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[四级翻译] 大学英语四级考试翻译题型讲解(三)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:10:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
21.(既然你们明天才走),we can have dinner together tonight., m  U9 x) h: ?7 U& ?4 g/ \* V
22. In terms of experience, Mr. Green has the right stuff for the work, (但目前他的健康状况不佳).
+ D* `/ z! W) U23.(地震的破坏非常严重)that the city took decades to recover.8 V  k1 u# [/ m0 ]0 x$ V% \
24.The speaker, (以精彩的演讲而闻名), was warmly received by the audience.3 Y7 ]! V4 B4 A& j9 ~5 }
25.By the time you get to Greenwich (你会看到伦敦最古老的部分).
' A/ u! C& T4 N2 @9 [9 A# X26. (那天已经不远了)modern communication becomes widespread in Chinas countryside.
4 h9 b4 b+ o5 a1 c, U5 w" j$ l27. (我以前从没见过任何人)who has the skill John has when it comes to repairing cars.
- p" A) K9 T) \4 c3 ]2 `- C" c28.The second book was (完成)by this March, but two months later, the end was still nowhere in sight.0 N% @1 S; b, ^& d2 r
29.He set out again on his journey around the world, (尽管他的朋友们劝他不要去).+ u1 t# Y' |! `
30.(学生不喜欢传统课堂的原因之一)is that students are seldom allowed to express their ideas in a traditional classroom.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:10:19 | 显示全部楼层


21.【答案】Since you are leaving tomorrow或Since you will leave tomorrow& _' C5 n( [& S2 J
【解析】本题的考点在于核心词的使用。表达“既然”之意应使用since,此外还需注意,“既然你们明天才走”描述的是事实而非假设的情况,因此无需使用虚拟语气。7 F3 C" K- t3 `7 m! o5 Z% U3 x- M
22.【答案】but his health is in poor condition now或but he is not in good health now
1 f: P) b& u& l$ I【解析】本题的考点在于固定搭配及核心词的使用。在表达健康状况时,中英文存在语言差异,中文可以有“他的健康很好”这样的说法,而英文不可说His health is good.故本题易错译为but his health is not good now或his health is poor now.正确的做法应使用固定搭配in… condition,意为“处于……的状况或状态”或使用习惯说法be in good health。
! _' Q6 e5 Z5 e, V" X23.【答案】The destruction brought by the earthquake was so serious或So great was the destruction brought by the earthquake" D% V) i* L! e% D/ t
【解析】本题的考点在于语法及固定搭配。联系中文提示及空格后出现的that不难看出,本句需要用so...that...表示“如此……以致于……”。本题有两种正确答案,若以so开头则句子需要倒装,若以the destruction开头则保留正常语序。另外还需注意,“地震的破坏”不可翻译为所有格,而应根据意思表达为“地震带来的破坏”。: h5 Z7 y6 i+ C) U( I
24.【答案】who is famous for his/her splendid speeches或known for his/her splendid speeches
; O6 |) M+ Y4 s2 X; T' N4 y: P, r/ g【解析】本题的主要考点在于语法。通过分析句子结构可知,本句主语为the speaker,谓语部分为was warmly received,需要翻译出的部分是对主语情况的补充说明。由此可看出,空格部分可以是以句子主语为先行词的定语从句也可以是用分词来表示修饰的结构。故本题有两种可能性,可译为从句或分词结构。0 n4 {: Q+ Q1 A: ]" E
25.【答案】you will have seen the most historic parts of London
# |0 Z+ ]0 {2 u* ?; F) I: h【解析】本题的考点为语法,考查考生对时态的判断。By the time you get to Greenwich表示的是将来的时间,而根据中文提示可知,需要译出的部分应使用将来完成时,故谓语部分应为will have seen。
% P6 d) X  k8 T) D5 d+ z26.【答案】The day is not far away when
; s' q4 O# m" ?- |, z7 S8 N9 _8 N【解析】本题的考点在于语法,要求考生体现对从句的掌握。由句子结构可知,本句的主干为the day is not far away,而已经给出的英文部分是一个时间从句,指的是句子的主语the day,因此空格部分应译为The day is not far away when,考生应注意不能忽略了从句的引导词when。1 D8 d, w9 w2 c" s3 }: G/ j2 b0 w
27.【答案】Never before have I seen anyone或I have never seen anyone+ g0 _2 h$ Q, ?. @5 M
【解析】本题的考点在于语法。完整的句子意思是“在修车方面我从未见过谁有约翰那样高明的技术。”可见已经给出的英文部分是一个定语从句,其先行词为“任何人”。本题有两种可能的答案,比较简单和直观的是正常语序的I have never seen anyone。但也可将never置于句首,后接一个倒装结构,即Never before have I seen anyone。
, V& x+ O/ ]; k- U1 Z2 a28.【答案】to have been completed
$ H: n3 X3 ~  }" L" `2 b【解析】本题的考点在于语法。由句意可知,需要翻译的部分应使用过去将来时,但应为空格前已经出现了be动词was,所以“完成”之意不可能表达为would be completed,只能考虑用不定式表将来。联系句意,最好把“完成”译为完成时的被动语态,故答案为to have been completed。) B1 G/ G" z3 H5 J- O" z- X
29.【答案】despite his friends attempt to persuade him not to或though his friend persuaded him not to
+ Q, c8 J/ s; I2 A$ ^/ {$ {【解析】本题的考点在于核心词。表达“劝说”之意可用比较基础的动词词组persuade...to do,而“尽管”可以选择though/although或despite。需要特别注意的是though或although引导从句而despite后应加名词性结构。故本题可能有两种正确答案。8 f3 ^: M- `* t. d. Z9 A
30.【答案】One of the reasons why students dont like the traditional class或One of the factors that make the students dislike the traditional class
2 [: h+ V6 S! X, Z6 J【解析】本题的考点在于语法。翻译时可考虑使用make…do…这一方式表达“让某人做某事”,当然也可根据中文提示使用表达原因的reason,故本题同样可以有两种正确答案。
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