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[四级阅读] 大学英语四级阅读:仇恨是生命健康的头号杀手

发表于 2012-8-14 00:37:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  More people have died because of human hatred than from any other human cause, a US professor says。
5 f, j/ t. W) n0 w; Z5 g  美国一名教授称人为致病因素中,仇恨是生命的头号杀手。2 q( T  ~" @4 J4 ?( j+ A
  "Yet we still do not know enough about how hatred works and how to prevent and combat it," John Shuford, director of the Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies, in Spokane, Washington, said in a statement。* g" L( o- X: I4 h
  华盛顿州贡萨加大学仇恨研究机构主任约翰·舒福德在一份声明中表示:“然而仇恨如何影响健康,如何防治,我们仍然一无所知。”/ z! _: ^# i1 h. i) A1 i
  The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies is hosting the Second International Conference on Hate Studies Wednesday through Saturday in Spokane。- b. W  B' c+ p: j- |
  贡萨加大学仇恨研究机构在斯波坎举办了第二届国际仇恨研究会议,会议将从周三延续到周六。1 A- s$ ^5 B+ G; J0 h! A
  The conference purpose is to foster better understanding of the nature of hatred, develop more effective models and approaches for combating it and consider the implications for practice across many fields, Shuford said。
  A; y) a8 `9 V$ i  舒福德称,会议宗旨是促进了解仇恨的本质,制定出更为有效的防治模式和方法,并讨论跨学科实践的影响。' [0 @4 `4 j6 C2 c5 D2 Y8 A; x
  The conference features academics, a representative of the US State Department, international experts on hate crimes, journalists, law enforcement personnel, educators, human rights experts, representatives of non-governmental organizations, community leaders and clergy。
0 t) z8 m& l6 l& T8 z  参与会议的有科研人员,美国国防部代表,国际仇恨犯罪专家,记者,执法人员,教育从业人员,****专家,非政府组织的代表,社区领导人和神职人员。
+ p* N( ]; O; u( `( l$ B8 s9 R+ ~- K  The keynote speaker is Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, the Nobel Peace Prize-nominated author of "I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity."The Palestinian physician lost three daughters when Israeli tanks twice shelled his home, but his message of non-violence and hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians endures。
6 w$ S7 S2 r' M. ], H  会议主要发言人是诺贝尔和平奖提名义邹定·阿布莱施医生,他著有《拒绝仇恨:一名加沙医生的通往和平与人格尊严之路》一书。这位巴勒斯坦医生在以色列两次轰炸中失去了三个女儿,然而他宣扬的巴以非暴力与和平的希望却会永久流传。

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