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[四级词汇语法] 大学英语四级考试:语法笔记讲义109

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 琼斯先生不会讲法语,对吗??对,他不会讲法语。; [. {9 X6 E. ^! F5 d1 H1 z& C
  Mr. Jones can’t speak French, can he? ?Yes, he can.
# j- q, s, y" U+ W8 N+ ^  R  琼斯先生不会讲法语,对吗??不,他会讲法语。2 ^5 [7 M2 @0 E6 g$ a3 s
  This is not a door, is it? -Yes, it is. It is an iron door.
% Z3 V' W! \9 G  x' C  这不是门,对吗??不,这是门。是扇铁门。
5 K& ?: I8 B7 Z, w  练习来源:$ \6 Z  O8 g: S% M5 U
  完成下列反意疑问句,并译出后面的回答。+ L' p$ y8 N" o7 R; r& g
  1)There is a dog under the tree, _____? 是的,有。
" f, ?( l) O$ _( u1 L  →isn’t there? Yes, there is.9 [5 \6 N; |' w
  2)They are laughing at me, ____? 不,没有。/ 对,是的。
, O! n: R$ U! z5 R) o: U7 @% S  →aren’t they? No, they aren’t. / Yes, they are.; u# L! Z2 m) e; P0 K& M( J* z" X
  3)We haven’t visited that college, _____? 对,还没有。
' A7 p6 S$ H  f. ^, Q  →have we? No, we haven’t.# n: L: n! W# J
  4)She wants to be a nurse, _____? 不,她不想。/是的,她想。3 u7 j: s, G0 v% r
  →doesn’t she? No, she doesn’t. /Yes, she does.0 x: |7 a3 F" |) s' ^
  5)Girls don’t smoke, ____? 是的,是这样。/ 不,抽。而且有人抽得很凶。
& G9 M! {1 x) _5 f  →do they? No, they don’t. /Yes, they do. And some are heavy smokers, s$ w' t4 Y$ N" u5 b1 ^! `
  6)We shall not have classes on Sunday, _____? 是的,不上。
8 b9 Q0 O# Y9 Z3 s/ A  →Shall we? No, we shan’t.
3 R. {4 s+ A+ v7 d* L5 }  7)You watch English videos, ____?2 }! X: w3 }- i
  不,不看。/是的,我们常看,每周三次。* Z+ F: d: b( |5 E: Z2 A
  →don’t you? No, we don’t. /Yes, we often do. We watch them three times a week.
3 ]" `5 i9 O4 X3 U( b  8)Wait outside, ____? 不,我不。/好的,可以。" g1 I9 R) }4 u; z! ]* E9 O
  →won’t you? No, I won’t. /Yes, I will.
! A. N" ?( X2 Q2 x- M  9)Don’t move, ____? 好的,我不动。/不,我要动。
, ^  J8 l' \: O: w( a) X  →will you? No, I won’t. /Yes, I will.
; a2 y& M6 y/ z3 P/ K! i) b7 S! @  10)She is not here, ____? 是的,不在。/不,她在。就坐在我后面。5 L" M8 a, R% o7 k4 I" E# N
  →is she? No, she isn’t. /Yes, she is. She is sitting just behind me.  Y3 h  D' x  k. f( H8 D. F  {
  连接词来源:( f" b# E; Y3 L# Y5 J3 m
& ]0 Z3 p3 V7 s8 Q  英语中连接词分为两大类:连词性连接词(即连词)和副词性连接词。! j0 s( }2 v8 z/ R. e+ d% X: n
6 j, q: R9 _. F2 h  连词用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句子与句子。连词不能单独作句子成分,也没有词形变化。连词分为并列连词和从属连词两种。, y/ Y0 w1 ^2 ^
+ f* S: B9 r: T  并列连词用来连接句子中担任相同成分的词、短语或分句。常见的有七个单词和四个短语:and, but, or, for(因为), nor, so, yet; both…and…, not only….but also…., either…or…., neither…nor…

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