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[四级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语四级语法指导01

发表于 2012-8-14 00:34:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
非谓语动词与独立主格:短语,句子(或者句子,短语)  0 F/ ?: ?+ _- y5 D
  当短语部分有独立主语,并且该主语不同于句子主语,这时短语结构称为独立主格。(它最明显的特点是短语部分有独立的主语)。 1 c+ T4 O7 B3 N  P
  独立主格的结构1:名词(代词)+ 分词 [现在分词、过去分词]
9 U  E  R4 D  v; A* j7 H, q% c  现在分词表示主动的,正在进行的行为;过去分词表示被动的,已经完成的行为。 作题时要通过判断动作与名词(代词)之间的关系来确定是使用现在分词还是过去分词。当动作由名词(代词)发出时使用现在分词,而名词(代词)是受动者时则用过去分词。   ~/ `( Z# C- B4 Q
  1. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _B_ it closely. : U; e( l& F: F7 |0 a/ F
  A followed B following C to follow D being followed
7 v1 B/ {1 Y8 y4 c/ z: T7 {7 D  2. All things _A_, the planned trip will have to be called off. 8 O! E5 ~! D+ y1 t& j0 w" Q
  A considered B be considered C considering D having considered
9 U4 C6 _8 Q; C* Q* N  call off 取消; cancel vt. 取消; 四级中的考点就是现在分词和过去分词的区别。 ; e- t1 B# w' m' V
  独立主格的结构2:with + 名词(代词)+ 分词 [句子当中作状语]
7 n( O" R& t% U7 ^  3. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _C_ to go to school. / _# ^/ \* M  z5 F* b
  A to be encouraged B been encouraged C being encouraged D be encouraged ; [4 q# y/ m( ~9 ~/ b
  as well as 和(相当于and); be encouraged不会考。 8 G9 ^5 ]/ Z* r! H# k" {
  动词不定式有预示将来行为的含义。to be encouraged 将要被鼓励; 7 z/ K: f( w+ U9 N* V! v
  been encouraged 已经被鼓励完了,与主句的谓语动词相对;being encouraged 正在被鼓励

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