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[四级词汇语法] 2012大学英语四级词汇记忆(权威版)08

发表于 2012-8-14 00:34:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012大学英语四级词汇记忆(权威版)086 T8 \9 s4 e3 P

* k+ E2 {) w% B; P
# y5 S' `2 x! t1 @  1. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _B_.$ M: ^+ _, P/ D, S
  A out of work B out of stock C out of reach D out of practice
* X5 y# j( H2 {+ ]  out of work 失业; out of reach 够不着 within reach 够得着; out of practice 缺乏练习。; ?# w8 u" s: U4 C/ c+ f
  2. They _C_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.
0 i5 k& O+ i: [& |; l" b& n4 u  A carried out B carried off C carried on D carried forward
. E  Z7 W' ^/ d- I  in spite of 尽管; carry on 坚持,继续。
& h- t3 k: p0 n& z' {' [3. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _B_ in a quiet neighborhood.
% U/ w: c( _9 A- ]( |  A all in all B above all C after all D over all
/ D$ a7 i6 }6 c; F  all in all 总而言之;above all 首先,尤其是;after all 毕竟,终究;overall 全面的,总体的" w" N5 r; u+ b7 b  C
  in a word 总之,in short 简而言之,in conclusion 最后,总之,to sum up总之,总而言之。; a+ r8 i; }% y4 \4 p! s
  4. _B_ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.! G& q( b# J6 o
  A For now B Now that C Ever since D By now
. g2 D/ I( d2 f) O( Z  now that 既然,由于(相当于since); ever since 自从…以来。% X) X! O1 P  `" k
  与that搭配且后面可以加句子的几个表达形式:# M& g) H' k. @# d
  now that 既然,由于; in that 因为; except that 除…之外。
' N) B* G3 l. ]  except后面加名词或代词;except that后面加句子。) p2 v5 x( j2 y. `
  5. What you have done is _D_ the doctor’s orders.www.ExamW.CoM
; I$ l# V, D) M  A attached to B responsible to C resistant to D contrary to! X% C& G  B/ H. b" c" J
  be attached to 连接,附属; This school is attached to Beida. 这所学校附属于北大。1 G  A1 G  u, C, S& \
  responsible to 对…负有责任; resistant adj. 反抗的,抵抗的; water resistant 防水的。
% C* w0 k$ M$ ^  }+ Q  be contrary to 与。。相反(相违背)。
' k5 p  N$ k! j( _5 u2 q) G" s  64. John regretted _A_ to the meeting last week.
. |5 p" H. b! K. r: f: K* o  A not going B not to go C not having been going D not to be going
+ ?* S' @. U, k8 Q; v  regret doing 后悔做过某事; regret to do sth. 遗憾的做某事(应用语境非常有限)。

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