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[四级词汇语法] 大学英语四级词汇训练1200题(九)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  31.As a commander, you should not _______ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.3 H! k4 M" ^: S
2 O( E6 M9 \. A0 W  B.explode& x. v  T4 B8 ~
& I% t" i4 d3 H' M  D.expose5 y0 e, D- F% M) C8 I
  32.This newspaper often _______ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion% n* u0 |6 S7 @% j
  A.affects9 |2 ~3 V. M  U- P
  B.reacts, A6 J6 Q2 X2 d
: E6 D3 Z. K+ h* c3 s  D.recognizes
, d) S' ]: V& R' v. @& _0 r9 @, b" t  33.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _______ from the front.
5 o" R+ v( ?4 M  }) I  A.feedback( j5 f# E% Z+ d+ |3 P' n
+ r! p" Q( G, Z/ P" W  E5 o/ }  C.withdraw- J) V! _" i) B. e( A: _: V
  D.departure8 `: r: I4 o( U$ u  U# S: w' z" c
  34.This movie has a _______ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.
! e: b$ q+ Z. ?6 p& d5 K  A.dramatic
( j' k% X' S8 j2 g! D! \  B.original+ L. T% z' f. z: O
1 B" n9 u6 u" f; D) F  D.temple, J% t+ L$ J- `
  35.During the graduation _______, the president gave a wonderful opening speech.8 E. A, C* s8 u
  A.evolution$ h9 B3 R7 s% R/ T5 [+ n' Q2 r9 G
# l; \4 p% ^! G# f  q; M& v  C.individual
# R- K* o' r2 X4 o7 m  D.ceremony
0 @2 x; o8 p8 i0 N  36.The dog _______ the rabbit but could not catch it.( S- u- ?2 E+ H* I* P* Z
  A.ceased3 O- L9 C7 y7 Z) {
2 e) j7 |' `7 u* s, C$ \4 Y  C.checked& s' s3 }' |3 j. ]( _
1 }" \) W( ?6 I" d$ a) h2 Q  37.If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _______.) B5 r0 j1 G) L9 Q
  A.excess/ e' O4 {7 m# n# P; n. k
  B.exceed3 s( [/ j4 b3 p8 c2 x" q. k
  C.checked: B6 g: w% l/ E2 B! \
( ~& @: b! ?6 R* F  38.In the class the teacher asked the students to _______ their bad habits.. W. g* i1 i8 |
0 a1 ?% l9 I0 ]2 b, _& w) Y5 _# G  B.omit
6 u0 W) g6 C* k6 L  C.overcome8 C- ]* o+ d* `: G
: S' U/ N6 g, l/ x: w7 X# [8 c  39.When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health _______.$ Z$ Y& I3 I, a4 s6 s6 z7 [+ b. F/ Z
$ j. E# `  }7 O$ ~& M0 m4 I  B.expense3 O8 J4 O# n, K7 B+ d- Y$ j" r7 Y. M
  C.evidence4 B. K3 ]0 ?( E2 R0 W6 M  U, b- X" c
# A* b, t/ J+ }  40.Chocolate and ice-cream have different _______.
; c. p6 U+ L' d) s  A.favour' U: Y. o7 o$ K5 R
" D! b+ m3 w1 u0 I0 k  C.fever
$ |- j# R2 H+ c! Q- ~4 M+ U  D.flavours6 T& b8 Z/ w' D: B' b
  答案:7 a$ b8 H  `9 a2 K2 _
  31.D 32.C 33.C 34.A 35.D
6 V) `3 Z! F: a; K9 E; x5 V# r0 j' S4 _3 s  36.D 37.A 38.C 39.A 40.D

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