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[四级写作] 2012年大学英语四级作文易考范文(17)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年大学英语四级作文易考范文(17). c7 ]2 Q& x; j1 \- s
How to Have a Meaningful Weekend & Q2 z" J0 K, t6 L4 Y
The college experience is precious to everyone, and every second in our college life should be fully utilized, even every weekend should be meaningful. But it is disappointing to see that many college students waste their weekend as fools. Increasing amount of weekend time is being taken up by playing computer games. These students then become addicted to playing games, at the expense of not only their weekend but also their schoolwork. There are also students spending half of their weekend in bed because they have no idea of what to do.- D% @: f' G  @  `9 u2 k) W2 P
My suggestion is that those who are full of animation and spirit could join all kinds of sports clubs and that those who prefer peaceful and quiet pastimes could go to the chess club, libraries, cinemas or museums. It is also a good idea for college students to go outside of the campus during the weekend and find some part-time jobs.
; \$ v6 E0 e9 b( T* ^) IPhysical activities strengthen our bodies and intellectual pastimes serve to restore vitality of our mental processes. Both part-time jobs and voluntary services are invaluable opportunities for students to practice their knowledge and to gain social experience. All in all, an idle youth is a needy age, so let's schedule a meaningful weekend right here right now.
! \  n8 v7 F2 m/ r& V  `www.Examw.com/ I! K7 b+ s. b! P& H, y
5 Q6 F2 n" _/ ~* s& i如何度过一个有意义的周末?
! C. h4 z. i7 [, W0 ~3 A3 D" f+ X大学的经历对每个人来说都是很宝贵的,所以大学生活的每一秒钟都应得到充分利用,周末的时光也应过得有意义。但令人遗憾的是有不少大学生把他们的周末白白浪费掉。越来越多的周末时间被浪费在了电脑游戏上。这些学生痴迷于打游戏,结果不仅浪费掉自己的周末还荒废了学业。还有些学生只因为不知道要做些什么,将大半的周末时间消耗在床上。
* V. ^* [/ [. u$ v我的建议是,那些活泼好动的同学可以参加各种体育社团;而那些更钟情于安静消遣的同学可以参加象棋社,也可以去图书馆、电影院或是博物馆。大学生周末走出校园做做兼职也是不错的主意。- W+ k: _1 o7 @

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