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[四级阅读] 大学英语四级阅读选读:英凯特王妃

发表于 2012-8-14 00:37:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* _/ F8 w+ ]$ o! [0 y, JThe Duchess of Cambridge has always demonstrated ample quantities of both sense and sensibility... and perhaps the qualities are in her blood.
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  剑桥公爵夫人凯特·密尔顿无论随时随地,在公众的眼前都能显示出在“理智与情感”双方面的良好修养,也许这是因为这种气质与生俱来便流淌在她的血液之中。 中 华 考 试 网6 A, W. @" Y$ m- t- m
  Prince William's wife has been revealed as a distant relation of British novelist Jane Austen according togenealogy website Ancestry.com. 4 D( j# |8 s, a' n4 t0 u
  根据一家名为Ancestry的家族宗谱网站的发现,原来威廉王子的娇妻还是英国著名女小说家简·奥斯汀的远房亲戚。 / c( c8 M5 `' U7 ~7 ]2 f9 C% A6 g' e
  The newest member of the Royal family, and the novelist are 11th cousins, six times removed. They share a common 15th century ancestor: Henry Percy, who was the 2nd Earl of Northumberland. ( |/ c* d0 P+ k/ E
  这位最新加入英国皇室的成员与这位著名的小说家之间是远方表亲的关系,“他们都有着共同的一个祖先——生活在15世纪的亨利·珀希,也就是诺森伯兰伯爵二世。”   The family history research website said the connection was fitting given Austen's many female characters who fall in love with, or aspire to marry, men of higher rank.
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: f. C+ b  `" X, J) P# h  这家家谱研究网站表示,简·奥斯汀笔下众多的小说中女性角色都爱上了,或者渴望与权势社会等级更高的男性结为夫妇,这样的联系便在凯特的身上再次体现出来。 www.Examw.com" l5 `1 V. ^- D9 v/ Y
  Kate, 29, a commoner with no aristocratic background, married Prince William - second in line to the British throne - in April after a nine-year romance. + N7 r( j* N$ g+ e4 ]
  芳龄29岁得凯特出生平民,并没有贵族的血统背景,在与具有第二顺位王室继承权威廉王子相恋9年零4个月后,终于喜结连理。 4 b' @0 n. W, h, H+ n
  'Finding this connection between the Duchess of Cambridge and Jane Austen is very exciting since, in many ways, Catherine is the modern Jane Austen heroine: a middle class girl marrying the future King of England,' said Anastasia Harman, lead family historian for Ancestry.com. : }; m( \% D, }/ P' c$ O9 M. v7 e
  “我们发现了剑桥公爵夫人与著名小说家简·奥斯汀之间的血缘关系,这点非常令人兴奋。从很多角度上来说,凯特便是奥斯汀小说中女性主人公的现代版本:一个中产阶级的女孩嫁给了未来的英国国王。”Ancestry网站的历史学家Anastasia Harman这样说道。

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