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[英语] 2013考研英语:巧用插入语,提升考研写作

发表于 2012-7-20 22:31:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  每个参加考研的考生都不希望和别人用千篇一律的词汇,写毫无特色的文章。这样的文章毫无新意,更得不了高分。插入语的运用可以帮到考生,变换句式,写出新意,得到高分。) M3 u6 ^8 t. h+ M1 d
3 f) `* D$ H" F2 x3 U6 d( Q) g
+ O0 R9 }0 p9 v9 T  Ancient men made tools of stone. For instance, they always used flint because it is easier to shape than other kinds.(未使用插入语)
  V% N8 a1 A4 B  Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because it is easier to shape than other kinds. (使用插入语)' K1 Z8 }" l' J5 n; i* s! j
4 l# G1 s$ b* S! ?; y5 r
# w: {) P' i+ L$ }  插入语可分以下几类:
* F  C" K& C2 S+ z7 b  副词插入语:frankly, especially, fortunately, indeed, however) M' C$ F" q7 m1 ^- m
  【例句】Tourism, frankly, may promote the mutual understanding among nations.
- T) g9 Y& ?# h  【译文】坦率地说,旅游可以促进国家之间的相互了解。
- I2 g7 S; [- u* W4 K  短语插入语:generally speaking, to tell the truth, in a sense, in a word, strange to say9 i) d5 Y& [7 _- s
  【例句】Parents, in a word, should never lose sight of the side-effects of computer games on their children.6 a, p/ c1 [, f2 S; w
+ z, ?8 D1 Y9 I! Q" X- [5 a9 ^3 t( j. O  短句插入语:I suppose, as I see it, I believe, what is important( L, E" t/ `$ E
  【例句】Environment, what is important, has a far-reaching influence on one’s personality.+ E1 T5 T% F' D( d- V7 F! ~
  【译文】重要的是,环境对人的性格有深远影响。7 @. h; s6 W8 b4 f% Q3 {9 P/ r
  万能插入语:rather than肯前否后,这个短语可以放在句子中的任何一个成分后面。 ; q, u1 _: }! E4 L
  【例句】It abolishes the presumption of innocence and places the citizen at the service of the state rather than the other way round.
6 |8 U  `3 j, x# f4 b6 _& }  【译文】新法废除了公民的无罪假定并且将公民置于为政府服务的地位,而非政府为公民服务。
3 v0 n) q6 L/ B- P: K- `
  e# f! a) b+ }1 ~0 D* z  一些相对特殊的插入语:在考研中有一些相对特殊的插入语具有较强的固定表达意味,例如:. E+ O( F, U9 C5 f: K: R( O% `- T
  to some extent 从一定程度上讲( ]- E! W) o$ S) D5 }& J% h3 O
  at length 终于,最后;详细地
+ e$ E* ]9 q; @" x! ]5 ?  at the mercy of 在……支配下
6 D% z: Y4 m0 }, M' ]  以后的写作训练中,考生可以有意识地运用插入语,久而久之便会发现插入语的好处。

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