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[四级词汇语法] 2011英语四级考试语法讲义:三项式排比句

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  在报上看到这句话:( W& g7 v2 b) v
  “In maintaining our accomplishments, we must instil in our young generation the importance of political stability, racial harmony, resilience in mind and spirit.”0 A% v' _1 j9 o% e7 P
9 l( O2 b3 ^7 f  这种三项式的排比句,往往是为了表达意思上的顺序先后、程度轻重、范围大小,以便逐层深入,达到良好的修辞效果。& [- [) V# L7 V! W5 _( E
  三项式排比句,例子俯拾即是,现在分类举例,供大家参考。% {+ G+ x* \' v
  ㈠ 主语,如:
* \3 k; m# B9 e: K) M/ P6 i  (1) The conceit, complacency, and ignorance of some people are beyond belief.; b4 l6 V) ~6 [: E2 n( r
  ㈡ 谓语,如:; s5 @# m9 _3 \  T" e
  (2) The investigator reached the gate, hesitated and rang the bell.2 c$ T" h# J: b& c/ }) n# @
  ㈢ 宾语,如:
/ p8 ~8 r& I' g$ y8 S  (3) We expected friends to have warmth, friendship, humanity.
; `/ _3 }/ H1 P/ [  ㈣ 形容词,如:
: C$ P0 K6 u/ w* q  (4) She was talkative, vivacious and boastful.$ @' k4 {' K- Z" N7 l6 m
  ㈤ 分词,如:0 |- k6 o4 k6 [/ k/ I0 y
  (5) The driver walked near the car, inspecting, criticising, musing deeply.3 I; r. u- e3 s5 B% e: L3 v! a
  ㈥ 不定式动词,如:
* e" d: ]- f5 w+ H# B1 g  (6) The police started to search, investigate and interrogate.; {! q3 n& u/ M$ k, s- h0 f+ ]( q
  ㈦ 介词宾语或短语,如:
0 y) k% P/ s* `6 ^) E1 O/ ?  (7) Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.
7 h5 A' X6 T: _! E8 o/ b& K  (8) Anne is a person of poor understanding, little information, and uncertain temperament.
; W$ }$ S% i, V# S* m  w  ㈧ 分句,如:
1 K0 l) R. ]$ d+ j: v( s  (9) Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.
. U$ g" o' n/ M0 ?% @$ V" J6 O  (10) The research shows that translation problems are primarily language problems, that the translator must have a good command of both languages, and that a translator weak in any language must upgrade it.
* H5 |6 c0 S  ?6 p  m  ㈨ 动名词及短语,如:
7 F5 o0 V# K, R: }% P' L6 s" e. G) y  (11) Thinking logically, speaking eloquently and writing explicitly are important elements of good communication.* X4 Y% u6 z  e5 t/ h
  (12) From my observation, many people today spend their time receiving more and more education, working more and more hours, and making more and more money.9 l3 l) s( C! L- v+ T
  最后,回到文前的引句,如果能把“resilience in mind and spirit”稍作调整,使形式更接近前两者:“political stability, racial harmony”,情况会更好,如:4 B  [' t6 _9 p
  “……political stability, racial harmony, mental resilience, and spiritual equilibrium.”* q: L, e1 S. w2 B" |* ?$ ^

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