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[四级写作] 2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板09

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板09  e6 B) s- g! q, o" R
祝贺信 3 c2 O* q5 z0 y: r3 t
  欢迎信不仅是主方出于礼节对客方的一种友好表示。欢迎信不宜写得过长,但要求写得真切,表明客方对主方的重要性,以及主方公司的诚意。 * J9 T3 v6 k4 A6 W+ q6 _
  1. 欢迎新客户 Welcoming new customers
) t$ U  ?5 T% w1 a! z  Dear [Mr Forster]: * y3 Y/ g, {3 Y8 [
  It is great pleasure to welcome your patronage of [W. H. SMITH]. We hope to add your name to our list of satisfied [customers]. 6 w# _) p# x! Z
  We try to show our appreciation for the business we receive by providing your money’s worth in [service]. ) ]7 m/ ~* f# m& \3 c# h
  It is our sincere wish to make your [shopping] here as pleasant as possible. ) |0 q5 M3 G' f6 K' y- |  U" r
  We are ready and eager to serve you. 1 S  r. u# t! E, k1 u
  Cordially, ' |) L/ N2 ?) ^
  亲爱的[福斯特先生]: . }) H4 A1 B! k( K- {; }
  您能光顾[W. H. SMITH联营商场]是我们的莫大荣幸。我们希望能将您的名字收入我的的满意[顾客]名单。 5 ~" O, q" N' G7 G/ g5 J! o3 m
( F# g& d7 D' @5 u& ^, l1 S2 ~5 J) M  我们由衷地希望能使你在此[购物]达到尽善尽美。
! N, j8 O; ]  b) e5 |, L1 l) b  我们恭候您,并竭诚为您服务。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
$ ~& [( T6 f$ ^# W   2. 欢迎新同事 Welcoming a new comer - y9 [( n( q) r: V1 ]( g8 R
  Dear [Mr. J. R. Smith]: ' w5 d' ?7 V1 |6 Y! `+ @$ s& T4 Q
  It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our organization.
& w' V9 Q6 [0 t' ^  The work you have done in [electronics] at [Toronto], indicates that we are fortunate to have you joining us at [Electronics] as [an engineer]. You’ll be working with many congenial people, and I’m sure you’ll find them capable and cooperative. + E# Z0 J! C8 {. T" T1 T
  Let’s get together for a chat, as soon as you are settled. Meanwhile, if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. ( n- L: b; L4 }! R" Z& C& n
  Yours, 9 q8 r2 U  C# [3 n- L2 ]1 U
  亲爱的[J. R. 史密斯先生]: ' m9 d, O7 y: V" u/ ^
( S, W" A, P& f/ @5 S  您在[多伦多]所从事的[电子]方面的工作表明我们很幸运能有您这样的[工程师]加盟我们[电子公司]。您将与许多志趣相投的同行一道工作。我相信,您会发现他们很能干,而且很合作。 # h2 m1 x1 E( g2 H& c; f) E- L

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