:shoes,scissors,glasses,jeans,pants,trousers)做主语时,谓语动词用单数。3 |: _* b7 n' C) h; |" S4 t
My new pair of pants is being altered. 我的一条短裤正在修改。/ N5 T0 _! p9 F2 X+ N  A
(15) 当主语被one (a) and a half 修饰时,谓语动词用单数。$ t+ {7 H7 u9 c' s. z6 F& n
One and a half apples is left on the plate. 盘子里还剩了一个半苹果。
- @5 @& |2 H/ p$ g* I(16) 当主语由 a series of...,a portion of ...,a species of ...,a kind of ...,a sequence of ...,a chain of...,a piece of ... 加名词(单数或复数)构成时,谓语用单数。
; G5 k7 G3 J8 C' R3 a2 sA series of lectures on psychology is said to be given by Mr. Li.( T+ N, m' I0 b
据说李先生会做一系列心理学方面的讲座。1 h5 P1 I$ s4 T& G. x/ }0 U( h6 l
A large portion of her poems was published after her death., I0 `  j# e1 {' W; ^: _9 y" o6 f( g
& J3 g9 E: s+ a7 t+ d, {推荐阅读:
/ i1 ]. _( M/ ^+ [. g' @在职研究生报考条件汇总专题& ~6 j# j  y! @) A# C
同等学力申硕报考专题$ {0 q- J$ H0 u5 M6 n
/ y; v: _+ u/ E; J同等学力申硕考试热点问题专题
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