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[四级写作] 2012年12月大学英语四级写作佳句(25)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语四级写作佳句(25)' c& R; R9 T9 Q' x2 E' P5 X
111. The ridiculous amount of money some countries spend on military hardware is absurd when considering the number of people starving in many developing countries . ! g0 o0 {. Y0 |
# q$ A* [  d: s2 Z1 s; K/ ~+ R  112. The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries .
7 v: [6 S6 e* K9 S8 \  与许多饱受战争创伤的国家的难民所处的困境相比,政府官员和商业管理者失去所享受的特权就相形见绌了。 & r- E! D9 e" K
  113. While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious , its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources . 中 华 考 试 网$ r2 d, Z& U& |1 E" [, n( x
  虽然全球变暖这一长期的问题确实很严重,但考虑到诸如环境的迅速恶化和不可更新资源的普遍滥用等当前的问题,它的重要性就有所降低了。 : T# U6 J( i& C) i1 f
  114. Owning a car might be preferable to owning a bicycle , but the problems associated with owning the former far outweigh those of the latter . For one thing , automobiles are exponentially more expensive and require greater maintenance . For another , bicycles don’t pollute .
$ h7 ~" w( [) P; j, s. {  与拥有一辆自行车相比,人们更愿意拥有一辆汽车,但拥有后者涉及的问题远远超过前者。原因之一,汽车昂贵很多,需要更多的维护。原因之二,自行车不会引起污染。 & \' A5 W; p: g
  115. The advantages of family planning more than compensate for the disadvantages .
+ H1 \- S8 |3 e  t6 C; L" l  计划生育的好处不仅仅弥补了它的害处。

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