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[四级词汇语法] 2011英语四级词汇语法练习题第3组

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. You need to ________ the time for the meeting or you will come late.* f, |9 P8 s, X( Z/ }" r+ Y
  A. measure B. maintain C. confirm D. mend* v0 t) j$ R5 @* s) U
  2. All of his friends came and __________ him on his success.
5 B' J: h& H0 |! s* U) v  A. concentrated B. melt C. congratulated D. mounted
4 ]5 @) i' ]! F- g( D  3. The team ________ twenty young people who were carefully chosen for the work.$ w1 e/ M8 Z5 g2 v6 h5 x- U7 Q
  A. faces up to B. gets across C. gives rise to D. consists of# |/ `9 t" ]4 D4 @" f) t. m- l( X
  4. That country was _________ by the Allies in the Second World War.
: |" W- ~5 V$ r) o8 b) c  A. persisted B. condensed C. persuaded D. conquered) f" q' }, K3 p- K) x
  5. The ________ expressed their passive view about the government’s policy.
7 L* s! H% w: H: \+ b! x  A. critics B. politics C. economics D. tractors
+ [; \( f6 m8 K, M  6. At that time work was mainly ______ to slaves in that society.
- x! y, I" w/ M& \  A. blamed B. complained C. restricted D. expected
8 h- n, R+ c) W% U6 X1 c  7. I didn’t expect to ________ my teacher in the street yesterday.
0 Y7 E8 m9 B+ h- ]* d  A. refer to B. wok with C. deal with D. run into" v# F: |# p% p7 [; i1 L
  8. A sign announcing “No Meeting” was _________ on the door.
. @0 ?5 E# y. h$ _  A. removed B. hung C. delayed D. panted" Q0 J' w; b; D4 Y7 _% L
  9. She has _________ a large sum of money from her father.9 E- \7 R- s0 j6 Z. U$ e
  A. inherited B. presented C. hosted D. turned
7 p3 N/ a2 H* ~" J/ \% K  10. The manager has to be _________ because he could not keep his promise.
" t6 s6 @- v. v  A. replaced B. pasted C. frightened D. patched5 K" A9 D2 {4 R) a  n* O
  11. At this moment, they are still __________ with many economic problems., {0 P" I" ]- h# U" K
  A. centered B. believed C. referred D. confronted* }% L, Z. Z5 c# g- S7 h  Z
  12. The conference was ____________ by one hundred experts in this field.2 Z2 z8 b8 v5 ]3 V* V) m# J, h9 D
  A. announced B. declined C. attended D. planned
. Q: @" u) ]& Z$ r  13. It is believed that _______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.
1 d# O- U  }4 W$ U2 ], j3 I1 A  A. natural B. mysterious C. moist D. excessive8 ^, G# ]$ S( @8 v6 E- h$ ~) R
  14. With a _________, he didn’t care about what his friend said.
& m2 t$ _: T( R  A. contempt B. motivation C. reception D. realization
, G* S  }& j! D9 J0 e9 {4 W7 _' B4 S  15. The guests are often very well _________ by the host in that city.5 d+ c- b7 j$ c9 q& N
  A. recovered B. refreshed C. reassured D. entertained. j& m( Z( B1 J, d" M
  16. The medical report confirms that the flu has __________ almost everyone in this area.  o6 Z" j! ~6 q, Z
  A. infected B. raised C. recommended D. insulated
7 k4 f4 p: l) p5 P, \4 C  17. From the passage we can ________ that this disease can be cured.
6 m  V% o5 [5 `8 X  A. insult B. inspire C. refuse D. infer8 z9 g* _& `1 L9 ^/ D) [6 t
  18. As the price keeps going up, _______ has turn into double figures.( a: {# p& u" Q, e$ \. f( j
  A. recreation B. inflation C. refuge D. reduction- B2 K. T" X7 K: x
  19. The ______ of jet travel has made the world seem smaller.
* U  @5 F9 T0 l5 V$ Z  A. remark B. relationship C. removal D. innovation
; S6 _; P$ @3 p4 y0 Q9 ?) h  20. The factors which would influence the learning will _____ with each other.
; w3 q9 Q) ]% j- o' A: @1 `  A. interact B. install C. innovate D. intend

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:45 | 显示全部楼层


  Vocabulary Test 3
% @9 j8 T4 G4 A) x- K  1 题:答案为C。measure 测量;maintain 保持;confirm 确认;mend 修补。
2 A! a6 b0 ]8 a6 ]6 ]: u  2 题:答案为C。concentrate 集中精力; melt 溶化;congratulate 庆祝;mount 簦上。: T! G  u, n6 d: |2 V& F: K3 l+ z
  3 题:答案为D。face up to 面对;get across 克服;give rise to 引起;consist of 组成。
7 G# u: [' L' E0 r% g* k4 m0 d6 t3 H  4 题:答案为D。persist 坚持;condense 压缩;persuade 说服;conquer 打败,征服。
' Y4 l( Y) M8 w4 v  5 题:答案为A。critic 评论者;politics 政治;economics 经济学;tractor 拖拉机。7 d: a4 h9 a9 C, d
  6 题:答案为C。blame 指责;complain 抱怨;restrict 限制;expect 期待。
# `$ F- ?6 S7 |* l" B* o* ^  7 题:答案为D。refer to 指;wok with 与…工作;deal with 处理;run into 碰见。
8 W! {" k2 Z; D! O  8 题:答案为B。remove 移开;hang 挂;delay 推迟;pant 喘气。
: y% B* g9 @; P% X/ o$ S  9 题:答案为A。inherit 继承;present 展示;host 主持;turn 转动。$ I- V) y! m+ l7 {' V4 \$ Q2 \/ `
  10 题:答案为A。replace 取代;paste 贴;frighten 恐吓;patch 修补。{ad300_right}
5 [' x4 |0 ?- b6 w2 {4 z  11 题:答案为D。center 围绕;believe 相信;refer 特指;confront 面对。
. y$ C3 T4 b7 R" W5 Z- F4 Q  12 题:答案为C。announce 声明;decline 下降;attend 参加;plan 计划。4 g$ \% F/ J0 P. _; D9 D1 c
  13 题:答案为D。natural 自然的;mysterious 神秘的;moist 潮湿的;excessive 超量的。
/ k% }" ~2 u9 y) |  14 题:答案为A。contempt 蔑视;motivation 动机;reception 招待;realization 实现。% L& `' B" |7 m% ?! M7 ?8 U
  15 题:答案为D。recover 恢复;refresh 提神;reassure 确保;entertain 招待。
3 \/ t' g7 t" _! I1 ~  16 题:答案为A。infect 感染;raise 扶养;recommend 推荐;insulate 绝缘。5 b3 g4 k1 I" i7 J/ g  _/ q' }
  17 题:答案为D。insult 侮辱;inspire 激励;refuse 拒绝;infer 暗示。
. B4 [. `7 F5 F( n5 h' Y  18 题:答案为B。recreation 娱乐;inflation 通货膨胀;refuge 避难处;reduction 减少。" H$ }( K7 ^/ k" p& T4 F$ @
  19 题:答案为D。remark 评论;relationship 关系;removal 去掉;innovation 发明。3 y. x, l; B: i
  20 题:答案为A。interact 相互作用;install 安装;innovate 创新;intend 打算。
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