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[四级词汇语法] 2011年12月大学英语四级语法精讲(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、谓语动词常考点:4 _6 f8 ~& ]6 j/ D6 [) M$ P
时态、语态、情态、倒装、主谓一致/ f9 [6 U( [4 F" D; H5 [3 [: Q
二、谓语动词的时态(共有16 种):- g- x. S4 t( ^8 j2 x3 N
    时间:过去、现在、将来、过将(虚拟): Q9 @& Z! }4 v  w4 h1 Y  ^
  f, m1 Q& j5 ]8 ^( ]+ E三、四级考试中主要考的三个时态:' ~6 x5 k3 [; Q' l' Q" `5 Q0 q) M
过去完成时、将来完成时、完成进行时* Q, L" B/ W- a! k1 w
1、过去完成时:到过去某个点为止所完成的动作;在过去发生了两个动作,先过去完成时后一般过去时。. x: ^% ^$ t. J
过去完成时与一般过去时常常成对出现。' S9 q1 b; E" N+ y, T# d
[P2-53]We _________ our breakfast when an old man came to the door. 4 t' A) e9 A2 z$ d
A) just have had   B) have just had   C) just had   D) had just had5 i( ^8 Y, }. H. O: v0 c
[P28-25]Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it _________ necessary for all planes to land for refueling.
0 S7 k0 `2 G9 Q' u& \7 DA) would be  B) has been   C) had been    D) would have been% z0 G) ^) F  h  z' N
注:时态题,A和D是虚拟语气,应排除。过去完成时所以选C。考试用书' m7 `3 ?6 R; }4 F  ?
A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _______ from the sort of candles used only in churches.
" H* |" l) H; T5 b$ n: O6 JA) had come       B) coming   C) come      D) that came
+ ]5 @+ }8 ?+ O# }9 T注:1. because 从句缺谓语
- _' S2 g. B: U1 n& v   2. 两个逗号中间的found on his clothes 是插入成分
. A8 E* d5 T' FWilliam Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _______ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.  A) peculiarly   B) indifferently     C) vigorously           D) inevitably- @; W" a- t: w, _
注:1. peculiarly 奇怪地     2. indifferently 冷漠地   3. inevitably 不可避免地! R( i8 ~. ?& |6 w* X5 N/ R9 B
Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up  wonderful _______ in the marker.  A) batteries     B) bargains     C) baskets         D) barrels* a$ M6 z! ?( {- R2 i
[P56-23]Not until the game had begun_______ at the sports ground.2 [# q" f( W+ U$ y% i5 |
A) had he arrived   B) would he have arrived   C) did he arrive     D) should he have arrived, ^/ D' g- X* k1 B( p
注:Not until 连词,标明从句。主句倒装,从句不倒装。  b( a8 H* G! h, u7 t! E! E
       Not until the vacation had begun did I pay tuition.
+ t/ c3 S5 K$ ^- H' L" @0 P, {2 O       Not until I had met Lily did I realize the importance of English.! v( r+ W' @4 V5 ~0 P
       Not until I had met Lily did I realize that learning English is so easy.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:11 | 显示全部楼层


: `: w+ Y  P1 J) c. U1 P               We'll have learned 3000 words by the end of this year.
1 G8 y- D' q* o; Y7 l9 n               by then 到那个时候
/ Z1 s) ]  f  C* T! X* J1 L[P8-45]By the end of this month, we surely _________ a satisfactory solution to the problem.A) have found B) will be finding C) will have found  D) are finding
- ]- c: e( ?& N: I0 W# \[P8-49]Not _________, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A) obviously  B) surprisingly  C) particularly  D) normally! f# {/ e1 m& Q" D
[P26-39]+ d* ^: o' Y9 x( S% R9 c* ?
It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory _________ by about 10%.A) will have risen   B) has risen   C) will be rising  D) has been rising. @2 y3 ?8 K  p3 Z4 c
注:rise to 上升到            rise by 上升了" b1 `6 P% C. D8 [/ a
[P54-55]Between 1974 and 1997,the number of overseas visitors expanded  ______ 27%.A) by           B) for           C) to           D) in: S! T( b3 [: |! \, l" {# i. y
[P54-54]It is our ______ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.A) consistent B) continuous  C) considerate     D) continual
/ v+ ?, `1 n8 a) F* o; \注:continuous 连续不断的  considerate 体贴的 continual 时断时续的,断断续续的
9 X* N4 l0 P& Y8 P, q[P54-56]Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ______ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes are behaviors.
0 ?, t9 y8 X- Q$ B: e8 zA) by which     B) to which      C) in that        D) so that    注:in that 因为) N# E1 ~/ ~2 m- n9 x0 Z
[P26-34]We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came _________ view.
+ L" v; A0 S! `/ M! K3 D  AA) from     B) in      C) before      D) into
- e. @* e# N( T; M* h; k) v[P25-29]Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _________ through the window.
1 Q) a  A, Q2 n9 Z9 M' C8 CA) vision   B) look   C) picture      D) view
* a! J& Y- J9 A, Z5 Y[P24-66]I have no objection _________ the evening with them.8 X8 R$ E; ~8 h- i% M9 |) O
A) to spend    B) to spending   C) of spending   D) spending( W2 s" {3 c8 ?6 p
[P43-47]My train arrives in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there _________ by then.      A) would leave   B) will have left   C) has left    D) had left" |7 F  E7 \! T& r6 j
2 b, S1 f7 z  W% u4 J1 B! @* b[P43-51]All flights _________ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.  O2 D: N* B5 l* F3 r) x/ j
A) had been canceled    B) have been canceled    C) were canceled    D) having been canceled" X: Y3 }$ C( r) y' z4 _' D2 @1 m
注:because of 介词,此句为单句,谓语动词有一个,所以选非谓语动词。独立主格
4 y7 A4 W% O5 v2 u/ f2 N; @" |[P43-53]Remember that customers don't _________ about prices in that city.1 e8 a. q1 T( y. S
A) debate       B) consult          C) dispute         D) bargain    注:1. bargain 讨价还价  2. debate 辩论,争论 3. consult 咨询4. dispute 辩论,争吵 dispute over
  [. K4 f' w! a" Y, ~0 o[P45-42]By the end of the year all but two people _________.
6 E/ ~2 R3 k6 WA) have left    B) will leave    C) will be leaving    D) will have left* g. C! t! o8 t2 A6 h) O
[P45-70]Our journey was slow because the train stopped _________ at different villages
) Q/ G! }) w" X8 N! k.A) unceasingly B) gradually    C) continuously   D) continually
- m( |1 t# x$ \注:1. journey  旅行2. unceasingly 不停地,连续不断地3. gradually 逐渐地
" k5 f! e: b* s8 R   4. continuously 连续不断地 5. continually 时断时续地,断断续续地
1 N* D* Q% M( X; O[P44-58]These two areas are similar _________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
0 K* D4 h; Q- a; L1 @& Q. cA) to that           B) besides that       C) in that        D) except that5 p& ?% S3 W0 K- \2 a$ x, _
[P66-41]By the time you get to New York, I ______ for London.  H9 E2 b: W3 S1 |
A) would be leaving   B) am leaving  C) have already left     D) shall have left8 B- t7 r, p2 _
[P63-31]By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ______ here for two days.
8 m9 B  h, j& H- \0 w6 o; SA) will have stayed   B) shall stay  C) have been staying   D) have stayed
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