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[四级翻译] 2011年四级翻译基本技能篇:其他经典句型练习二

发表于 2012-8-14 09:11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 6. 他独自一个人生活,但是一点儿也不觉得孤独。   
+ x3 E. P! U0 V1 Y, e      7. 别听他的甜言蜜语,去年他把我骗了。那是条披着羊皮的狼。    . Q2 I. J; d3 u+ m, r
      8. 我购物时,总请朋友们帮我选择颜色。    + k6 m; w) [' H7 X- K6 ?
      9. 除非在各方面都准备得周密,否则在应付入侵之敌的时候,我们将处于不利地位。    ! D$ T3 Y; b- ^3 v# Y: z# h9 x& i
      10. 除了一些无聊的行为外,我什么都喜欢。    # L: _: k* N" f/ j1 Q& D2 v
 6. He lived alone, but he felt anything but lonely.    4 |, O3 p, q# z
      7. Don’t listen to his sweet words. I was cheated by him last year. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.    + R6 B  f1 E. a0 k% T
      8. When I shop, I usually ask my friends to help me decide on the color.    # x" {3 c; F- F7 D
      9. Unless we are prepared in every aspect, we shall be at a disadvantage in dealing with the invaders.   
9 N4 a) d: G' g/ I; }      10. I enjoy anything but silliness.

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