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[四级词汇语法] 2012大学英语四级词汇记忆(权威版)15

发表于 2012-8-14 00:34:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012大学英语四级词汇记忆(权威版)15! T0 [8 X/ T# @% n
1. Many people complain of the rapid _C_ of modern life.
* L" Q+ u7 I5 O1 K  A rate B speed C pace D growth  |2 @3 I7 s' V: N
  pace 节奏; rapid pace of modern life现在生活快节奏。7 M$ K1 o) C/ u
  2. San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _B_.
) e4 ]( @# f/ q. L8 D# V3 L* I  A is rarely B rarely is C hardly is D is scarcely
/ K& X7 q2 m3 r0 C+ [. {  rarely, usually 都是频度副词。通常频度副词的位置在系动词之后,表示实在意思的词前面。' w5 V! m: T. V2 T+ M
  3. The speaker, _D_ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.; c0 W! ?4 ?6 d5 d4 H
  A having known B being known C knowing D known% P7 k! s8 M1 k7 [. v
  know 没有现在分词;know 用主动形式时只能和两个介词搭配:of, about。. R8 S, b, P" f+ J2 F
  known for 以…而著名。
7 e: O, j$ Y* o1 ]- _$ G! K  4. I couldn’t find _A_, and so I took this one.- P9 Q8 N6 |; `( N- j1 x$ i' O
  A a large enough coat B an enough large coat% |' r5 ^0 F5 {; m! i* h/ y1 o
  C a large coat enough D a coat enough large
, O& f+ f  x1 d) r* c% x  enough 修饰形容词时要放到形容词后面。考试用书% v4 O/ e  P7 f* }: c
  5. I always _B_ what I have said.
" \( D, n6 M' v! h& x7 b  A get to B hold to C lead to D see to
5 q# w/ K7 y" S5 |' r  本题所有选项中的to都是介词,其后加动词动名词的形式。
' M6 t8 \' |4 }7 ]6 \  hold to 坚守,信守; see to 负责做,处理,照料(后面加的都是某件事情,不加人)

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