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[四级模拟] 2011年6月英语四级考试模拟试题及答案8

发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Section A   Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
3 M" v% Q  k5 V( e7 @. D  Example: You will hear:! |8 W3 B1 f- A% T1 N
   You will read:
! a) E! |% F) y1 a1 Y  I4 i   A) At the office.
* [" w1 x5 f/ y3 }  I) V   B) In a waiting room.+ ^6 w  b' M" o% x, Z
   C) At the airport.- z6 b6 y1 T; M1 n- b$ R
   D) In a restaurant.0 u( T+ }, @, X' o6 }4 N! v
  From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A)“At the office”is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.1 P; O; |1 i; y0 [  A- M+ P
  Sample Answer [A][B][C][D]
" x2 Z* a' J  i8 d1 m   1. A) It will eventually be replaced by the Internet.% _2 x$ A; ^  X: t' d" F
   B) It now has more readers than ever before.
5 t8 K) G9 ]; b3 @   C) It stimulates people’s desire for learning.
7 c3 g1 l' ^) m7 _   D) It will be hooked onto the Internet.
" P; A' N. H! Y! B1 h3 s& u, d# A7 C5 S   2. A) She is a successful writer of children’s books.8 i: ^6 E0 T% `# [( ~# H8 ~
   B) She owes her success to her grade school teacher.$ p# H$ K) n; ?7 D9 w3 n0 |& @
   C) She has set an example for mothers with children.4 R. ]. q3 i, b" O0 G# L
   D) She tends to exaggerate so as to arouse children’s curiosity.
$ L& s8 K) t, p7 i1 ^2 W( Y" I  m   3. A) Lack of democracy dampens people’s interest in reading.
, S& K2 m$ N9 {' M; {$ g) Y   B) Reading contributes a great deal to creativity.: y) p( Y# X# M. y/ ~2 l8 [: V6 u' v
   C) Reading builds up democratic values.
' ]" P, @$ d8 z) q# p   D) Much pleasure can be derived from reading.! ~) ~; L# g- t8 O
   4. A) The spring is warm because of the greenhouse effect.
. F9 ^% p4 `9 a   B) people tend to forget about correct weather forecasts.2 c" b/ Y' S+ Y6 H) o1 [
   C) There is a 50-50 chance of rain.
3 T4 a; g" Z, |" V# f; T   D) Long-term weather forecasts tend to be unreliable.7 p0 P9 m$ S' [' ^
   5. A) All drugs have side effects.7 r$ |8 t4 E* o+ i) u- i8 L
   B) Many fat people have digestive problems.* y( r+ s8 t+ `7 Q
   C) The woman is trying to lose weight by drugs.  u3 {8 x7 X( t3 P9 B: }
   D) There is no efficient way of weight control.
0 P4 c  s8 [4 x' s& o0 |7 H1 g   6. A) The man does not eat chicken./ o0 e/ d! V( Q9 J6 p
   B) The woman has some dietary restrictions.
# e6 Z& V& {- _- _; O   C) The man wants to change the menu.' l( h+ Z/ i1 X! \) H' ?4 f
   D) The woman is responsible for food arrangements.
# P) t) Q6 ?# N5 F. x, T   7. A) The man is going to make a phone call.3 O6 V" b, W$ F2 P& X) u
   B) Things are very expensive here due to inflation.
( X6 ~7 ^- l! U( {" \8 \   C) The man thinks the charge for a phone call is very low.
/ l8 o6 a% N7 X  v1 w! Y. V, J/ Y8 N   D) Long distance calls at a pay phone cost 50 cents a minute., \# Z! F5 \3 J! ]& E* a7 M
   8. A) Mrs. Jones is fat.. U/ b8 K+ H, T$ k# M
   B) The boy never tells lies.
, W& r' b! ?- `, O   C) The woman is a liar.
; \$ U' h* g9 r6 w/ }   D) It is hard to tell truth from falsehood.9 D: `9 k( }$ O0 p7 P( \) N6 H
   9. A) He does not have to be good academically.
" ~! Z9 g4 r, L; m   B) He must be good at uniting people.
( @/ O4 v) m8 \) f6 c* S   C) He should have specific plans for school activities.
* e$ c/ B1 s. H   D) He must not fall short of the expectations of the class.2 r1 f9 _7 r5 u* ?( @, I' _( f
   10. A) She works very hard.
1 j7 I0 |1 @9 \' k# x- U   B) She won’t be back until next Monday.
: ?3 w' G0 r* F' F, l   C) She is flying to Vermont to ski.
  _' C. u: p5 }0 M" `. T
9 Q5 {/ Y, x$ H   D) She is newly married.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Section B
3 M4 K$ t$ K2 y4 O, m  Directions: In this section you will hear one long dialogue. At the end of the dialogue, you will hear some questions. Both the dialogue and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.+ w$ E  B6 u* w9 ?9 a8 B
  11. A) They are very hospitable.; x' ]5 f* N) r) K+ Y
   B) They have a great appetite.
3 w- F/ ?/ Z& y4 Q8 M5 M. T   C) They drink a lot of tea.
; k( p: M' r1 u4 x. [+ Y   D) They feel it rude to accept things offered.
) F* s2 E3 o$ s' \$ I4 O' R, K  12. A) He should ask for a second helping.
3 t6 I6 e2 ^: I. h$ v' E1 v   B) He should eat all the food offered him by the host.& G& e( g. z$ c
   C) He should refuse the first two offers of food.
# p& J0 k0 ^5 ~9 R7 V, n5 _  I* g   D) He should tell the host the food is fantastic0 h* P& E4 p+ e$ ^/ a9 W; n
  13. A) He should refuse the first time he is offered food.
8 H1 F" W4 {4 B$ i1 Y+ w/ q   B) He should refuse the second time he is offered food.
9 b6 U; w# z* D3 r- ~   C) He should tell the host that he is full.; [2 Y' g8 c. O; i+ F
   D) He should leave some food on his plate.5 V; n" }6 Y" N0 R/ r' v  P9 X* N
  14. A) They will insist that you eat more.1 Z+ ~- m" U# b! j' Y8 T
   B) They will believe that you are full.
% W9 g. ^: J# j( c   C) They will think that you are rude.) D$ W% S( v' }- c7 X
   D) They will offer you a second helping.
/ s. h4 f& x0 ~2 Z  Section C0 P: ]9 A# v8 p, U( k$ H' @9 P7 D& r
  Directions: In this section you will hear two short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.. V, z7 g& D9 N0 Y, H. I& E
  Passage One
) f. [+ j8 h4 D0 [  Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
; T; a" n2 W. Z4 x, q4 ?: t7 K/ J& Z  15. A) Men lie more often than women.9 ~# ^" X% N9 K$ W7 t
   B) Women lie more often than man.
; ^/ N, C3 t# }+ g. N# e2 h   C) Men and women lie in different ways.
* q' s) X4 c# R5 W2 H   D) People who tell lies are unpopular.4 v: r7 |  s; V: x& x; d
  16. A) They found themselves lying to appear competent.- P$ O& }; }0 e0 U3 c
   B) They found themselves lying to appear likeable.
4 _4 P4 Z  y$ r5 k   C) They found themselves lying much more than they had thought.
- Z' E6 A4 M5 L$ b% U   D) They found themselves surprised at the way they lied to each other.& G! r  o! s  _; @9 O
  17. A) Children tend to lie more than adults.5 Y* t/ G7 A8 U$ Q
   B) Children are confused as to whether they should always tell the truth.8 p7 u' Q8 o7 ]& J$ l8 X- a
   C) Children will model their behavior on their parents.
% W7 C; S# `3 l$ n2 E   D) Children won’t pretend to like a birthday present they don’t really like.3 @0 K/ Z9 o% a' `+ X1 R$ N
  Passage Two) V" Q$ |% }) P1 R$ W+ y' y* q
  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.+ h0 k7 X7 a- z4 P
  18. A) He worked very hard.+ L% X# P9 Q) e/ o. d" c+ C% c
   B) He didn’t like school at all.5 o; b0 f- p# }& ^. L- X
   C) He was very naughty.
4 [* E  ~, U! z& \- l, j, R   D) He was very fond of reading.% S! b: @) z5 v1 A! z* S
  19. A) Hollywood pictures.
. M+ A# V) V  i$ X9 o1 k) ?   B) The books he read when he was young.
" r0 F, {; l7 A   C) The varied experiences he had as young man.
8 T4 ]: ]% R+ }% Z+ v0 K   D) The human spirit.2 }5 T* R0 V( _9 C
  20. A) His books are full of adventure.3 P3 k) V7 [6 S% F0 t: ?8 o' Y: w
   B) His books are full of imagination.
) [( D9 S+ s; h, r4 O# i   C) He encourages observation and care about the world around us.
( l% k: E7 _' Y1 x9 C2 k   D) He combines science with fiction in creating his powerful stories.
1 a) N) C  @. H% r7 y: t3 g2 \* xPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
7 ]: E0 r, W6 G( |0 L0 U/ i9 {, O: I# j5 @" _
  Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:35 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Passage 15 F, l$ s2 J, H$ R% W0 b
  The great bulk of expert opinion is that owing a gun undermines rather than increases safety: the function of discouraging burglars or other criminals is more than offset by other factors. First come the suicides: in 1986,18,153 people shot themselves to death. No one on knows how many might have lived if they had been unable to pick up a gun and how many might have merely chosen other means to end their lives. But surely the presence of a loaded gun in a bureau drawer must have tempted many, particular teens, to yield to a black depression that might have lifted had the means to carry out the dark wish not been so readily available.
6 a9 r7 X1 D% v% k  Then come the accidental shootings, many by foolish guys who never bother to learn how to handle their weapons. More heartbreaking are the frequent incidents of children picking up their parents’ guns and finding out in the most disastrous way that they are not toys; for example, an eight-year-old boy who shot his six-year-old sister dead last week in Fairfax. Then there are the quarrels between spouses, between parents and their children, between neighbors and friends that suddenly turn fatal because one or both can pick up a gun. Police commonly estimate that if a household gun is ever used at all, it is six times as likely to be fired at a member of the family or a friend as at an intruder. (It is even more likely, says Dr. Carl Bell, a Chicago psychiatrist, that the gun will be stolen; gun are prime targets for burglars because they can be easily and profitably sold to other criminals.)And finally, in the relatively rare shoot-outs between householders and burglars that do occur, it might easily be the burglar who proves more skilled in handling his guns and the householder who winds up in morgue(停尸房).
5 m/ N) `& W. s9 ]8 ~  ]: \  Adding all types of deaths together, Mercy and Houk, researchers from the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control, point out that “during the last two years, the number of people who died of injuries inflicted by firearms in the United States exceeded the number of casualties during the entire 8.5-year Viet Nam conflict.” Mercy and Houk judged that “injury from firearms is a public-health problem whose toll is unacceptable.”
" u+ \2 ~5 z  j, x0 v% M  Another group of researchers presented evidence that lax U.S. gun laws might be to blame. The team, headed by emergency room surgeon John Henry Sloan, studied a pair of cities just 140 miles apart: Seattle and Vancouver. The two cities had similar unemployment rates, household incomes, law-enforcement policies and even favorite TV shows. Two differences: in Canada, handgun ownership is tightly restricted; in Washington State, guns are more easily purchased. And between 1980 and 1986 Seattle had 388 homicides, vs. 204 Vancouver.8 z: p" O- W% e/ e0 b4 d, R9 V
  21. According to most experts, possessing a gun ________.
2 ~* @% g" ^7 R7 {( X  A) can not guarantee your safety* U# w; ]. S! @5 h
  B) does more than assure you safety
5 t7 s1 r# ~; z  u$ F  C) leads to more suicides
& \# s1 A& Q, k# X& X3 _  D) can only frighten thieves5 r$ D4 }% R: d# Z, v
  22. “To carry out the dark wish” in the last sentence of the first paragraph means _________.( z6 `& k, @7 \
  A) killing oneself
' n1 s2 K- [3 {' t0 m! w  B) shooting others
3 _+ D  E6 |" n- b! Q5 i# Y  C) yielding to depression
" d& X6 {. n. g9 W  D) picking up a gun/ B0 S3 L* e& a4 B: ~8 g6 m
  23. Which of the following statements is NOT true?6 _4 C/ R% p) U# z3 @2 l
  A) Many children become the victims of playing guns
5 g/ z6 Q9 C+ z' [: k& {" U4 h! _  B) A household gun is more likely to aim at a familiar person$ `. z. {& @4 y" p, D
  C) Accidental shootings often happen when people are quarrelling( H8 F- p% ?7 v8 y
  D) A gun at home is very likely to be taken away by burglars" s" b: k( G& v4 K+ s3 ]2 J. B
  24. The word “lax” in the first sentence of the last paragraph most probably means________.
8 [. G( C7 M& L; w2 C  A) different2 u! P$ j. i5 A6 |6 h
  B) unrestricted
% [) a+ j* `0 C; C$ f  C) funny
" F, f1 t' ^/ F$ L  D) not strict
% V2 [' G/ ]7 z; l  25. The author cites the two cities as an example to demonstrate that ________.
9 G% F$ m. Y& J2 T7 ^  A) what matters is to carry out the gun laws
1 @9 j4 C1 T! \( x  B) all states must have the same gun laws
, _0 w: x" P# w+ F0 B, i  C) gun ownership must be strictly restricted
$ v/ I* T6 j4 [) x8 q0 F; R$ z  A- ?  D) gun laws have little effect
+ s* Y. _" m( d$ y  Passage 2
  I4 {- z6 x* q" h  Ever since Darwin’s theory of evolution, biologists have assumed that environments teeming with complex forms of life served as the nurseries of evolution. But two recent papers in Science magazine have turned that notion on its head. Last month some biologists reported that in the ocean it is the relatively barren areas that serve as “evolutionary crucibles(熔炉),” not regions with great diversity of species. Other researchers announced this summer that the Arctic, not the rain forest, spawned many plants and animals that later migrated to North America. Says John Sepkoski of the University of Chicago, “Harsh environments may be producing the major changes in the history of life.”
/ e, ~; k  `9 H# }8 y  These “changes” do not result merely in a longer tail or a bigger claw for an existing species but, rather, in dramatic leaps up the evolutionary ladder — a rare innovation that comes along once in a million years. In the Arctic, reports Leo Hickey of Yale University, the innovations ran to forms never before seen on earth. By dating fossils from many geologic layers, he concluded that large grazing animals first appeared in the Arctic and migrated to temperate places a couple of million years or so later. Among plants, species of redwood and birch originated in polar regions some 18 millions years before they showed up in the south. Examining fossils as old as 570 million years, Chicago’s Sepkoski found that shell-less, soft-bodied creatures were suddenly replaced by trilobites(三叶虫), then by the more advanced clam-like animals. These changes, he notes, “first become common near shore.” That surprised him — an environment with as few species as exist in the near shore, and with such a poor record of producing new species, seems an unlikely place for biological innovation. But when Jablonski dated fossils of 100 million years ago, he found that during this era, too, the near shore spawned biological breakthroughs — more sophisticated sea creatures that move and find food in ocean sediments instead of passively filtering whatever floats by.1 M. C, H/ p9 i% Z% f
  The findings are too new to apply to human evolution, but at first glance they seem to fit the facts. Anthropologists believe that our ancestors became fully human only after they left their secure life in the trees for the harsh world of savanna(plain without trees). There, the demanding conditions triggered that most human of traits, the large brain, and the most profound evolutionary step of all was taken.
$ r5 F2 i6 ?( W6 ~% p  26. Two recent papers in Science magazine claim to have found evidence which contradicts the traditional notion that _______.
7 x6 ?8 Y8 y6 i; e& p  A) relatively harsh environments are the nurseries of evolution. K7 \: Q' o' r' r5 B
  B) evolution occurred in regions with biological diversity/ U* o/ l7 ?4 [5 V
  C) new forms of life come into being in near-shore areas: S5 y6 Q, B' W4 T4 j4 P
  D) species of birch and redwood originated in the south& r& h/ D+ B( r- g% G' F
  27. According to Leo Hickey of Yale University, which of the following may have spawned more advanced species of land animals?* L3 ~  p* R  c3 p/ M9 N( @+ o
  A) The barren ocean floor5 X4 Z4 y- |1 T9 `
  B) The Arctic$ B6 u! Y$ N+ u
  C) The rain forest
/ Q, Y, e, d7 C9 Z* D  D) Temperate Zones
: s8 c( m( h& }8 k8 F" C7 g  28. The word “innovations” in the second paragraph means ________.
: q- a! q" X1 I( [& j. ^$ {( S  A) New theory B) New phenomenon C) Changes D) New inventions
, e/ F1 J1 M# D5 R0 r$ s0 i6 P  29. How would anthropologists take the new findings?% A) k5 C: ?( C' l
  A) They would look at them dubiously
& n% f& j& S: {3 h. o: L  B) They would eagerly apply them to the study of human evolution0 e, @. Z# Y/ a% y
  C) They would challenge them, though at first glance they tend to look at them favorably
+ Z. x4 C5 D# r+ [3 y" ?# \' V+ E  D) They would most probably think the new findings fit well into their theory8 |3 `5 e$ ~5 O* f
  30. Which of the following may be an appropriate title of the passage ?3 y* o& s* G# {( @
  A) Darwin’s Theory Modified
7 s0 `2 S+ Z& k# G7 E  B) How Animals Evolve* ~4 |  @$ y5 p
  C) Evolution in Hard Places
& z- T3 W; d5 g5 F, ]: J- t
: U# I( o" B* e2 |6 x, L6 g  D) Where Did Large Sea Animals Originate
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:36 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    Passage 3
) c1 h! W1 W" H- d7 l  A classic series of experiments to determine the effects of overpopulation on communities of rats was conducted by a psychologist, John Calhoun. In each experiment, an equal number of male and female adult rats were placed in an enclosure. The rat populations were allowed to increase. Calhoun knew from experience approximately how many rats could live in the enclosures without experiencing stress due to overcrowding. He allowed the population to increase to approximately twice this number. Then he stabilized the population by removing offspring that were not dependent on their mothers. At the end of the experiments, Calhoun was able to conclude that overcrowding causes a breakdown in the normal social relationships among rats, a kind of social disease. The rats in the experiments did not follow the same patterns of behavior as rats would in a community without overcrowding.
% S2 V6 }& W) B: a' Z9 T2 z  The females in the rat population were the most seriously affected by the high population density. For example, mothers sometimes abandoned their pups, and, without their mothers’ care, the pups died. The experiments verified that in overpopulated communities, mother rats do not behave normally. Their behavior may be considered diseased, pathological (病理学的).1 f! z# c$ T; @: s7 B5 V  I' l; r( s
  The dominant males in the rat population were the least affected by over population. Each of these strong males claimed an area of the enclosure as his own. Therefore, these individuals did not experience the overcrowding in the same way as the other rats did. However, dominant males did behave pathologically at times. Their antisocial behavior consisted of attacks on weaker male, female, and immature rats. This deviant behavior showed that even though the dominant males had enough living space, they too were affected by the general overcrowding.
; n& |  \$ T* Z( n4 @6 T- _" J  Non-dominant males in the experimental rat communities also exhibited deviant social behavior. Some withdrew completely, avoiding contact with other rats. Other non-dominant males were hyperactive, chasing other rats and fighting each other.* g9 o, A% Y! Y1 z! t0 |- [6 H9 f
  The behavior of the rat population has parallels in human behavior. People in densely populated areas exhibit deviant behavior similar to that of the rats in Calhoun\'s experiments. In large urban areas, such as New York City, London, and Cairo, there are abandoned children. There are cruel, powerful individuals, both men and women. There are also people who withdraw and people who become hyperactive. Is the principal cause of these disorders overpopulation? Calhoun\'s experiments suggest that it might be. In any ease, social scientists and city planners have been influenced by the results of this series of experiments.
+ @3 I2 U0 _0 _: C+ K, W  31. Calhoun stabilized the rat population ____.
: W7 @3 e. @- w" V  A) when it was double the number that could live in the enclosure without stress- a, r$ G3 b& m
  B) by removing young rats
' L  M: }5 \$ e3 w4 L: C  C) so that there was a constant number of adult rats in the enclosure6 L( b6 }6 F* t6 L$ T% G' F7 k7 ~
  D) All of the above are correct  `5 e6 K1 G9 Y2 }8 T9 f9 P# j: g+ N
  32. Which of the following inferences can NOT be made from the first paragraph?
% ]6 b* C( t0 ^0 S1 C. Q  A) Calhoun’s experiment is still considered important today.1 W/ X0 i6 _* c) d' [/ ?- h) s
  B) Overpopulation causes pathological behavior in rat populations.2 ^4 n9 l0 v- |% w
  C) Stress does not occur in rat communities unless there is overcrowding.0 N9 t3 i# p  b/ @: L
  D) Calhoun had experimented with rats before.7 J- P7 I& o/ |1 e1 w. q. G
  33. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
+ y# X/ |; F9 O% ?2 U; Y0 E  A) Dominant males had adequate living space.8 O( ?, g' u+ N0 ^
  B) Dominant males were not as seriously affected by overcrowding as the other rats.
0 H+ z9 X' c) c  C) Dominant males attacked weaker rats.( x$ U! S  R9 V1 o4 F# T- X* r/ E. r3 B
  D) The strongest males are always able to adapt to bad conditions.% R+ u# x7 s+ n5 b$ e8 R
  34. The author implies that the behavior of the dominant male rats is sometimes parallel with
* v" c$ E' I* b+ ~; s  that of _____.! B1 ?5 ?: @! E5 C
  A) cruel, powerful people( W8 s, _% [5 l" d$ m
  B) people who abandon their children: B9 W: T5 o! @( d
  C) hyperactive people
1 i" Z+ _. @9 h/ Y! c! \4 k, n, ?" G  D) people who would like to keep to themselves.7 M# R; w, w) X# \; n# I: A8 p
  35. The main point of this passage is that _______.
) K( D, j- R& J! i% C( m' W2 J7 q  A) although rats are affected by overcrowding, people are not
' J# w' b, a$ c4 t4 d% O1 C  B) overcrowding may be an important cause of social pathology2 d  B% s. I  w: l! h- O
  C) the social behavior of rats is seriously affected by overcrowding) v8 c' r- ]' a7 z
  D) Calhoun\'s experiments have influenced many people
2 D5 |# M% p- L, D9 Z5 R  Passage 4
  p0 }- r1 J2 y  In the past, concern about a man-made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thicker ice sheet. But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning of fuels.; I4 Q' c1 T) P+ l
  Satellite pictures show that large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing. The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place. This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warm the earth.& Q# s* W9 i$ B: S0 D
  However, most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling. Scientists conclude, therefore, that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man. The question is: which natural cause has most effect on the weather?
7 P9 ?# s' w7 N6 O6 a; O% ^3 ~  One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun. astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and “cold” spots (that is, the relatively less hot spots) on the sun. as the sun rotated, every 27.5 days, it presents hotter or “colder” faces to the earth, and different aspects to different parts of the earth. This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth’s atmospheric pressure, and consequently on wind circulation. The sun is also variable over a long term: its heat output goes up and down in cycles, the latest trend being downward.; X' x8 o( A. N; n4 r5 I
  Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar-weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years, including the last Ice Age. The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not. One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earth’s climate. If this is right, the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the sun’s diminishing heat.
/ j7 D+ U6 ]- h  36. Experts used to believe that the chief reason for global warming is______.
; d; G1 i) B  ~  A) that most fuel is consumed in the northern hemisphere
3 S* p9 z5 O1 q6 }- U' v  B) human activities
* ]$ K. l0 n" o% u% [  C) natural influences and carbon dioxide
) a; q9 v) V1 M8 x  D) the solar energy
# B1 y0 n; u2 R+ g  37. The article is written to illustrate ______.% g% n% Y$ Y3 U3 g+ {
  A) the greenhouse effect
9 K* d* ]+ ?+ m  k  B) the solar effects on the earth2 e# D% f1 p& k% u" |# m8 `. ~
  C) the models of solar-weather interactions
9 [2 w( Z4 v' F5 a  D) the factors responsible for the global climate
9 [6 t9 {" r  l% `$ {* U( X7 b  38. In spite of the greater consumption of fuel in the northern hemisphere, temperatures seem to be falling. This is_____.. b) V/ I/ I& f  G# y" B2 `/ [' v
  A) possibly because of the melting of the ice caps in the poles
& p$ E$ u( u2 N# l' x; H0 {7 F  B) mainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are rising
! T4 {. N3 `, x. q2 w. B  C) partly due to the variations of the output of solar energy
, B( E! V5 m' D; Q. g  D) because the sun presents its “colder” face to the earth; C7 y# d) c1 Q; H
  39. On the basis of the models, scientists are of the opinion that ______.7 K( y( m5 T$ U
  A) the climate of the world should be becoming cooler
( b4 H) N+ M  `8 A  B) it’ll take thousands of years for the inertia of the earth’s climate to take effect9 W3 C) [% a; X
  C) the man-made warming effect helps to increase the solar effects9 P, _4 k- i' }, h! U
  D) the new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effect8 j2 X; P. g3 {: i, {
  40. If the assumption about the delay of a new Ice Age is correct _______.6 y6 d) {2 F$ ?& I# l% e
  A) the increased levels of carbon dioxide will warm up the earth even more quickly3 F, x2 u, N* }- }
  B) the greenhouse effect will work to the advantage of the earth' r; \0 I0 G& w" E8 M. z# s
  C) the best way to overcome the cooling effect will be to burn more fuels' u+ f0 l5 `  [- s

" @/ C. I; m0 I; y: j* |  D) ice will soon cover the northern hemisphere
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:37 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
* Q( `- U; M& E" x* I) y4 C  Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D).Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.0 z1 _' j' n. {6 O. F9 Y5 k* _
  41. I am on the of retirement, and I believe Paul would be happy to take my place.% I/ A, y& l. ?* S) L4 e
  A) verge  B) border  C) edge  D) basis3 w1 k+ W7 G+ @
  42. Kate’s arrived every night to take her out for the evening.  a7 z9 t- H$ {! R. V  W
  A) participant  B) escort  C) colleague  D)delegation
" B  z) B2 W2 @- ]1 e/ r1 g" [  43. Reluctant to see her mother, she outside for the school after everyone else had gone home.
$ Y; x/ h/ f# N" |  A) hindered   B) hinted   C) lingered   D) clustered& G- d7 f2 q* B
  44. The local officials their difficulties to apply for more funds from the government.
# W& U" z! P' m; K7 P  A) broadened   B) extended   C) magnified   D) strengthened* i4 [, y, z4 Z7 P( u/ e
  45. It was sad that the movie in a departure of the couple./ V2 V4 I/ I7 g0 Z: F9 k0 X
  A) culminated   B) deleted   C) decorated   D) accumulated3 n8 ~1 B6 d- K! M' G7 z
  46. Half a century’s ago, it’s difficult to of traveling to the moon.
+ y' J4 E5 q- c& H& B8 c, ^% F  A) conclude   B) condemn   C) contend   D) conceive# b: k; C' M2 O) {; X4 x, v8 d
  47. They think it caught fire because a chemical reaction caused combustion./ P1 e6 a& X$ m& v( b- k
  A) reluctant   B) willing   C) instant   D) spontaneous
- b3 r6 [0 I+ _) U" R1 Y8 z' o9 k  48. She still has very hearing, though she is eighty years old.
* Z6 c3 I9 g! ]1 t+ o$ x  A) vigorous   B) exact   C) acute   D) vivid" f2 q3 i! B, H
  49. You may not have heard of the poet, but he is very original and creative and I believe he will become well-known someday.
4 v& I/ @( o& K  ^. D$ u" _  A) obscure   B) vague   C) vicious   D) prominent" E# W5 o3 y# T' J/ E+ w
  50. Your explanation sounds , but I’m not sure I believe it. Can you give me some evidence?4 n/ o0 ]- }/ M
  A) plausible   B) vague   C) irrational   D) ambiguous' B8 t3 K9 g0 ^0 N& e" h3 ]
  51. We never any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.
: L! W! F$ T% d2 ?, r. X- ^  A) treasure   B) value   C) grab   D) cherish. U5 v; A$ |) ~# S1 r
  52. The river was by the setting sun, making a picturesque scene.$ T8 _' ^$ @. [# D- L6 F1 k
  A) modified   B) radiated   C) enlightened   D) illuminated. ?2 J8 A3 K2 W$ }
  53. I felt rather after all that beer the previous night, so I stayed in the bed for the whole day.5 a# \4 `6 \- A0 }: K, m* d
  A) fertile   B) versatile   C) fragile   D) sturdy
. w6 b$ c4 d$ }8 Z" O8 y) b2 C  54. If you want to go to the concert, you’ll have to make a , or there will be no tickets.3 g2 r/ n' Q& G# ~/ y. E
  A) conservation   B) reservation   C) preservation   D) observation' X# _$ M6 l" ^* B
  55. Our new director is much younger than his , who is already 50 years old.
) C, ~  f% L! C( b- B- Y* T; G  A) successor   B) precedent   C) predecessor   D) offspring
8 f" g% B" S+ _4 g9 L( N0 r1 R  56. The government has given a that it will halt the bombing, but we still see the explosion here and there.
4 e0 j( j; |7 z7 q  A) endeavor   B) priority   C) prominence   D) pledge
7 \1 j5 V( C0 B; c$ b  a3 l  57. A of interest in the matter came into her eyes but soon extinguished.
  y+ k) V, V' A7 x# N  A) glitter   B) fraction   C) dazzle   D) gleam
! C/ i* p" w6 C/ E8 [0 S  58. Wearing plain clothes, the king with the people in the streets." w( W; @$ _& w) ~1 @- C
  A) integrated   B) mingled   C) associated   D) collaborated
+ p" `0 W% S9 R; ~, C7 |) A  59. This supermarket has an excellent for fair dealing.
' p- S+ P0 O/ Z4 ?  A) fame   B) popularity   C) reputation   D) impression" N# `2 }, J6 B, @$ R- [" [: M
  60. We hope there will be a peaceful to the new system.  R$ B7 l+ w2 o* q! i% e( y
  A) transmission   B) transition   C) transaction   D) transformation4 m% N$ r5 N* \' R- n! U& ]: D. i( S
  61. A good president should the interest of his people with his own prosperity.
( S! L  t/ t. c- L" L7 {$ \  A) identify   B) exemplify   C) qualify   D) signify* w: p+ T* W1 M$ c$ A
  62. Henry Adams felt so hungry that he ordered a double of fish.
: h6 P7 O2 @, i! u. _, C- F0 f  A) part   B) piece   C) section   D) portion
  g: q, T; [  A  R- o" Y$ N5 x( }  63. The tourists through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for himself./ {2 Y6 `; X  B/ L! P- Z4 Z
  A) glanced   B) glimpsed   C) peered   D) peeped
2 r! P# [+ J* j% X  J  64. The discovery of new oil fields in various parts of the country filled the government with
& y/ [; ?/ p. A% |0 W  hope.0 I7 D$ N5 n8 p4 G
  A) eternal   B) infinite   C) ceaseless   D) delicate
6 j# F; d. v$ U) k! K6 h$ n% f8 Z  65. Undergraduate students have no to the rare books in the school library.
3 b# \% ~, O9 i  Q  H' e, x  A) access   B) entrance   C) way   D) admission$ E* s1 X/ V$ Z0 R7 r" j! h
  66. The Olympic Games in 776 BC in Olympia, a small town in Greece.$ m; Z+ l& J, c* v
  A) originated   B) stemmed   C) derived   D) descended, H# L# w6 `* E' t
  67. More often than not, it is difficult to the exact meaning of a Chinese idiom in English.! G  o* k/ q, s* q. i3 ?
  A) exchange   B) transfer   C) convey   D) convert: L. `: W+ b2 t4 h/ }8 X* H
  68. A man who has is a man of moral principle who cannot be false to his own standards or to his conception of his responsibilities.
9 m) A7 y- L  G5 D  A) integrity   B) ambition   C) anxiety   D) popularity! O. @4 G6 X4 c/ {+ f4 C& N: ^+ G
  69. It would matters if fewer people had to be consulted.* D" g7 d& O+ m( F2 ~9 K& N9 O
  A) facilitate   B) fascinate   C) hinder   D) retard& ]" E6 H6 l+ ~5 n% }' z0 ^1 Q
  70. He was only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return.4 r) Y0 _4 o1 a+ F, v$ s
  A) activated   B) advocated   C) dominated   D) motivated4 m9 f( L& U' X  Q# R
Part IV Error Correction (15 minutes)
+ b7 D; m- P/ M: C  Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
  t  `& H3 m8 J! W  Example:
4 s$ @9 M3 ?  e( _  Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods.  
! q4 T4 Z- G& Q% d% \( G5 P+ u! P' L( i7 {% S# r% }4 Q4 g
  1. time/times/period
# x! b' b+ K# |, J+ a) T/ Z; c  Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature + _+ g8 Z; U' |% F
8 r: K4 [5 S- Q) i5 h- m
   2. /
! A* K9 t$ V( n; f( p; p  as a school subject are valid for∧study of television. 6 j9 L  y( E0 ]" E
1 A& m" r$ A# p; U7 A7 N. P
  3. the
" @, w0 H/ b) |3 O! {  When we speak of a human need, we mean something
2 Z+ @0 H, M) H* C  which is unnecessary to life, something we can live with.   1.5 k1 W, L0 a2 P- }4 P0 ^0 Y, ^. {0 h
  food is a human need. We will starve to death if there      2.# |% w0 `6 m9 |2 H
  were no food on earth; but even if we have plenty of food,% z# X8 ]; }* w+ R
  but of the wrong kind, our bodies will have problem from" Q% A6 i1 h  {: ?; Q. Q/ }0 ^- t( M
  lack of the right food. This is known for malnutrition(营    3.# s; Y# o5 T2 ~/ F) Z
  养不良)。0 y9 K" p; K# L! w" w6 `
In countries where are not developed, man’s food            4.  v$ f5 p5 b# L+ l! J. Q8 q: g
  needs are the same like in the most advanced societies. We   5.
) D: p4 I* I; K/ a  all need food and could live a good life on very few types of
+ x8 m$ _' {) x" S" |9 Y" Z  food. People in very developed countries eat only the kinds  6.1 P2 P- w+ N, F. G; i* o: o( W
  of food which can be grown near their homes, whereas
% e' n2 }2 l/ ?. ^  people in developed countries eat foods which are often
0 O7 i& U4 X1 e5 |% G" m  grown many thousands of miles away form their homes.4 T9 y- j1 P- x, |
  People in undeveloped countries are happy with less5 q" H$ r$ G  z% h( s
  different kinds of foods than people in very developed ones% Z/ y4 j, W: [  P
  are, so we can say that despite the needs of the two kinds    7.
, r9 G5 L! z# U  of people are the same, their wants are different. People in' Q/ N5 |; T+ F& N- W
  very developed countries eat many different types of3 D8 l* f7 |% _1 q
  meat---they could live by only one, but they would be very    8.
% J1 I% J# W6 G: }: i. F. F* m& @3 D  unhappy because every time what they ate was the same.
! b" u* V3 o6 X% W  Even such special food as chicken would be less fun to        9.0 R6 p+ L6 y8 Z2 R. \+ q7 f" K: C- y
  eat if you had them every day. But we can’t just live on# [6 q5 f3 N5 F8 X% L5 u- B
  meat-we need other kinds of food like bread, rice, and
3 I8 l/ v! q' r4 p& m- J, S  vegetables which are no more necessary to our bodies.         10.' E0 q% o9 u3 k  U. Y) `
  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
5 ]6 b+ r* K0 g) k1 {+ m& h! t  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Starting Career in a Big City or Small Town?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:$ S4 @! ^' A0 k& v6 y
  1. University graduates are facing fierce competition hunting jobs in big cities.
, {$ S9 O0 p- y% g$ j3 m  2. Many small towns and rural areas need graduates with technique and knowledge.; s# }2 X0 P5 ^1 @) o

1 z+ u% K8 Z; O3 f: `3 x  3. Where are you going to start your career? Why?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:38 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    参考答案
5 Q% ^6 A0 \" T7 ]  听力
# D; C9 L' m- {# ]* d4 Q  1-5 BAADC 6-10 DCABD, m2 f) i! w+ l" n$ E& k9 W
  11-15 ACDBC 16-20 CBDCC; G" r, y, A2 l" x& w
  阅读- V5 t3 \( u  Q1 N  t4 f
& v) x- M( H2 y; g3 X: @/ I  31-40 BADAB BDCAB
- `0 F# A: o  g- M6 B8 q3 M  词汇
. L  [7 z4 U5 a) w- d/ n  41-45 ABCCA 46-50 DDCAA8 \  M! s/ l6 w0 s
  51-55 DDCBC 56-60 DDBCB
  U' b$ ?: w6 t- M/ n  61-65 ADCBA 66-70 ACAAD* N' U5 G8 G5 [: D  \
+ _. X! m: @: i  G) G+ z$ Z1 o" i$ v" w  71.unnecessary -----necessary8 K0 J+ u2 T0 K2 D
  72.will----would) C0 y0 f% N' b& ^5 P! m' l: q& \
% U2 u& ?* _* m" n; r  74.where---which/that
8 T: C/ P- H# ~7 X  75.like---as" i  {5 B% D; m. O6 ^
  76.developed ----undeveloped
: k+ a. }" U6 q' U: i% C, Y  77.despite---although/though
! Y; Q2 `2 @% {0 H  78.by---on0 _3 F' B; A' q  Z" R$ t
  79./2 l1 ?' w, S* F4 o
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