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[四级完型] 考试辅导:大学英语四级综合测试专项突破-完形填空(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  for the past two years, i have been working on students‘ evaluation of classroom teaching. i have kept a record of informal conversations 71 some 300 students from at 72 twenty one colleges and universities. the students were generally 73 and direct in their comments 74 how course work could be better 759 U4 N5 e3 L' F' K, E
  most of their remarks were kindly 76—with tolerance rather than bitterness—and frequently were softened by the 77 that the students were speaking 78 some, not all, instructors. nevertheless, 79 the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel 80 with things as they are in the classroom. professors should be 81 from reading lecture notes. “it makes their 82 monotonous (单调的)。”if they are going to read, why not 83 out copies of the lecture? then we 84 need to go to class. professors should 85 repeating in lectures material that is in the textbook. 86 we‘ve read the material, we want to 87 it or hear it elaborated on, 88 repeated.“a lot of students hate to buy a 89 text that the professor has written 90 to have his lectures repeat it.”% A' b& {/ E/ E. s& s' q5 [
  71.a.involving b. countingc. coveringd. figuring
  W% {& H7 X/ d2 Z+ X  72.a.best b. leastc.lengthd. large+ m1 m2 l- O9 y9 i. v
  73.a.reserved b. hardworkingc. polited. frank
# Q7 B) c7 J" Z1 C# M. _. a  74.a.over b. atc. ond. of
$ m0 L( V- d( v& Y6 C  75.a.presented b. submittedc. describedd. written5 I: j" [9 p9 W2 r; @
  76.a.received b. addressedc. maded. taken3 F6 ^4 T, {& H& V- E
  77.a.occasion b. truthc. cased. fact6 R7 L1 U6 I9 m6 g
  78.a.on b. aboutc. atd. with0 j( }7 k' p8 o! H0 b
  79.a.though b. asc. whetherd. if5 ]0 Y: J' A. ?3 N. T
  80.a.dissatisfied b. unsatisfactoryc. satisfiedd. satisfactory
  Q, e$ P/ O# D+ R3 M8 O$ y! p  81.a.interfered b. interruptedc. discouragedd. disturbed
; a2 h# m6 n/ [3 t0 _  82.a.voices b. soundsc. pronunciationd. gestures
7 X& i3 A. A& m8 t  83.a.hold b. leavec. dropd. give外语学习网
' @' ^- c) b+ `* f; F. \; B, j( Q  84.a.couldn‘t b. wouldn’tc. mustn‘td. shouldn’t
3 m  U, p8 d: q4 k) R  85.a.refuse b. prohibitc. preventd. avoid
0 v& d& n+ _0 F! n& K  86.a.once b. untilc. howeverd. unless
  [/ P8 A% ?6 R  87.a.remember b. arguec. discussd.keep
0 O3 t* \! v4 }' v% Z: w2 l$ \6 T  88.a.yet b. notc. andd.or
5 M- |* f, A/ A4 h, b! [' F6 @  89.a.desired b. revisedc. requiredd.deserved/ ?; z! U8 p# l" ?! o
  90.a.about b. howc. butd.only
$ B8 Q& E7 @9 l: Y' K  「答案」:* k9 _: C+ Q6 x$ f# ?! |
5 ~" u7 {1 L- {; {" ^; `% |  81.c82.a83.d84.d85.d86.a87.c88.b89.c90.d  k# w( y6 J1 j+ j/ G
+ D. Q  k! T2 M6 t, Z$ q# [  71.a此处意为“涉及大约300个学生至少21所高校的非正式谈话”。其他选项的意思分别是:counting(数目是),covering(包括)和figuring(数目是)。" @+ ^5 k+ s, V3 x: \# g9 U, H
  72.b此题考查固定搭配。at least:固定短语“至少”。
* m, A/ [& ]: r3 G( P+ Q$ q4 Q4 G  73.d此题考查上下文理解。此句后文出现了与空缺并列的direct,意思是“直接的”,因此,要选择与此意相近的词。四个选项:a含蓄的 b努力的c.礼貌的 d.坦白的。不难得出,此题选d.6 c" I8 p# u! `; t+ x7 `( o# |- m5 T, h8 V
  74.ccomment on sth. 意为“对……的评价”。# X( Z+ [% G  Y$ w5 r1 H1 Z% {
  75.a此题考查词汇和原文理解。present的意思是:to bring to sb‘s notice directly,符合题意。
" B4 b9 }* F: c! ?. V2 K  76.c此题考查固定搭配。make remarks意思指的是:“对……做出评价或评论”。
( m$ a7 X. e* {3 e2 T  77.c此题考查词汇。by the case译为“在……情况下”。原文意思是:“在同学们谈到某些教师时,其评论言辞的犀利程度常常被弱化了。”
! u6 |( q  n4 S  78.b此题考查介词用法。speak about表示“论及;涉及”。. w4 W% W3 m& Y* ?6 a7 e
0 |- z) l7 M1 U6 _2 c  80.a根据文意,同学们对于课堂的某些方面还是不满意的。这样,可判断c、d不能选。a意思是“不满意的”(人作主语); b意思是“令人不满意的”(物作主语)。  {2 j+ |% _8 ?. ~0 r5 R: C" w
  81.c此处考查词汇。a、b、d意思都与“打扰”相关,只有c的意思是“不鼓励”。这里指,不鼓励教师上课照念教参。- H6 q" [* [, Y, g
  82.a此题考查相似词汇的细微区别。a.形容人说话的声音;b.声响,声音;c.发音;d.手势。故选a.- L, o) |1 S7 K5 R2 s' _9 T% ]
  83.d此题考查固定搭配give out,意思是“分发”。! j' y: Y( l7 [4 ~) F9 d1 `3 {5 X1 |0 @
  @3 [5 B' o  u1 R; n& m  85.d此处考查动词的固定搭配。avoid doing sth.意思是:“避免做某事”。1 n+ H3 Z) q7 _2 B% P
  86.a此处意为“一旦我们读材料,我们希望讨论它或是听到详尽的说明,而不是简单的重复”。  X( n. I4 \; f
  87.c由于老师重复太多,同学们都很有意见,他们希望能对知识点进行讨论或者听老师的详细阐述。 四个选项的意思分别是:a.记住 ,b.争论,争吵,c.讨论, d.保存。由此可知,答案选c.( _1 p" `6 V9 |8 C& ]
  88.b参考86题解释,故选择not.b为答案。& U5 }/ i6 g" z7 f& e7 Q7 c$ ?
  89.c此题考查词汇。选项的意思是 :a.理想的,b.修改的,c.要求的,d.值得的。同学们厌恶购买的课本当然是老师要求、规定让他们去买的课本了。
2 D" I8 z, R! s9 ^5 _  90.d此处意为“仅仅为了……”。
$ Z( s& e3 }9 `3 }9 f  知识点分布情况表
, `5 v% f9 q1 H+ `4 ~% ^  考查知识点题号
6 _" H) t+ S( Z5 @  o  词义辨析71,75, 77,80,81,82
! a3 R, a0 @, w0 _5 Q0 |% K  固定搭配72,76,83,85
% i0 a) B/ G- [1 \4 Z  语篇理解73,87,89,90# J0 U! K& W5 E  {( }( t
  连词79,86,88! ]% ?  [2 A/ b+ h
  介词74,785 r1 A9 _  n: L( i0 x2 j) t
  情态动词84) E- r, U* E. e" C/ z
  小结:2 ?  y; }; |  [. t7 M; i/ r) h
  在这篇完型填空中,词义辨析占30%,依然处于主要地位,主要考查了常用词:involving,present,case,dissatisfied,voice,sound等。固定搭配占20%,分别是:at least(至少),make remarks(演讲,讲话),give out(分发),avoid doing sth.(避免做某事)。连词中as,though等还是常考项。
7 l8 J1 _7 Z, n3 j  明显的语法现象和结构在这篇完型填空当中并没有涉及到。

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