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[四级阅读] 考试辅导:2011英语四级阅读之福岛辐射泄漏

发表于 2012-8-14 00:37:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Government officials in Japan say it could take months for radiation leaks to be brought under control at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. % ^3 B& C3 E3 r7 ?2 S5 t1 ~9 s
  The Fukushima Daiichi plant continues to spew radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean and government officials are saying the crisis at the stricken plant could last for months to come.7 {( B; B7 `5 r$ c; t
  On Sunday workers were preparing to attempt to seal a hole in a maintenance pit that is thought to be allowing radioactive water from inside the plant to escape to the sea.
/ @0 ^/ {) d4 r' u. G( `  The hole, discovered a day earlier, is around 20 centimeters in length and the Tokyo Electric Power company says it will try and seal it with a mixture of sawdust, shredded newspaper and a plastic that is supposed to expand as it sets.2 a5 L! ?" I% `, ^
  News that the crisis might go on for months was delivered by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said at a news conference., @; K; R6 H. b7 I
  Edano says he believes several months is a reasonable amount of time to expect a solution. He said the government is also exploring options to shorten this period.
% g4 j8 d  {% X  Also on Sunday, Tokyo Electric Power said it had found the bodies of two plant workers missing since the massive tsunami hit the plant on March 11./ S  p/ l2 ~  _4 B$ ?
  The two were found in the basement of a reactor turbine building at the plant. They had died of multiple injuries.

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