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[英语] 考研英语语法重难点精解(6):副词(一)

发表于 2012-7-20 22:31:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  副词可修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语及整个句子。  \+ d( x( C' F6 {; J7 Y, ?6 B

3 r* e5 R' Y% ~# B/ W  例句: Andrew, my fathers younger brother, will not be at the picnic, much to the familys disappointment. (1997年第3题)
* p7 X0 T9 r# Q3 ]7 @6 \  分析: 该句是简单句,其中副词much修饰介词短语to the familys disappointment。6 u9 a4 G2 W7 v3 M0 @
  译文: 我父亲的弟弟安德鲁不会参加野餐,这令全家人非常失望。
. \1 u8 L; M, K. ]3 f' I" i& u
1 z) w7 C- ~( M: K! j" U  一、副词的分类2 ~( |& w6 l7 Z! f9 q
  1. 时间副词,如now, yesterday, today, ago, then, lately, soon, shortly, immediately, finally, recently, before, tomorrow。
  z; Q9 Y; ?) \) D9 V& V  例句: Americans today dont place a very high value on intellect. (选自2004年Text 4)3 ?' W* e$ e, `' O7 _  U) w$ O9 ~
  分析: 该句是简单句。: L& w+ ]" }* {! \* K% O4 G; M
  译文: 现在美国人不重视智力。
9 |$ _! C1 d7 @4 o
' |6 R) f) ~% T  2. 地点副词,如here, there, above, below, downstairs, upstairs, home, somewhere, everywhere, elsewhere, down, up, anywhere等。2 }' d  L7 }" n: N; f7 f
  例句: Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses convention, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors. (选自2002年Text 1)& t0 A& ^+ u+ Z3 @! |3 u5 M
  分析: 该句是复合句,两个which引导的定语从句分别修饰an example和a story,前一个 which引导的定语从句为非限制性定语从句,起补充说明作用。
' b. K" h9 K' u7 x( Q  r+ B! Z' m  译文: 比如说,在一次护士大会上,我听到了一个能很好地发挥幽默效果的故事,因为所有的听众都对医生持有相同的看法。/ I4 z" b; q) f
& K" d. O9 D- R' \! s
  3. 程度副词,如fairly, rather, very, almost, too, quite, enough, so, much。
' M" j$ L9 N# i  例句: She had clearly no intention of doing any work, although she was very well paid.(1997年第34题)) n! B2 h" u2 ^5 L1 Z4 c4 z0 o
  分析: 该句是复合句,although后面跟的是让步状语从句。" [! x+ H4 U; l1 `
  译文: 虽然付给她的报酬丰厚,但她无意去工作。
% A) N1 f8 P; e* D2 \0 l" `
3 C0 t6 F4 f- W) A( M  4. 频率副词,如sometimes, often, usually, always, frequently, constantly, rarely, seldom, never, occasionally。
0 t8 M: v0 u! v0 E3 N+ L! q  例句: In addition, the designer must usually select furniture or design builtin furniture, according to the functions that need to be served.5 Y6 l0 Y! a: `8 e
  分析: 该句是简单句,其中builtin意为“内嵌式的”。在方式状语中,that need to be served为定语从句,修饰the functions。
% C9 Q8 E( i3 ]4 t. N+ h  译文: 此外,根据需要满足的功能,设计者通常必须选择家具或设计内嵌式家具。
& l0 m3 x" s$ F
! C. ?. J# |8 a9 w4 i0 Z  5.方式副词,表示动作发生或进行的方式,如quickly,fast,slowly,suddenly,carefully, well, properly, roughly, angrily, rudely。
: D& O9 `- G: _2 c6 d1 G  M  例句: You would be shocked if the inside of your bedroom were suddenly changed to look like the inside of a restaurant./ `) a$ w% J# i+ x5 o) t# z# a
  分析: 该句是复合句,if引导的从句表示与现在相反的虚拟语气。
6 |2 E; o" W5 `/ t" J  译文: 如果你的卧室内部突然变得和饭店内部一样,你可能会大吃一惊。
- p  z8 l! e& M/ c; V2 U! B. c% d/ q2 R- y! ]* K. m: R
  6.疑问副词,如when, where, how, why, who。
8 x4 ]: C0 ~, b  _; |  例句: So where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time? (选自2002年Text 3)! r% h, Z0 \+ d# l5 ]4 p
  分析: 该句是特殊疑问句。动词warn的ing形式作headlines的后置定语,表示一种主动关系。1 ?3 I* X1 }' N! p* ~9 H* B
  译文: 那么这次警告人们经济萧条到来的头版新闻又在哪儿呢?% D+ D1 e0 [4 g9 j

, R$ V* |" }& @  7.关系副词,如when,where,why。3 ?5 }7 ^! d" u
  例句: Yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms today could recreate the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the U.S., when the Standard Oil Trust was broken up.
4 X% S0 T! \$ u) E  分析: 该句是复合句,主句是it is hard to imagine...。其中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是to imagine that...to competition; that were feared nearly a century ago in the U. S.是定语从句修饰the same threats; when the Standard Oil Trust was broken up是非限制定语从句修饰a century ago。
. P* O9 ~' r: o, Z* ~# M  译文: 然而,目前几家石油公司的合并是否再次给竞争带来威胁难以预料。因为美国一个世纪前曾由于合并引发了一场竞争危机,造成了标准石油托拉斯的解体。8 U! }6 X5 H0 E4 w0 I6 v0 i) k1 D
$ Y3 a; ^% u$ ^- p+ w, A6 N
  8.连接副词,如therefore, then, however, otherwise, hence, so, moreover, yet, consequently, besides, nevertheless, when, where, why, how。. T& T& U: R9 ?7 ~/ o; I7 J5 @
例句: It is generally recognized, however, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact on the media was not immediately apparent. (选自2002年Use of English)
9 i- n' p% ^* n5 Y  F  分析: 该句是复合句,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century。 followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s作定语修饰the introduction。 although its impact on the media...是一个让步状语从句。
/ W1 A! ?2 x3 d# v; {  译文: 然而,人们普遍认为,20世纪初出现的计算机以及随后在20世纪60年代发明的集成电路尽管对传媒的影响没有立即显现出来,但却彻底改变了发展进程。
9 r! q, t% ~7 M4 G& @6 P- G
" F3 T; N. Q3 F& q$ j$ i  9.否定副词,如rarely,seldom,hardly,scarcely,never。9 [. d2 }$ C! F5 {+ {; k
  例句:The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonnaandchild image on newsstands this week. (选自2011年Text 4)
( Z" }# J: V+ P1 ~- L1 A  分析:该句是简单句。其中,分词短语showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby和 holding a cute baby分别作后置定语,修饰cover和mother。
3 _) h. k5 n3 h* g, i  译文:展现“魅力妈妈怀抱可爱宝宝”的杂志封面并非本周报摊上唯一对“圣母与圣子”形象的描述。  H/ q% i" {4 _& J( N4 l
  例句: Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients—notably, protein—to feed expanding tissues. (选自2008年Text 3)" n4 J+ G: v9 ?5 w
  分析: 该句是复合句,主干部分是Growth demands calories and nutrients to feed expanding tissues。which rarely continues beyond the age of 20是修饰主语growth的非限制性定语从句。后面的破折号起补充说明作用。
: a( C8 z8 ]! l5 m' O5 H/ j: V  译文: 20岁后很少有人再继续长高,长高需要热量和营养,特别是蛋白质,以满足身体组织生长的需求。

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