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[四级完型] 2012大学英语四级完形填空考前精选试题06

发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
More and more students want to study in“hot”majors. 1 a result, many students want to 2 their interests and study in these 3 such as foreign languages, international business and law, etc.
* b+ P+ }* \4 u+ F) P- D   
! t" N: T$ C' h/ D5 s" d    Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, 4 maths, physics and biology, and art majors, 5 history, Chinese and philosophy.
% ^  h9 P" Q5 H  p  ?( U7 \# ~   
; v7 ?  U8 t+ \  S% S    6 students can study in these“hot”majors, because the number of these“hot”majors 7 limited.. f; r& |/ k9 k3 t) {5 ?9 H
    4 U1 u( }. ^+ e3 I
    If one 8 interest in his work or study, 9 can he do well? I 10 this from one of my classmates.He is 11 the countryside.His parents are farmers.Though he 12 biology, he chose“international business”.He 13 to live a life which is different 14 of his parents.% z$ C- f3 v  }+ [8 q0 t# ]( @
1 ?( |( |5 `( q" M9 H    In the end, he found he 15 in doing business.He found all the subjects to be 16 . 17 this wouldn't have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests.5 e5 y% Z/ t$ z, n
    1 w7 Y. X3 W' L* r( x/ ?& v8 H* B0 \0 z
    Choosing a major in university 18 decide one's whole life.Majors 19 are not“hot”today may become the“hot”major of tomorrow.4 U) q. T5 k% {( V( @6 {* Q- K
    " h5 _& W' T! r- K) m4 u/ P
    Choosing your major according to your own 20 is the bestway to succeed.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:05 | 显示全部楼层


1.A.Being    B.For        C.Having      D.As
& F  r& c+ k+ c6 i- {   
8 w$ y" }3 ?9 I2 _  C9 [& Y( w    2.A.give up    B.appear    C.give          D.master4 k# m3 m& T3 u" Y
    + p+ C' t1 y. |& A: {9 a
    3.A.place    B.room    C.areas      D.space
* l7 N5 K9 C5 T    * R* d" [# Y% W. h
    4.A.for example    B.much as    C.and so on      D.as a result
; j* x  d: J- I2 N# f8 D3 |   
7 Q, R5 q# u+ s0 {# N    5.A.even    B.like        C.just          D.or9 A, o" G( s" H9 t8 E/ J
3 a- C" c- D- @. p* K  m    6.A.Only a few    B.Quite a few    C.Perhaps      D.Many
1 Q+ v/ C9 D+ d2 J8 I  R8 i: u    * T+ _/ K1 u, G) q0 v3 }& w
    7.A.is    B.are        C.would be      D.have been2 s- {+ d6 G# S3 O& S* z
" ~2 u7 I2 I  r  [  n. v    8.A.had no    B.had        C.has no      D.has* ]! h6 k3 K$ ~; n. K& ^( i% E
    : r6 G. c/ I7 L) A  h
    9.A.why    B.and what    C.how      D.and how; Y1 W: R+ N9 }+ s1 D
    2 }' G% N: [# y8 \+ e
    10.A.suggested    B.guessed    C.searched      D.learned
& b% l) b1 l9 W% ^   
- y% Z  B/ m3 w9 N& R0 t2 E* T4 r    11.A.out of    B.off        C.in          D.from5 b) o# j% A) ~( h- G
    / _# R& M6 a' V
    12.A.studied    B.likes    C.learns      D.succeeds to study( _# Z* w5 `' B
" o& U: W+ V* O    13.A.wants    B.doesn’t want    C.enjoys      D.doesn’t like
' Y/ ^& A% ]  I    8 J9 W6 S0 `# `, |- o: L, A# H
    14.A.from which    B.from that    C.for which      D.for that/ c5 l' S# ~/ T9 {6 D* h3 d
    6 r+ T' M6 P  z8 l, |5 u0 `
    15.A.was interested        B.was clever$ ~4 G0 w: T6 p7 ]) |3 W1 N+ W
    2 g: J+ c- D7 b
    C.was not interested        D.was not clever' H* y$ ~3 X9 m: _3 p
    " A" K) d& o2 T; H  l- q0 s9 n( D
    16.A.lovely    B.rare    C.obvious      D.tiresome
# N- m' Z& X! |3 \" T   
: I( s* L# q% r$ K  o    17.A.So    B.Then    C.Just then      D.Maybe8 D8 q, O; A4 @$ `
    ( n; Y- F# w: @) y- V# q4 V
    18.A.can    B.does not    C.probably      D.perhaps    not to
5 ^0 Y4 y5 k8 |/ {& Z5 a# }   
: K$ n" e# k- W( V    19.A.on which    B.in which    C.which      D.——
$ B: Z2 `) t& ?+ l" w; x    1 T5 V: J2 h0 w
    20.A.interests    B.experience    C.mind      D.heartCloze
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:06 | 显示全部楼层


- i0 r  K# ?5 J3 Z2 Z% s    # j! A+ K1 N* A& R+ I: h8 p* E
    【解析】as a result表示“结果(是)……”。' C( V* O, U6 s  Y
    6 Z, T' r8 \& s7 S* L1 F
    2.【答案】A6 o) E: g' \2 H0 t+ K9 _5 v" J0 S. u
% `5 q5 {# {/ x# \% H2 V    【解析】参见3。
9 Y/ |& q. g6 J. `  M    9 w4 l4 u5 R1 L/ G' ]" a
0 e# X/ P+ m, |" Z3 v  p   
; e! S9 i& I# o+ b3 u( G/ J    【解析】根据本句内容可知:“许多学生想放弃(give up)他们的爱好而学习诸如外语、国际贸易、法律这些学科(领域)(areas)”。% V% b3 x0 P, a( d7 T4 D! a- N" Y
    + k& z8 X- Q  |9 |
    4.【答案】B: k! y1 O: F( M  j; j
/ F; t2 _' E+ ^) J    【解析】such as用于简单的罗列事物。% i5 _: r  k0 e. Z' x+ N5 s
    3 r; Q3 N$ s7 z3 L' u. ^
$ o9 P0 q0 O7 V$ A( t      ~1 N5 Q) C& F6 A0 X; `% M
    【解析】like在此基本上等于such as,以避免重复。
% F0 w$ J, W. d% k   
( `: m' U0 f; k" y7 A    6.【答案】A0 K+ I4 E/ y2 c* N. P
    + s6 l1 Z6 }$ t
  a8 _- p  |% S9 h   
/ d. F6 \% B  @/ a- K7 Y; M8 g    7.【答案】A
+ Z( b9 ]% ^  W- V   
; h- v+ M* E5 j* n( y% _    【解析】the number of与单数谓语连用。2 R, J0 r  e$ V/ Q% c
    2 n4 ?: E; c$ L; U+ _
7 p& _. X9 f( _+ L( D' ?    + Y6 o) h+ i) X) T: f0 W  l) n
    【解析】根据语法和语境,只能选has no。此句后半句用的是can,因此不能用过去时,had no和had错。本句意思是“如果一个人对他的工作或学习不感兴趣,他怎么能够做好?”3 ]" ?6 Z. U+ k2 z) r* P; v' ~
+ @( X$ Z, E- w, c- }    9.【答案】C
9 [7 W+ w# p6 A( m" C   
8 P& _4 L. k5 X5 f0 g: U$ X    【解析】参见8。在how can he do well中,动词do作不及物动词,意为“进行”,“发展”。
  b5 @- E3 z" M) F   
' S4 v. P. k6 a; ]    10.【答案】D5 h8 {  X3 }6 Y/ Z7 e/ {
    & F' ~. k3 X, ^/ S! ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:52:07 | 显示全部楼层


11.【答案】D' }$ c. v! I+ D- p( I
$ z6 c5 l7 d9 {6 j5 G( K/ v    【解析】Be from…来自……。
+ d% {! c( r& Y8 N% Y, f8 d4 B    $ c9 n& c/ k( P1 j% q
- i# g% N. C; N; m% D    . b. ^7 _5 @  J
* l3 {7 y6 G2 S2 p2 }6 @8 R   
2 n: [) W) C( I4 _" q. G; W    13.【答案】A- [0 t* i9 u& K* v6 |& V3 H
    . o: ]5 A: ~) v( _; K( B: j9 i  v
    【解析】Doesnt want,doesnt like不符合语意,答案enjoys不符合语法规则。
% O9 n! i3 |- q# U    1 j- U9 _2 M+ p+ h6 k2 n
8 y4 B: \% Y) O/ Y6 E   
6 A1 m  c- a, }# C  i5 ]7 T    【解析】be different from that of his parents与其父母的生活不同。That指前面的life。% [" G7 C- R: y: T1 P
    * D  b4 s5 ~+ b; z5 E5 t
    15.【答案】C- O: u7 s% @# v; a8 s4 [# L
    7 `! q# e3 s5 H
    【解析】was interested不符合语意,was clever,was not clever易排除。, N) S3 v! D) W7 g& A
' A9 Z, M6 l! ^8 ]  w; V    16.【答案】D& Y3 b* |/ k/ r2 ?5 D9 E, `
* r! c. t' m2 y& @" {( p6 ]! o    【解析】“他觉得所有的学科都令人厌倦。”1 ~. _3 w: N) U0 J% s  n
3 M- l+ N. X8 r  |1 ~0 y    17.【答案】D) q6 b: H+ P8 }" }- k" m( v/ R
    3 L. J7 z3 O, @) i/ d2 R3 E. R
6 @6 D& ?# N5 w8 w3 l  m, p1 p6 w   
% K% t6 G5 P- u' M3 l' V    18.【答案】B
3 K& K6 I$ C* W2 s5 c. `" [, c    9 q. m* C2 }& I3 M/ x
    【解析】“在大学选择专攻课程并不决定某人的一生”。perhaps not to不符合语法规则。
; Z+ K5 V7 o/ H  u+ }   
* C% {! J% N8 V    19.【答案】C
2 m, v  b0 ~" o0 L   
. @3 o6 ?1 q0 B1 B% k& w, N( [    【解析】which are not“hot”today是定语从句,修饰majors。Which在定语从句中作主语。On which,in which不符合语法。
: X, d+ ?2 Z; @+ c      w  J, R# Z4 t& h* `1 R
    20.【答案】A0 S7 J8 O# t% A0 U/ w( v4 Z
, @3 N+ \7 x3 O    【解析】本句是文章的中心,“根据个人的兴趣选择专业是成功的最佳方法。
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