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[四级词汇语法] 2012大学英语四级词汇记忆(权威版)02

发表于 2012-8-14 00:34:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012大学英语四级词汇记忆(权威版)02) T: c0 e& f* a' |2 @7 x
搭配关系问题;4 R4 P; Y, x4 V
  extent n. 程度; to.。。 extent 到达…程度,在…程度之上; extent 只能和to搭配。
- Y& O+ f+ ]! O  object vi. 反对; object + to + 动名词(动词的ing形式)。- m( F4 n! x6 V" x" K2 F& {1 S# J
  objection n. 反对; objection + to + 动名词(动词的ing形式)。% L, j# M2 ]) k5 e3 q
  V 形相近,意相远;" \/ R; G6 R0 C: n" E( u# ]4 P8 c
  1. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _A_ spring.* ?2 _$ s1 m7 D( x
  A late B last C latter D later  U  t3 `2 U1 v
  late adj. 晚的,晚于通常时间的; late spring 晚春、暮春; last adj. 最后的,最终的;; r* i6 Y. Z1 \1 i/ {0 p5 |) y
  later adj. 更晚的(late的比较级)、时间概念后一半的;只适用于表示某个世纪的后半期;
, l3 z% S3 r1 C' }  The later twentieth century. 二十世纪的后一半。
6 [: y3 v' t' H1 u  latter adj. (两者中)后者的; former adj. (两者中)前者的;  z9 _* T' \' M; `2 y4 I
  2. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _B_ in the market.
8 w7 M! q- y3 i9 g0 y  A batteries B bargains C baskets D barrels$ i$ ^5 G1 [+ G, B
  battery n. 电池; bargain n. 特价商品; It’s really a bargain. 你真会买东西,不是说真便宜。: _/ ?1 `; k/ E
  basket n. 篮子; barrel n. 桶; wonderful bargain 物美价廉的商品;bargain v. 讨价还价;" @! D: z$ u! g
  3. Remember that customers don’t _D_ about prices in that city.9 j) z  s% x* f3 z
  A debate B consult C dispute D bargain% {/ C: F& p$ C) P% C! m, Y; n
  4. The bridge was named _A_ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.5 n& [! a5 S( c2 `1 r! s
  A after B with C by D from5 X8 v+ x" k: I4 A' V, M
  cause 事业; be named after 以…的名字命名;
* b8 Z+ v' x( ?4 r8 e  5. There were no tickets _D_ for Friday’s performance.
: w; I  T* `# f" C; o  A preferable B considerable C possible D available
$ m. o- M2 U$ l7 j  preferable adj. 更好的,更可取的;中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
5 {9 |) q% H7 @/ G  6. _C_ the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.
2 `& A, b% |; G8 r7 v3 z; ^  A Inferior to B Superior to C Prior to D Preferable to
& j% x3 i2 c4 g- k) @4 j2 f  具有比较意味的形容词只要与介词to搭配即可表示其比较级。 super- 表示在…上方,超过…
9 ]( d6 U; j9 V# [  inferior adj. 低于…的,劣于…的; superior adj. 高于…的,优于…的; prior adj. 在…之前的
! A" Q2 I$ G$ e- `+ L& X  Revolutionary War 特指美国独立战争;second adj. 第二的(含有比较意味,也与to搭配)
- w( y% L) w4 D' l, v' C- d  He is second to none. 首屈一指,无与伦比

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