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[四级词汇语法] 英语四级词汇:2011大学英语四级《分类突破词汇》(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  动词短语 专练(6)
1 [0 \0 V4 P+ d" [! O  26. Let’s not wait any longer; they might not ______ at all.
" _1 m( p. H6 m/ T) e  A) turn over B) turn onC) turn up D) turn down! D* y/ p" }, _0 F0 |: Z
  27. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not ______ close examination.
- u( _8 V. Q2 b! p: i$ [  A) put up B) stand up toC) face up to D) look up to
4 |& u  l! d8 z  28. I don’t know why he ______ in the middle of a sentence.( k! v* h0 e2 y. r; k  e4 R  W
  A) broke off B) broke throughC) broke out D) broke away
3 c; h# F/ X! \7 S4 e! Z  29. The opening paragraph could be much better, if you ______ those misleading expressions.' j7 `/ B1 W  x5 J# R) L9 n( G- J$ d
  A) leave for B) leave outC) leave off D) leave up
& W2 Q- C) `9 w$ [/ C! J0 L  30. He wish his son would stop ______ and do something useful.# z' f, m& p6 d, e% c
  A) hanging about B) hanging onC) hanging up D) hanging off% W; ]. d9 P- V' Y
- d: k& [6 M2 l: X: e  26. C
3 c$ r4 o1 ^" O" s4 t: F9 Z  咱们别再等了,他们可能根本不会来了。
/ R# S( Y1 g% W, i: d/ L  turn up ①出现,露面:She turns up late for everything. 她总是迟到。②把……开大一点:Please turn up the radio. It’s too noise outside. 外面太吵了。请把收音机的音量开大一点。 A)turn over 考虑,思量:I turned over the problem in mind all night. 我整晚都在考虑这个问题。 B) turn on 将(水,煤气等)打开,转开:turn on the water/gas;将(收音机,电视,灯等)打开 turn on the radio/TV/lights;D)turn down①减弱,降低,压低(力量,声音等):Turn that radio down at once!马上把收音机关小一点。②拒绝,不接受(请求,某人等):I have to turn down your offer. 我得拒绝你的提议。
8 l: {- l- ^& d$ U( r" O  27. B" }7 \7 T" j* v+ o+ m4 g
  尽管这些假币愚弄了许多人,它们都经不起仔细地验看。stand up (to) 经久,耐用;经受:This kind of good floor wax will stand up to continual passing to and fro. 这种优质地板蜡经得起人来回磨蹭践踏。

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