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[四级真题] 2011年6月英语四级考试答案完整(新东方版)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:17:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011年大学英语四级考试已结束,第一时间收集整理试题及参考答案,供考生参考,以下为新东方版四级参考答案:   快速阅读- z& Z2 I& v3 x( `( v
  1. B. Its bad taste
* E" p( y5 H+ ?; _  2. A. an inadequate supply of food
* U/ t  o' i( [  3. B. Its people cared more for quantity6 c" m. m* i! B: E) F+ l
  4. C. all kinds of overseas visitors% J/ _9 c# `% q& A, a
  5. C. New ideas and presentations' O5 _4 D7 p. @! i. A( a
  6. D. maintain British traditional tastes% f. X% ]7 l7 p# `0 |6 [6 L
  7. B. They are produced on excellent organic farms+ F4 }" b2 p1 F  w! C. \9 p8 A7 s3 G
  8. local markets
+ j" Z# ^1 {' w4 Y- c# e8 X7 E1 Y  9. in a British way/ {" s% L4 F- _  Y  V4 O) F1 r
  10. share their meals
  K% h0 \5 E/ n# C3 A2 H  四级听力答案! Y$ X3 l" |3 r( F# }4 N/ w- }
  11. A He is careless about his appearance。9 Q2 y+ V$ E+ S% b
  12. A Jane may be caught in a traffic jam。
  B9 ]: Q0 C5 ]% r+ F5 T  13. A Training for the Mi-Atlantic Championship。( S0 m8 L. e! ]( T/ p9 w" p
  14. D He has been having a hard time。
, q8 B4 ^9 J6 o  y  15. D The woman thinks highly of the speaker。
3 {/ g/ N9 a/ O$ h% v  16. C The woman should seek help from the tutoring service。' u$ T; m/ K/ m% n
  17. C Jill wore the overcoat last week。
" I! G" r" o) }" ^$ ]7 z  18. B An imaginary situation。
# v8 E4 p  n' t# w/ ~  19. D. A sport he participates in。
( w; |  c4 |$ A/ G2 u  20. D He can’t decide whether to include the effort part of skiing。1 {/ O; f% ~; m# C: D4 q" E5 H! ~
  21. A New ideas come up as you write。2 z& s' D8 N( v% ~6 c2 p
  22. D Hostess of the weekly “Business World”。6 q0 _. Z0 r7 Z
  23. B He and his wife did everything by themselves。
) j# n( v, h8 Y9 g7 X  D; r  24. B He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers。: |) \$ Z9 d) X' b
  25. B The restaurant atmosphere。6 Y  U- q+ x$ f4 @/ @9 G" L! r
  26. A There are many false notions about it。
  I2 W% f3 L* r  27. C It can lead to the loss of vision in children。( [  X+ x( h: {( n; H4 I+ V
  28. D It can only be partly accomplished now。+ C& d; q2 k7 Q; k/ {! _
  29. D They have jobs and other commitments。' U5 f& n8 A1 P' r! r5 T6 C8 Z
  30. A They don’t want to use up all their life savings。
- k8 n8 K$ A8 y+ V. x  31. C Be frank and seek help from others。
, k3 {8 h$ i% O: L1 R& b% I7 N, K  32. A Health and safety conditions in the workplace。
5 ?( l; R4 o* T9 O; ]% r+ [. N( C  33. A Replace its out-dated equipment。8 p% {# J* h2 T" q9 e  a
  34. A They requested to transfer to a safer department。
* a, i: o5 o. m' q: P& A  35. C To protest against the poor working conditions。3 M, N0 @; m  ]2 J6 K6 g
  36. survive
% d+ [! u* x( c: C1 z, t1 B( M  37. distant
. c4 B* c: q1 i/ d9 J% p" ^  38. backward
/ J- D3 b2 F" q# @" Q6 W  39. discovered& t% F( I9 a* l# B! `
  40. scientific
- K& ~4 j: [9 l8 j# ^1 p  41. motion
3 V( u! a' Z$ a1 n% b  42. predicted
: d% H' Y6 ~' o& P; }3 l  43. introduced
, u( b" Q: m0 \! R* K& ^  44. that move at a speed greater than light, and therefore, might serve as our passports to the past
3 J+ M9 o- |1 C& }  45. seems to have been a part of humanity for as long as human have existed) i: i  Z/ T3 R$ J1 X5 a9 m0 i' q
  46. used a definition of time for experimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock
9 ^) `2 f' i9 t8 I( `4 X  15选10
4 u: u, U! V$ D2 ~1 P. q- ~5 f8 ?  47. N  tend         48. L  negative           49. H  efficiently
+ I; n/ K) b  T4 Q  50. B  associated   51. A  alert    52. D  cling   53. F  definitely
  t& w% R- b1 d9 @* [2 L$ g  54. O  younger     55. E  continuing     56. G  different
1 s& N3 D6 p: T4 N8 P9 e3 G  仔细阅读" ?0 D* h4 I. F8 `6 D
  57 D. Interracial lodging may have diverse outcomes- t/ n$ x  [/ s0 C! w
  58 D. Being surrounded by white peers motivates a black student to work harder to succeed/ f9 P6 p$ |1 c- n! [( @0 O8 ]
  59 A. Roommates of different races just don’t get along- L8 Z1 d* s. V
  60 D. The school randomly assigns roommates without regard to race
2 J* N! n* x- u1 K# i( e4 j  61 A. It is unscientific to make generalizations about it without further study1 V6 a" c. s) ~+ }+ k$ ^: n7 {
  62 B. Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming
$ g7 A" H% t* C4 L( M% v  63 A. It was challenged by some climate and risk experts: {$ @$ |4 A/ s6 {
  64 B. It is invalid in terms of methodology! F4 l) ?! H/ j" _& g" p
  65 D. Its rough estimates are meant to draw the attention of world leaders. v* [) I5 |8 m: d
  66 D. How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards
5 x" o. F% a8 d; X  完型
* M* e. A% K7 {9 [! D* ^  C inside    68. C specific   69. A key   70. B different  / i0 T/ D+ U2 E* u$ N# d. E
  B prevent   72. A in    73. C focus    74. over. R; n) I2 D& H% N  A& B4 ~8 Z+ G; C
  C rather    76. B consumed   77. A vital   78. C amazed
0 v3 t* ]9 ^( _' |3 P. g  B contain   80. B interact   81. C on   82. D up! d3 N$ q0 O/ B7 {
  B fill   84. C avoid    85. D doubt   86. C impact
/ A0 T  ^5 f* b  翻译
$ m& F2 }0 F! C2 a  也没有解释为什么neither did they account for the reason / neither did they explained why / the reason
- [# ?* B1 J5 ^3 ?5 z9 r  能被分配做另一项工作would be delegated / allocated with/to another task。
! L% W* w7 `8 J  冒着自己生命危险with his own life under risk! A+ w2 p& d) T4 j; X+ F
  接电话的却是他的助手turned out that his assistant answered the phone- v5 n8 S& E4 g  }9 k+ V7 h
  他的父亲说服他his father persuaded him into

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