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[考试辅导] 2012年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(四)(2)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  8. A render 给予,提供 (to)   We are ready to render them assistance.
$ m& L& x7 G9 A5 U, A& z% w& m  我们乐意援助他们。- h6 a* k% P4 m5 f
  furnish 1. 给(房间)配置(家具等);装备(with)* N: U5 m& U- N3 j% w1 J- }! ^. P+ O3 {
   How are you going to furnish the house?! p3 u  `, `6 L$ R& I5 m5 I
4 C4 k2 `& D$ {6 J% W% u  2. 供应;提供 (with / to)
' m$ ^/ a' C+ t  D1 a- p# V2 m   I'll furnish you with all you need.8 D. ^' M) H/ v  y6 f" e9 t% J# G
* x: N! Z3 u) b8 N( S2 Q4 r+ x  9. C acquaint sb. with sth.# T5 J9 ^% O& o, D
  1. 使认识,介绍
) f5 k2 o* v2 G% l. X   Philip became acquainted with Kathy.
4 `  D4 d9 e: u, C2 z  菲利浦开始与凯茜认识。2 F# ~9 Q! O) Y7 t9 ^" W
  49 Z: z5 I3 n, h4 a( [- o5 S2 ^: l
  2. 使了解,使熟悉
0 s" p, [3 P6 |- w0 t   I acquainted him with the facts of the case.
! ^& g1 @" n* r  J6 }  我让他熟悉了案情。
( o, B3 L3 e+ A) @  inform sb. of sth. 告诉…
4 ]- p" T2 j) w9 F  10. B requirement 1. 需要;必需品+ \3 Z) W1 ?8 K' ?
   Food is a requirement of life.% I3 f8 [+ D# D5 p0 s2 G, @
  食物是一项生活必需品。6 ^7 h1 N) O& @& K5 j$ `. H3 u
  2. 要求;必要条件;规定(for)
9 |* W6 I& J- H4 `" D/ J# j: B   He has filled all requirements for promotion.
! P( A5 Q/ V6 \; z2 j$ x8 Q1 `1 N  他已具备晋升的一切条件。; p3 o' Y! A, o# \4 O6 ~: v$ N
  fulfillment 1. 完成,履行;实现 (of)1 n  U: S; j3 U" I3 P4 {- e# ~
   After many years, his plans have come to fulfillment.
! n4 W8 S1 X8 ~- T& m) `  很多年之后,他的计划实现了。# F0 @/ ?: G  p; |
   the fulfillment of a promise; `* D9 i8 v$ I
  诺言的实现! B6 w* ~. G6 R+ ~1 U9 C0 p
  2. 满足(感),成就(感)4 K8 O( L% s) l& J$ L$ z* u- G
   People find fulfillment in working for a common goal.6 ?2 r1 b& W& b3 H' \( F
  人们在为一个共同目标而努力的过程中得到满足。& C/ n: x; _9 E; w! }- p' G0 P5 t
  competency 能力,胜任,称职[U]
& H: V! D1 s3 q5 l3 K1 f8 d   The young surgeon showed exceptional competence.
3 C5 z) @" O: k0 D( c  这位年轻的医生表现了非凡的能力。( v5 ?; E0 @# @" |2 q
  11. D claim 1. (根据权利)要求;认领;索取
1 F4 H* ]5 H, P1 o7 F: D" U4 A& ~   The old man claimed the land.
. a8 x! W  o# y- {: [& j  老人要求得到这块土地。
/ z# L! ~5 i5 A( R" W  2. 自称,声称;主张 [to-v] (that)
: r5 [$ s0 d% `5 b3 e   She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost.
: n% Y  E" r5 g, O' `/ O# @1 {9 h  她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。0 X, ]" t  k0 A' Y( e
   She claims to be a good pianist.
- J- d+ m) _4 i& R4 ]  她声称是位优秀的钢琴家。5 O+ \: z, j% l$ t
  3. 值得,需要
% r/ h" B5 o- ~' E6 O& Y   The trend claims our attention.
4 \& ^) ]5 ?1 T  这一趋势需要我们予以注意。' a* y/ Z; f- u3 ]! x/ w
  assessment 评价;估计[C]
6 e* Z" ^3 F6 N- v1 D4 ?& H4 C2 H   He made a careful assessment of the situation.
- B5 m7 _" n  ]+ E7 m  他对形势作了细致的评估。
6 C" s( g9 q" a" @$ v8 h0 N. d  5( h3 e# }7 @3 Z' s  O
  12. B in the event of 如果...发生7 Z& S' |9 q2 I( H4 E7 a2 W
   In the event of rain, the match will be postponed.) X+ K& m+ G& H- ?( A
  如果下雨,比赛将延期。: _& s9 [* n; M. a5 H! _" \8 j. Z
  by reason of 由于4 X; p2 [; R% G  ^
   He escaped punishment by reason of his youth., T/ x2 V% A% N) o
& W( E7 V4 \! z% _  by means of 用;以, ~6 C! W( F# ?/ a1 }! b! e
   They succeeded by means of perseverance.
. {: `7 w2 K+ q1 K  他们依靠坚忍不拔而获得成功。
: p: r6 `7 J8 N% U# x8 ?: V) a  13. D submerge 1. 把...浸入水中,淹没6 x3 W2 i% j4 i! K1 R, m
   Torrents of water rushed down the mountain and submerged the farmland.
" N. `9 h" |$ T- J8 E/ }  山洪暴发,淹没了农田。
5 v1 X7 N& b- q$ f8 _+ r  2. 湮没,覆盖. b+ o. J) A% @
   His talent was submerged by his shyness.) d7 e0 b3 Z2 R! C) l4 N
" V+ k2 G- W1 W% G& ~, ?/ f  submit 1. 使服从,使屈服 (to)! D2 \3 q: r% {4 C0 C
   We'll submit ourselves to the court's judgments.
0 M! d3 U/ s* R) K  我们将听从法庭的裁决。) q6 u6 v3 Q) \
  2. 提交,呈递 (to)3 H, ^2 y3 s& g/ K* m0 J
   He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council." a* M6 \+ Z# A; D# y, }/ o
  他将城市发展建议提交市议会。: p& X( E' W+ M6 W- j' H1 @: m
  14. B assume 1. 以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为 (that)
" v8 R. q0 h, N) N1 @   I assumed that he had gone for a stroll.
; Q# [+ `' V+ f, e1 X! A  我想他去散步了。- {* d& M/ l: c$ l) A; D
  2. 装出,假装
" C4 y3 t; [3 J' {1 N8 L8 ^4 [# u4 W) z   He assumed a look of surprise.
. L2 C" _) s0 U. h# o9 J  他装出吃惊的神色。
& V4 `' Z3 }/ R9 I) d  resume 重新开始,继续[v-ing]
; S! F) }$ D9 ?8 {   They proposed that he should resume his job as farmhand.
+ `+ ?) H9 d- B  a5 q# B, B  他们建议他应重新做农夫的工作。& y7 |0 ~( J4 x; \4 @. w$ G
  consume 1. 消耗,花费;耗尽
2 [. ~- h! Z4 p/ d9 h5 A8 f- S   She consumed most of her time in reading.8 H( z  B5 v: y8 g9 m
  她把大部分时间都花在读书上。, q, M) F! q9 K8 s+ y' ^
  2. 吃完,喝光/ n! t/ x- L% D3 q
   The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.
  u- D4 N: P( ~8 c  N  6* m( B1 \% B/ F6 q
  孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。# {- T2 I. }* l5 R! J* w2 H
  15. B survey 1. 全面考察(或研究);概括论述
' `5 I) x5 ]9 B2 x6 o% J$ P   This book surveys the events leading to the Civil War.
* Y% T/ G1 u; Z) n" \# ]$ v  这本书概述了导致南北战争的各个事件。
! j  Y4 {+ X  J  2. 调查,向...作调查0 Q! u* @# Z1 p
   In five of the villages that were surveyed, non-farm work provided one quarter of their
) H5 g* [, T9 B  income.
, }1 D( H5 V( o' j& \- I6 k* S. l  在五个被调查的村子中,非农工作为它们提供了四分之一的收入。
% r8 y; P/ Q( N5 X# ^( U- }7 j  strain (身心的)紧张状态
0 {- {; _4 t. Y: s6 @; c  16. A verify 1. 证明,证实
# F4 `6 e% d/ a. i- q( k/ |# \   Her prediction was verified.& ^# F- E; M2 \3 T" }$ p- V+ U
  她的预言得到证实。9 @' f# D3 T3 p  a" d
  2. 核对,查实;查清 [that] [wh-]
5 g) s6 J3 N% u8 ?; [, C   It was easy to verify his statements.5 z% M! d: p& V* P
  他的话很容易证实。; w8 ]6 J. Q+ a
  justify 证明...是正当的;为...辩护;是...的正当理由 [+v-ing]
6 V% R! P3 D9 T+ }' L   The editors are justified in refusing your work.
" W5 J" ]% m- D, L" ?  那些编辑有充分的理由拒绝你的作品。
" T- u: E- T" K/ s: c   How can you justify your rude behaviour?1 V- M+ T9 B% d1 O  j! R: `2 ]
  你如何解释你的粗鲁行为呢?3 [2 l) Y1 C0 ]2 K/ x! ?! o
  warrant 1. 授权;批准[U]
0 D. G' U. k2 z, e4 a   He had no warrant for his action.

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